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This post is more than 5 years old


April 19th, 2008 09:00

2408WFP rev A01 is out, but what are the changes?

I have read numerous posts and seen multiple people that claim to have recieved a 2408WFP revision A01.


However, none seem to know what exactly has changed.


The color banding?

The pink hue?

The weird color setting under Windows?

The input lag?


edit: just quick summary:

@Anonymous-Chris_M wrote:

I would wait until at least the 20th of May.

@DELL-Jimmy_P wrote:

Ok folks, here is the official word.


While the currently shipping Dell 2408WFP monitor meets both Dell and industry standard specifications, we have been closely listening to your feedback on the Dell Community Forum. Based on your comments, Dell is working to incorporate a number of improvements into the 2408WFP as a firmware update for new monitors scheduled to ship in mid-July. This firmware update features greater control over sharpness settings, improved power save recovery, and less input lag. Current 2408WFP owners whose specific usage scenario may benefit from the firmware update should contact Dell Technical Support after Mid July to receive the firmware update. If you have any questions please feel free to post them here or contact Dell Technical Support.

Message Edited by PayBas on 05-24-2008 06:33 AM

91 Posts

July 30th, 2008 19:00

@DELL-Jimmy_P wrote:
There will not be a new Model number, I said part number.

My humble apologies, the thread is getting long and my memory is failing!

2 Posts

July 30th, 2008 20:00

Sorry couldn't reply for a couple of days as was busy with work.


I can't setup the monitor at my dealers shop he just has boxed packs ready for sale not for demo. If I could demo it I would've made my decision ASAP.


The BenQ model is no longer available I've inquired at many places but they say it's out of production.


This leaves me with Dell as the only option for me.


nhawk2 - Many thanks for your help in letting us know about the differences in the new firmware, really appreciate it!


That said I might wait for revision A03 maybe...coz I don't upgrade my monitor that often just once every 4 years so I basically want a no frills one lol


I'll keep an eye out for the BenQ one at a couple of more shops but I don't think it would be available anymore some might have the old pieces in stock so it's just on luck really.


BenQ one does not use the Samsung Panel maybe Dell too should go with LG/Phillips or another panel manufacturer for their monitors coz these Samsung one's seem to be the cause of all these faults.


Cheers & Thx for all the help y'all. 

Message Edited by Jay_85 on 07-31-2008 03:10 AM

July 30th, 2008 21:00

@kmetek wrote:
yes, but it's 600€ here, 950$ so i expect something good in return. It's not like in USA which is cheaper by 30% :(

Then the question to ask is why is it so much more expensive in Europe. In fact, I'd like to know too, even though it doesn't affect me. But that's off topic :smileywink:.


nhawk2, did you find that the revised 2408wfp had a better color setting out of the box than the unrevised one? I really don't want to mess with the calibration.

Message Edited by dvader87 on 07-30-2008 05:04 PM

25 Posts

July 30th, 2008 21:00

Jay 85,


Go look at the Samsung 245t, they do not have a problem making a good monitor with their MVA panel.


Go look at the NEC that uses the same panel, again no problem. 


Samsung probably makes the best MVA panels on the market. Period.


Dell has a problem implementing them into their designs.



30 Posts

July 30th, 2008 21:00

@nhawk2 wrote:

Just tested them side by side. Seems to be a BIT better, about 1 frame ahead.

2407WFP-HC was better than 2408WFP by about 3 frames if I remember right.


Here are some pics:



The monitor on the left is 2408WFP A01, on the right is the 2408WFP A00

Awesome man, thanks for taking the time.  Quick question, what is the program your running in the screenshots for the timing.  I've a couple of monitors myself I'd like to check out side by side.



1.5K Posts

July 31st, 2008 12:00

@KoBo wrote:


If there is a spec, it should be easy to tell it to us, so that we can hold our units against it.


I asked and here is the way the panel manufacturer measures it.


Measure with a white background, brightness and contrast turned all the way up. The spec is 75%, in other words there can be no more the a 25% difference between any two spots on the screen.

1.5K Posts

July 31st, 2008 12:00

@KoBo wrote:

@DELL-Jimmy_P wrote:

@KoBo wrote:


If there is a spec, it should be easy to tell it to us, so that we can hold our units against it.


I asked and here is the way the panel manufacturer measures it.


Measure with a white background, brightness and contrast turned all the way up. The spec is 75%, in other words there can be no more the a 25% difference between any two spots on the screen.

Jimmy, that is completely unrelated to the issue at hand,

I could have sworn you said one side was brighter then the other?

552 Posts

July 31st, 2008 12:00

That was the same impression I got.


I am sure he is correct in his impression, since I have the same issue.


