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February 12th, 2017 17:00

U2414H, vertical lines in blue and orange color, #2

I'm trying to reply to this thread here, but can't find a reply button. Maybe it's closed?

I have the exact the same issue described.

And I can also confirm the monitor is A03 revision built in October 2016. So it seems just the norm of this panel and Dell should look more into it.

These lines in my cases are uniform across the whole screen. There aren't areas where they are more visible. And I also noticed that if you change the screen frequency from 60hz to 50 the effect is substantially diminished, even if it's still there and cannot be completely removed.

But it does seem linked to the frequency of the screen.

Couldn't Dell look more into this? It might be fixable in bios if it's something wrong with frequency.


Community Manager


54.9K Posts

February 13th, 2017 08:00

* Reset the U2414H to Factory Defaults in the Menu- Others
* If installed, uninstall DDM (Dell Displays Manager)
* Restart the computer
* Retest and post a video showing us the issue
* Retest using all available video card out ports to all available U2414H in ports

February 17th, 2017 18:00

Also this one.

If you sit a bit away from the monitor you see how brighter columns alternate dimmer ones. But it's a cumulative effect that happens when you look from some distance. The close you look the least you notice it.

February 17th, 2017 18:00

The effect is really hard to get on camera. Because if you get close you cannot see it. It appears when you are at a normal distance from the monitor, and if you are too far the camera adds its own artifacts and blur so you cannot see the problem.

(please open them in a separate window so they keep their original size)

While there's weird banding in the first image, what I see on screen is closer to the second one. As you can see if you pay attention to the area I circled you can notice how a vertical line is brighter then the following, and they keep alternating, one bright, the following slightly dimmer (this doesn't happen on other LCD monitors I have, of course).

Since in the other forum thread I linked two users confirmed this, tested over six different monitors including mine, all of them being A3 revision produced in October 2016, it seems fair to assume is not an isolated issue...

I repeat that:

- The defect is uniform across the whole panel. It doesn't do it on a corner or specific area. 100% of the screen has that defect, perfectly uniform.

- It's not due to hardware. I tested this on two completely different computers, different cables and even on a satellite receiver. So no PC at all. All of them showing the exact same issue.

- It's not due to monitor options or calibration of any kind. I can pick every single presets of the monitor and this effect is always there, including brightness and contrast. Nothing affects it.

- The only element that reduces the flaw is by lowering the frequency. But even at 50Hz the effect is still there, just less noticeable.

- It's a very faint defect, and only appears in certain blue and orange tones, but it is quite fastidious over time, because you still perceive that striping.

- I would contact Dell for a replacement (Italy? I don't know how support works here) but considering all new models seems to have this flaw, what's the point? We need Dell to look into this technically, there's no point replacing the monitor with one with an identical defect.

I don't really want to get stuck in an unending cycle, or even have to pay money for shipment if Dell considers the monitor perfectly functional because they think this kind of defect is too faint to justify a replacement. And since it's likely all these new monitors are like this, I really don't want to get stuck for a long time.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

February 21st, 2017 06:00

We are not seeing monitor returns over this complaint. So it is not a "systemic" platformwide issue. Your only options are exchanges or refund.

1 Message

February 27th, 2017 06:00

I'm also having this exact same issue - there are visible diagonal stripes in all lighter blue colours and orange colours so I can second the OP's issue.

February 27th, 2017 10:00

Yeah, I don't know exactly how policies work locally so I'm not going to spend money to send the monitor back, wait days/weeks for a replacement with the risk it's not considered an issue or even get the problem fixed. So I just have to deal having spend money without getting the product I expected.

I mean. I could have bought a newer U2417h and I specifically didn't to be "safe" with a proven older model. Turns out the new models aren't anything like the models that websites have positively reviewed years ago. What's the point of messing with old models? Is it a sneaky move to persuade people to move on newer models since the new ones weren't even be able to match the quality of old ones?

My own also has an annoying problem with IPS glow (there's also some blacklight bleeding, but that's within acceptable levels, even if visible), especially in the lower right corner, but that is visible even if you look at the screen from straight ahead.

If websites reviewed this actual model today I don't think it would receive positive ones. I could have bought ASUS, I could have bought the newer Dell, nope, I stuck to the old model because I knew it was problem free. And I was wrong.

I just wish Dell looked into this since it certainly doesn't seem an isolated case and there's even the possibility that plenty out there have a similar issue but don't even recognize it because it's not very obvious unless you have another monitor next and notice something is wrong. If I was the only one, okay. But I searched through Google and found that thread quoting the exact same model, one user that tried THREE different monitors, ALL three with the same issue I have? A 100% match on three models, plus mine, plus the other guy with another two matches, plus your case here above if you're to be trusted? That's seven monitors with a 100% match (in the sense that none of us that recognize this issue have seen a single model that actually works fine). This isn't accidental.

Chris here above says:

"We are not seeing monitor returns over this complaint. So it is not a "systemic" platformwide issue."

