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July 24th, 2017 08:00

N2048P stack unreachable - ipMapProcessing / osapiArpFlush error


I have 3 N2048P stacks connected to a central switch with Giga SFP. The 3 stacks have the same config and the same firmware
All the 3 links are up without any error on the central switch.

I can connect to 1 stack without error (local account or radius account).

I can connect to the 2nd stack, but with error (local account only, no radius) : 53% ping packets loss.

I can't connect to the 3rd stack : 100% packets loss

My syslog server receive some errors for the 2nd stack and a lot of error for the 3rd :

OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19

(the vlan 1061 is the admin vlan).

What is that error ipMapProcessing / osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19 ?

Is it a hardware problem : stack ? SFP uplink ? Fiber ?
Is it a configuration problem ?

Thanks for your answers.

Best regards.

5 Posts

July 26th, 2017 00:00

Hi Daniel,

We found the mistakes :
1-  there is a bad STP configuration between the N2048 stacks and the core (Alcatel Lucent OS6850) that makes some re-convergences. This explains the loss packets and the error message like
   OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
It is a pity that the message is not more explicit (no STP message, no STP error on N2048)

We do not understand why the first stack works while the others do not work...

2- as I mentioned in my private message, the RADIUS error came from missing instructions (perhaps loss after a reboot without saving the conf).

This morning all is fine. We will deploy the user's VLAN.

Once again, the problem was between the chair and the keyboard...

Thank you for everything.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

July 24th, 2017 11:00

I am not certain what would be causing messages like this. Are there any other messages to accompany these? Does the switch logging differ from what is recorded on the syslog server? # show logging

What do the resources look like on the stacks? # show memory cpu, # show process cpu

Are all other VLANs operating without this kind of behavior? Is this a new deployment or have these stacks previously been operational?

As a test, could you please try disabling ip redirects? # no ip redirects

5 Posts

July 25th, 2017 01:00


The stacks are in a new deployment. The user's VLAN are unused for the moment.

The command 'no ip redirects' has no effect.

Here are the logs of the 2nd stack :

n2048p-2#show memory cpu

Total Memory................................... 1032452 KBytes
Available Memory Space......................... 296948 KBytes

n2048p-2#show process cpu

Memory Utilization Report

status     KBytes
------ ----------
free       297072
alloc      735380

CPU Utilization:

