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12 Posts


March 2nd, 2020 10:00

P2720D, power cord replacement

Currently, I have a Dell P2720D here.


Unfortunately, the power cord seems to be faulty. Its power plug does not completely fit in the monitor plug. So this produces a loose contact, and when swiveling the monitor the monitor often loses power!

My questions are:

a) What is the part number of the original power cable that comes with the P2720D (for Germany)? Additionally, a link to a picture showing this cord and plug would be very nice. - I guess, I got the wrong cord!

b) I have an old power cord (for a PC, not for a monitor!) rated 10A, 250V.

May this one be used for the Dell P2720D? Or would there be a safety or stability related problem?


Many thanks.

12 Posts

March 2nd, 2020 10:00

"Its power plug does not completely fit in the monitor plug." should, of course, read:

"Its power plug does not completely fit in the monitor *socket*"

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

March 3rd, 2020 11:00

I do not see a Germany specific power cable on the P2720D parts page.

P2720D power cable part numbers =
Americas 5120P, 6F190
Denmark 95095
Europe 78390
Ireland/UK 16583
Israel MJ159
Italy 23322
South Africa 99108
Switzerland 91949
UK CK548
UK K2819

When viewing your private service tag number in our Dell tools, it shows us the following shipped =



78390 picture =

12 Posts

March 3rd, 2020 11:00

Is it that difficult to provide a picture of the original power cord for Germany? And to tell me the exact article number?

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

March 3rd, 2020 12:00

Not tested by Dell, but same A and V, so should be fine.

Second picture is correct, 1.8m.

12 Posts

March 3rd, 2020 12:00

Many thanks for your efforts! That helps a lot!

Unfortunately, the pictures are a little too small for me to see the exact shape.

But using that part number 78390 in a google search I found larger pictures. And no, this is not the same shape of the plug as the one I got. So obviously, I got the wrong cable. Probably I got a return, and the previous owner swapped the cable!



I final question:

Would it be okay to use the power cord of my very old PC (rated 10A 250V) that fits in perfectly - without causing safety or stability risks? Thanks again.



By the way, what is the length of the cord? "SKU" mentions 2.5m, whilst "Part" mentions 2.0m! But anyway, mine is only at best 1.8m long.



Now, I am completely confused; further down, it reads, in fact: 1.8M! Which would be the length of the cord I got, though the shape of the plug is different...

12 Posts

March 3rd, 2020 13:00

Thank you very much.


I found the power cord that I got at this Vietnamese site:

I wonder whether this is really what Dell ships with this monitor...



25.7K Posts

March 3rd, 2020 13:00


Thanks for sharing the information about the power chord that you found on the Vietnamese site. I'll have it reviewed by my team internally and get back to you with an update soon.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

March 4th, 2020 05:00

It does have the identical appearance and specifications as shown on our parts page second picture.

12 Posts

March 4th, 2020 05:00

Okay, so if this is really the original brand and type that comes with a P2720D, it is still strange that this power cord does not fully fit in (wiggling a little), whilst some randon cable of mine does perfectly.

Well, I guess, I'll have to talk to the dealer and might even return the product.


By the way, I would have assumed that "78390" describes a unique shape.


Obviously not?

This 78390 cable clearly looks different from the shape of the cable on the Vietnamese site.

The first one of the large pictures below "item description", between the letters "A" and "S" in the image shows an indentation/a notch that is not present in this shape (or only very little) on the 78390 cable on the Vietnamese site.

The cable that came with my monitor is like on the Vietnamese site, not like the ascendtech one (my old cable is like the latter and fits in well).




Again, many thanks for all the support.

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