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This post is more than 5 years old


May 1st, 2007 08:00

INCR Exchange Backup Fails

I am receiving an error when I try to backup my Exchange store via an incremental backup (full works fine). I have updated the server to the latest NetWorker client (7.3.2 Jumbo Update 1) and the latest NetWorker Module for Exchange (5.0). Here are the errors from my daemon.log:

* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:00:21 nsrxchsv_ese.exe Version: Supporting Exchange 2000, Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:00:21 System Version: 5.2 Build 3790 Service Pack 1
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:00:21 ESEBCLI2.DLL Version: 6.5.7638.1 Service Pack 2
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:00:21 Performing an Exchange save operation; save level is Incremental (Legato Backup Level: incr).
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:00:21 Parsing parameters from the command line...
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:00:21 Opening connection to NetWorker Server...
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:00:23 Processing storage group
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:00:25 Backup storage group
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:03:35 Backup of logs for storage group was successful
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:03:36 HrESEBackupTruncateLogs: Error returned from an ESE function call (d).
* MSEXCH:IS (0xc7ff1004)
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:03:36 hrErrorFromESECall last error: -1032 (0xfffffbf8)
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:03:36 The backup failed; status is 0xc7ff1004.
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:03:36 Completed backup Status: 0xc7ff1004
* MSEXCH:IS unknown error -939585532 (0xc7ff1004)
* MSEXCH:IS [8172] 04/30/07 16:03:36 Backup operation finished with errors. No savetime was sent.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

14.3K Posts

May 1st, 2007 11:00

-1032 stands for "Cannot access file, the file is locked or in use", but I'm not sure about 0xc7ff1004. If you look around you will see number of people reporting this error. I would suggest to open this with MS support first to get understanding what is the meaning of returned code.

7 Posts

May 1st, 2007 12:00

Below is the Event ID error and Microsoft's response. The permissions on the folder look good, however. I am going to try a couple of things over the course of the next few days. I'll post my findings if anything comes of my attempts.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: ESE
Event Category: General
Event ID: 485
Date: 4/30/2007
Time: 4:03:36 PM
Information Store (3104): An attempt to delete the file "filename.log" failed with system error 32 (0x00000020): "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. ". The delete file operation will fail with error -1032 (0xfffffbf8).
An unexpected error was encountered while trying to delete a file.
You will receive the following phrase in the event Description:
Information Store (number) An attempt to delete the file path\filename failed with system error [number] (hex code): [error]. The delete file operation will fail with error [number](hex code).
The file name can refer to a check file, a tmp.log file, a temp.edb file, or a temp.stm file.

The cause depends on the Error listed at the end of the Description section of the event. All known causes are listed below.
¿ Error -1032 = 0xfffffbf8 = 4294966264 = JET_errFileAccessDenied = Cannot access file - the file is locked or in use. Another process has "stolen" the file. A virus checker may mistakenly quarantine a file, or a backup process may temporarily deny access. A flat file backup system or anti-virus software may be running against the database or check file directories or the M: drive. This error can also occur if the permissions on the folder that contain the files for the information stores are not sufficient for the stores to function properly.

User Action
¿ For Error -1032. change the permissions on the folders that contain the information store files to the default permissions. Configure the flat file backup and anti-virus software to not scan the Exchange server information store subdirectories or the M: drive. Use Exchange-aware online backup and anti-virus software.
¿ NOTE: fix the root cause first. If the databases are inconsistent and you cannot run soft recovery, you may need to restore from online backup. As a last resort, you may need to repair the database with Eseutil /p, run Isinteg -fix, and then use ExMerge or Move Mailbox or .pst files to move the mailboxes to a new store, delete the current database, create a new one, and then use ExMerge or Move Mailbox or .pst files to move the mailboxes back into the blank database.
No Events found!