Oh well, It will all get worked out, just may take a little time.

10 Posts

July 31st, 2008 12:00

No, the color setting is the same on A01, but I gave a setting that should make most ppl happy in my original post 2 pages back.


I used this website to test for colors/gamma/lag:

Message Edited by nhawk2 on 07-31-2008 08:16 AM

93 Posts

July 31st, 2008 12:00

@DELL-Jimmy_P wrote:

@KoBo wrote:


If there is a spec, it should be easy to tell it to us, so that we can hold our units against it.


I asked and here is the way the panel manufacturer measures it.


Measure with a white background, brightness and contrast turned all the way up. The spec is 75%, in other words there can be no more the a 25% difference between any two spots on the screen.

Jimmy, that is completely unrelated to the issue at hand, but thanks for asking anyway.What that white background will do is measure some backlight uniformity differences at best. That is not the issue and it's completely unrelated to VA washout, which the 2408WFP is severely plagued by.


I will reiterate the issue again, please read carefully:


If I had a specification, I could hold my unit against it and determine if it's defective or not. If the washout is by design (within spec) and not subject to change, simply state it and I will know that it's impossible to get a satisfactory unit. I reckon there's at least.


To illustrate in visual/practical terms how much brightness we're talking about. You can make a full screen image (1920x1200) in Photoshop (or image editing program of choice) and fill the background with a greyscale colour of 30 R:G:B to get a nice dark grey (keep this as your background colour). Then select 48 R:G:B (grey) as your foreground colour. Now draw a gradient (light to dark) from the edge of the image and roughly 1/3 across the screen towards the middle. This is what a grey 30 R:G:B, uniform background looks like on this monitor when it should display a uniform grey. I simply matched a gradient on the right side to match the monitor's "fabulous" hardware gradient on the left.


If you are already on a 2408WFP, you obviously won't have to draw the gradient as the monitor is already doing it for you. But this way people can see exactly what they are getting with a 2408WFP.


I'm just wondering if Dell thinks that this is good and what the spec is for this?

1.5K Posts

July 31st, 2008 12:00

@dvader87 wrote:
Still waiting on your cue to get the revised, brand new 2408wfp, Jimmy. Is there a way for you to find out?


I was told to wait at least two weeks from the 21st before ordering any, I would love it if I knew an exact date, the last thing I want is to have to do this twice because I didn't wait long enough.

93 Posts

July 31st, 2008 13:00

@DELL-Jimmy_P wrote:
That is the way they measure brightness, I don't know what else to tell you. You don't seem to accept anything I say at face value.


That is, with all due respect, because my questions still go unanswered. I ask a question in the east and receive an answer in the west. I get answers completely unrelated to the issue at hand.


Is this a problem of talking past eachother, because of failure to properly understand the issue? VA washout will never be visible on a completely white background and it is completely unrelated to backlighting.


You cannot possibly expect to measure VA washout on a white background with brightness and contrast turned all the way up. It's a non-answer to my question.


It's getting frustrating, being met with this wall of complete failure to understand these simple concepts.

Message Edited by KoBo on 07-31-2008 09:32 AM

93 Posts

July 31st, 2008 13:00

@DELL-Jimmy_P wrote:

@KoBo wrote:

@DELL-Jimmy_P wrote:

@KoBo wrote:


If there is a spec, it should be easy to tell it to us, so that we can hold our units against it.


I asked and here is the way the panel manufacturer measures it.


Measure with a white background, brightness and contrast turned all the way up. The spec is 75%, in other words there can be no more the a 25% difference between any two spots on the screen.

Jimmy, that is completely unrelated to the issue at hand,

I could have sworn you said one side was brighter then the other?


I don't know what to say anymore, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!


Measuring with a white background is completely useless and completely unrelated to the VA washout issue that the 2408WFP suffers from to a much more severe degree than any other S-PVA monitor I've seen.


If you do the test I've now posted more than once. You will see that taking a dark grey background (or dark red/brown/blue) the left hand side will differ from the center with more than +25% of the expected colour/brightness.


Does Dell accept this, or consider this a defect? If Dell accepts this, I take it that it produced to this specification and thereby conclude that Dell Q&A is completely incompetent.


If Dell does not accept this, then when I can get a 2408WFP without severe VA washout?

July 31st, 2008 13:00

Dude KoBo, I don't mean to be condescending, but just try and understand that we're not all finicky image professionals (or whatever you are) that knows exactly what you mean when you say what you say. Give Jimmy a break man, he's trying his best. It doesn't hurt to be a little more courteous.

1.5K Posts

July 31st, 2008 13:00

That is the way they measure brightness, I don't know what else to tell you. You don't seem to accept anything I say at face value.
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