PID        Name                  5 Secs  60 Secs 300 Secs
---------- ------------------- -------- -------- --------
3          (ksoftirqd/0)         0.00%    0.01%    0.01%  
12         (ksoftirqd/1)         0.00%    0.03%    0.02%  
17         (kworker/0:1)         0.00%    0.01%    0.01%  
1078       (procmgr)             0.09%    0.06%    0.08%  
1157       (syncdb)              0.09%    0.03%    0.03%  
1198       osapiTimer            0.00%    0.00%    0.01%  
1201       bcmINTR               0.38%    0.29%    0.25%  
1202       socdmadesc.0          0.19%    0.18%    0.20%  
1203       bcmMEM_SCAN.0         0.00%    0.01%    0.02%  
1205       bcmIbodSync.0         0.00%    0.04%    0.04%  
1206       bcmL2X.0              3.50%    3.53%    3.52%  
1207       bcmCNTR.0             1.55%    1.41%    1.40%  --More-- or (q)uit
1212       bcmRX                 0.48%    0.37%    0.37%  
1213       bcmNHOP               0.00%    0.00%    0.01%  
1214       bcmATP-TX             0.09%    0.14%    0.13%  
1215       bcmATP-RX             0.19%    0.14%    0.13%  
1225       bcmLINK.0             0.29%    0.26%    0.27%  
1226       cpuUtilMonitorTask    0.19%    0.13%    0.13%  
1246       nim_t                 0.00%    0.12%    0.09%  
1249       emWeb                 0.00%    0.01%    0.00%  
1251       dtlTask               0.00%    0.02%    0.03%  
1255       hapiRxTask            0.09%    0.05%    0.03%  
1259       hapiL2FlushTask       0.09%    0.03%    0.02%  
1262       hapiBroadBufferUsag   0.00%    0.03%    0.03%  
1263       hapiL3AsyncTask       0.00%    0.00%    0.01%  
1265       hapiBroadBfdCtrlTas   0.00%    0.12%    0.11%  
1287       dot1qTask             3.70%    0.60%    0.20%  
1290       dot1s_task            0.38%    0.23%    0.17%  
1300       umWorkerTask         17.04%    2.62%    0.65%  
1302       snoopTask             0.09%    0.20%    0.24%  
1312       dhcpsPingTask         0.09%    0.01%    0.00%  
1318       dot1s_helper_task     0.00%    0.02%    0.01%  
1325       tRpcsrv.02000         0.09%    0.08%    0.05%  
1333       spmTask               0.00%    0.01%    0.00%  
1338       tCkptSvc              0.00%    0.05%    0.03%  --More-- or (q)uit
1339       ipMapProcessingTask   0.68%    0.38%    0.33%  
1340       ipMapForwardingTask   0.00%    0.01%    0.01%  
1341       pbrProcessingTask     0.19%    0.07%    0.07%  
1363       openrTask             0.48%    0.57%    0.59%  
1365       (vr_agent_app)        0.19%    0.11%    0.09%  
1373       (ospf_app)            0.00%    0.02%    0.03%  
1383       ip6MapProcessingTas   0.00%    0.01%    0.01%  
1384       ip6MapLocalDataTask   0.00%    0.01%    0.01%  
1402       RMONTask              0.19%    0.13%    0.12%  
1418       StatsAppTask          0.77%    0.76%    0.69%  
1461       poeRead.0             0.09%    0.02%    0.01%  
1507       poe_monitor           0.00%    0.04%    0.04%  
2095       (opensshd)            0.00%    0.02%    0.01%
------------------------------ -------- -------- --------
Total CPU Utilization           31.37%   13.28%   10.65%

n2048p-2#show logging

Logging is enabled
Logging protocol version: 0
Source Interface............................... Default
Console Logging: disabled
Monitor Logging: disabled
Buffer Logging: Level informational. Messages : 25665 logged, 25674 ignored
File Logging: Level warnings. Messages : 3 logged, 51336 ignored
Switch Auditing : enabled
CLI Command Logging: enabled
Web Session Logging : enabled
SNMP Set Command Logging : enabled
Logging facility level : local1
Syslog Server Details: : Level informational. Messages : 7366 dropped
0 Messages dropped due to lack of resources
Buffer Log:
<142> Jul 25 08:23:34 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51338 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:23:33 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51336 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:23:29 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51334 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:23:21 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51332 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:23:19 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51330 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:23:18 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51328 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:23:17 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51326 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:23:12 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51324 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<141> Jul 25 08:23:08 n2048p-2-1 CMDLOGGER[emWeb]: cmd_logger_api.c(83) 51323 %% CLI: process cpu
<142> Jul 25 08:23:08 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51321 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:23:04 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51318 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:23:03 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51316 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:23:01 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51314 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:23:00 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51312 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:59 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51310 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:58 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51308 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:57 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51306 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:49 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51304 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:48 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51302 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:46 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51300 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:44 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51298 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<141> Jul 25 08:22:44 n2048p-2-1 CMDLOGGER[emWeb]: cmd_logger_api.c(83) 51297 %% CLI: memory cpu
<142> Jul 25 08:22:43 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 51296 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:22:43 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51294 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:42 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51292 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:41 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51290 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:40 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51288 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:38 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51286 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:36 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51284 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:35 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51282 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<141> Jul 25 08:22:34 n2048p-2-1 CMDLOGGER[emWeb]: cmd_logger_api.c(83) 51281 %% CLI:
<142> Jul 25 08:22:34 n2048p-2-1 CLI_WEB[emWeb]: cmd_logger_api.c(260) 51280 %% [CLI:netadmin:] User netadmin logged in to enable mode.
<141> Jul 25 08:22:34 n2048p-2-1 CMDLOGGER[emWeb]: cmd_logger_api.c(83) 51279 %% CLI: netadmin logged in to enable mode.
<142> Jul 25 08:22:32 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51277 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:30 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51275 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:29 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51273 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<141> Jul 25 08:22:27 n2048p-2-1 TRAPMGR[trapTask]: traputil.c(721) 51272 %% Session 0 of type 3 started for user netadmin connected from
<142> Jul 25 08:22:27 n2048p-2-1 CLI_WEB[emWeb]: cmd_logger_api.c(260) 51271 %% [CLI:netadmin:] User has succesfully logged in
<141> Jul 25 08:22:27 n2048p-2-1 CMDLOGGER[emWeb]: cmd_logger_api.c(83) 51270 %% CLI:  logged in
<142> Jul 25 08:22:27 n2048p-2-1 USER_MGR[tRpcsrv.01000]: user_mgr_radius.c(631) 51269 %% Unsupported vendor Id received - 800
<142> Jul 25 08:22:27 n2048p-2-1 USER_MGR[tRpcsrv.01000]: user_mgr_radius.c(631) 51268 %% Unsupported vendor Id received - 800
<142> Jul 25 08:22:27 n2048p-2-1 USER_MGR[tRpcsrv.01000]: user_mgr_radius.c(631) 51267 %% Unsupported vendor Id received - 800
<142> Jul 25 08:22:27 n2048p-2-1 USER_MGR[tRpcsrv.01000]: user_mgr_radius.c(631) 51266 %% Unsupported vendor Id received - 800
<142> Jul 25 08:22:27 n2048p-2-1 USER_MGR[tRpcsrv.01000]: user_mgr_radius.c(631) 51265 %% Unsupported vendor Id received - 800
<142> Jul 25 08:22:20 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51259 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:19 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51257 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:22:17 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 51256 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:22:17 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51254 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19