Well, I'm not returning mine either because of what I said above, but it's not a proof the problem doesn't exist. Or maybe it's just a bad batch? I have no idea. I'm in Europe. Maybe it's a local problem of a batch that is sold over here.

3 Posts

March 5th, 2017 12:00

I also have A03 revision and can confirm the vertical lines that are only visible on specific colors such as blue and orange. I think Dell has changed the panel with an updated one because reviews of older revisions do not point out this issue. I'm trying my best to ignore that the issue is there but I really can't, it can become very annoying from time to time. has the review of AOC i2481FXH, which is a newer model than U2414H but uses the same panel, which I assume is nothing but an updated version. This monitor has also the same issue, which becomes more visible when the refresh rate is 75Hz with overclock insted of 60Hz. I think this is a panel characteristic but it still is a shame that only A03 revision has this issue, whereas older revisions are much better in that regard.

March 7th, 2017 07:00

I still have a remote hope it might be updated at the hardware level or bios? If it's due to frequency there probably is a way to mess with it.

But it would be nice Dell acknowledged the issue, at least. Now we have an official review there that confirms this kind of problem does exist and we aren't dreaming it.

Here's the quote:

"We observed some interlacing patterns on this monitor when it was displaying certain shades, particularly some blue, yellow or orange shades. There appeared to be faint vertical stripes of a slightly darker shade than is intended. This can sometimes be caused by uneven spacing or arrangements of certain subpixels and you can see above that the red and blue subpixels do appear slightly thinner with larger gaps to the left and right than the green subpixels. However; we don’t feel this is strictly related to the subpixel layout because rather curiously the effect was as good as absent at 50Hz, fairly faint at 60Hz (default) and very obvious if the monitor was running much higher than this (e.g. 75Hz) as explored later on. It could be a combination of the subpixel structure and some odd form of static dithering which is used in a more obvious way at higher refresh rates. This isn’t something that most users will necessarily notice at 60Hz nor find bothersome but we felt it was worth mentioning for completeness."

It's a really SHADY practice to replace a panel on a monitor with one of a lower quality and without changing the model number. How the *** is a customer supposed to understand what to buy if now even the model number means nothing?

March 7th, 2017 08:00

This one too:

"You can see that the red and blue subpixels are slightly thinner with larger gaps to the left and right than the green subpixels. We observed some vertical interlacing patterns on certain shades on this monitor, for example certain yellow, orange and blue shades which appeared to have a faint pinstripe effect of a very slightly lighter and darker alternation of the intended shade. These were subtle and not something everyone would actually notice, at 60Hz. Curiously, exactly as with the AOC, they become much more obvious at higher refresh rates (such as 75Hz) which could be achieved at the native resolution by ‘overclocking’ the monitor. This suggests it isn’t purely the subpixel layout that causes this. It’s far from a ‘deal breaker’ as it’s so faint at 60Hz, but it’s a curious observation to note now on 2 different Full HD LG AH-IPS panels we’ve used recently."

For me at 40Hz the problem is essentially resolved, at 50Hz visible, and 60Hz really obvious and definitely a deal breaker.

3 Posts

March 7th, 2017 09:00

I have contacted Dell support and they immediately accepted my RMA request. I think I'll wait for U2417H to become available in my country because it uses Samsung PLS panel instead of LG AH-IPS.

By the way, I have asked someone who has U2414H with manufactured date May 2016 to look whether there is something wrong with blue and orange colors and he said that he didn't encounter any issue. This made me start to think that the issue might be dedicated to monitors manufactured in October 2016.

3 Posts

March 7th, 2017 13:00

Another case I've found on the internet. It is LG 24MP68VQ this time, and obviously it also has LG AH-IPS panel.

The Quote:

"I have the same monitor, ive noticed something weird though, when i enable the freesync mode, vertical patterns starts appearing on certain colors, it is most noticeable for me on the default blue color of windows 10 (go check the tiles) or bright yellow. this does not appear when freesync is off. can you please confirm this? the same thing happens whether im connected to my discrete gpu or my built in gpu. pls check if the same thing happens to your unit. of course i do know that freesync is only for amd, but ive heard that it should work at 75hz with no problems for other gpus."


I hope Dell will look into this issue further and maybe try to make it less noticeable at default refresh rate if it's not completely fixable.

1 Message

December 4th, 2017 20:00

Hello guys, I've just got a new U2414H Rev A03, and it has the same vertical lines problem. Talked to one other guy who bought the same monitor here in Serbia a few weeks ago, and he has the same issue. So definitely the problem is pretty widespread.

I've returned my U2414H today, but I will have to wait a few weeks before they process it and check it, although two guys in the store where I've bought it said that they don't notice anything wrong with the colors when I powered up the monitor and connected it to a computer.

For me, the problem is VERY noticeable, and really not acceptable even in budget, low end monitors, and I sure hope that Ultrasharp series is not one of them.

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