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April 25th, 2007 08:00

SQL /Exchg backups alongside files system backups on the same client (?)

One is backing up an SQL client for instance. So one is using MSSQL: in the save set field (all instances of mssql, right). I was told that you cannot use both MSSQL: (or MSEXCH:) and ALL save sets along side? What if one needs to back up other save sets on that same client machine ¿ file system save sets like directories and/or SYSTEM STATE:, SYSTEM DB:? Can I define those other file system save sets alongside with MSSQL: and MSEXCH:?

Thank you

724 Posts

April 25th, 2007 13:00

Groups do not depend on each other. The second group will start, does not matter if first one is still running or not.

2K Posts

April 25th, 2007 08:00

Definetely, you need three client resources for FS, SQL & Exch backups and for performance issues etc. no one would recommend backing them up st the same time.

So keep them in different groups and different times especially if you want to backup SYSTEM save sets.

April 25th, 2007 08:00

Hi Danny,

Thanks for the help. Indeed that is exactly what i have just researched. If bakcing up at the same time isnt a good idea it shouldnt be a problem for me to group them separetly and run them on separate schedules (should it?). However my initial confusion was becasue I did not realize that I could create multiple client resources for one phisycal client. How do I do that? I'm thinking create one with a different name and use use aliase(s)? Is that the correct way?

Thank you

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724 Posts

April 25th, 2007 08:00

You can't, because if you want to backup MSSQL, you'll need a specific backup command, for MSEXCH another one, and for system state and file systems you won't need to specify nothing in that field.

So, create different client instances, one for SQL backups, another one for Exchange, and another one for FS. But some people here will tell you that's not a good idea to do all this backups at the same time.

April 25th, 2007 10:00

Excelent. thank you everyone.

724 Posts

April 25th, 2007 10:00

Just create the client with the same name, you don't need to have aliases for that. You can have many instances of the same client (with same name) as long as they don't have the same saveset and schedule. As example:

saveset: MSSQL:
schedule: day_full

saveset: MSEXCH:
schedule: day_full

And so on. Then just set each client instance for a different group, and let them run at different times.

April 25th, 2007 12:00

actually I have a small follow up question; what hapens if the start time of the second group overlaps with run time of the first group? Doe sthe second group will just wait until the first one finishes and then starts?

April 25th, 2007 13:00

Good to know. So, but when you say: "So, create different client instances, one for SQL backups, another one for Exchange, and another one for FS. But some people here will tell you that's not a good idea to do all this backups at the same time."

It is not recomended to do these backups at the same time from teh same client? .. or even from different clients.

For instance, my FS group starts at 1:00 and runs untill 5:00. The Exchange group is scheduled to start at 4:00. Thye will overlap and run at teh same time for an hour. And if it isint a good idea, how do I avoid it? Is there a method to Que the groups?

724 Posts

April 25th, 2007 14:00

The problem here is client performance. If you do not notice any performance problem when running these backups at the same time, you don't need to worry for now. Maybe later, when these databases and filesystems become larger, you'll have some performance issues.

For the time being, let your groups run on the time you set and see how it goes.
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