... 16 identicals lines ...

<142> Jul 25 08:21:10 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51220 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:21:07 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 51219 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:21:07 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51217 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:21:02 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 51216 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:21:02 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51214 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:21:01 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 51213 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:21:01 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51211 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19

... 24 identicals lines ...

<142> Jul 25 08:20:19 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51161 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:20:18 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 51160 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:20:18 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51158 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:20:16 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 51157 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:20:16 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51155 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19

... 34 identicals lines ...

<142> Jul 25 08:18:34 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51085 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:18:33 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 51084 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:18:33 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51082 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19

... 31 identicals lines ...

<142> Jul 25 08:17:00 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51017 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:16:59 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 51016 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:16:59 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 51014 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19

... 14 identicals lines ...

<142> Jul 25 08:16:41 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50984 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:16:39 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 50983 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:16:39 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50981 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:16:37 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50979 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:16:36 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50977 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:16:34 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50975 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:16:32 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50973 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:16:32 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50971 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:16:31 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 50970 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:16:31 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50968 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19

...41 identicals lines ...

<142> Jul 25 08:14:46 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50884 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:14:44 n2048p-2-1 VR_AGENT[procLOG]: rto_netlink.c(1218) 50883 %% Successfully added kernel route ip mask via on IntIf 778.
<142> Jul 25 08:14:44 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50881 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:14:42 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50879 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:14:40 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50877 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<141> Jul 25 08:14:39 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[SNTP]: osapi_support.c(761) 50875 %% Failed to send 48 byte message to on socket with fd 75. Error 101 (Network is unreachable).
<142> Jul 25 08:14:38 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50873 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19
<142> Jul 25 08:14:36 n2048p-2-1 OSAPI[ipMapProcessing]: osapi_net.c(1381) 50871 %% osapiArpFlush: could not get interface Vl1061! errno = 19

A new command 'show process cpu' seems  normal (like on the 1st N2048P stack) :

n2048p-2#show process cpu

Memory Utilization Report

status     KBytes
------ ----------
free       296676
alloc      735776

CPU Utilization:

PID        Name                  5 Secs  60 Secs 300 Secs
---------- ------------------- -------- -------- --------
3          (ksoftirqd/0)         0.00%    0.02%    0.02%  
12         (ksoftirqd/1)         0.09%    0.04%    0.02%  
17         (kworker/0:1)         0.00%    0.01%    0.01%  
1078       (procmgr)             0.00%    0.06%    0.08%  
1157       (syncdb)              0.00%    0.00%    0.01%  
1198       osapiTimer            0.00%    0.05%    0.03%  
1201       bcmINTR               0.38%    0.23%    0.22%  
1202       socdmadesc.0          0.19%    0.19%    0.20%  
1203       bcmMEM_SCAN.0         0.00%    0.01%    0.02%  
1205       bcmIbodSync.0         0.09%    0.04%    0.04%  
1206       bcmL2X.0              3.70%    3.55%    3.54%  
1207       bcmCNTR.0             1.26%    1.27%    1.34%  --More-- or (q)uit
1212       bcmRX                 0.68%    0.48%    0.40%  
1213       bcmNHOP               0.00%    0.00%    0.01%  
1214       bcmATP-TX             0.09%    0.17%    0.11%  
1215       bcmATP-RX             0.00%    0.09%    0.10%  
1225       bcmLINK.0             0.29%    0.27%    0.26%  
1226       cpuUtilMonitorTask    0.09%    0.12%    0.12%  
1236       tap_monitor_task      0.00%    0.01%    0.00%  
1246       nim_t                 0.09%    0.08%    0.07%  
1249       emWeb                 0.00%    0.00%    0.01%  
1251       dtlTask               0.00%    0.02%    0.03%  
1255       hapiRxTask            0.29%    0.07%    0.03%  
1259       hapiL2FlushTask       0.00%    0.01%    0.01%  
1261       hapiL2AsyncTask       0.09%    0.02%    0.01%  
1262       hapiBroadBufferUsag   0.00%    0.03%    0.04%  
1263       hapiL3AsyncTask       0.00%    0.00%    0.02%  
1265       hapiBroadBfdCtrlTas   0.00%    0.08%    0.10%  
1279       SNMPTask              0.00%    0.01%    0.00%  
1281       SNMPProcMon           0.09%    0.01%    0.00%  
1287       dot1qTask             0.00%    0.07%    0.13%  
1288       gccp_t                0.00%    0.00%    0.01%  
1290       dot1s_task            0.38%    0.29%    0.18%  
1291       dot1xTask             0.09%    0.01%    0.00%  
1300       umWorkerTask          0.00%    0.06%    0.38%  --More-- or (q)uit
1302       snoopTask             0.38%    0.36%    0.33%  
1304       dot3ad_core_lac_tas   0.00%    0.01%    0.00%  
1312       dhcpsPingTask         0.00%    0.01%    0.01%  
1325       tRpcsrv.02000         0.09%    0.05%    0.04%  
1338       tCkptSvc              0.00%    0.04%    0.03%  
1339       ipMapProcessingTask   0.77%    0.50%    0.34%  
1340       ipMapForwardingTask   0.00%    0.05%    0.03%  
1341       pbrProcessingTask     0.19%    0.08%    0.07%  
1363       openrTask             0.58%    0.51%    0.57%  
1365       (vr_agent_app)        0.09%    0.09%    0.09%  
1373       (ospf_app)            0.09%    0.04%    0.05%  
1390       lldpTask              0.00%    0.01%    0.01%  
1402       RMONTask              0.09%    0.11%    0.11%  
1410       openflowDatapathTas   0.00%    0.01%    0.00%  
1418       StatsAppTask          0.77%    0.68%    0.66%  
1461       poeRead.0             0.00%    0.00%    0.02%  
1507       poe_monitor           0.00%    0.04%    0.04%
------------------------------ -------- -------- --------
Total CPU Utilization           11.10%   10.23%   10.28%

I'm going to try without stacking the N2048P. I keep you informed.

Best regards.

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

July 26th, 2017 07:00

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that you were able to find the needed configuration changes. Sorry that the logs were not much help in this scenario. To me the errors did not seem to be a clear indicator of where to focus troubleshooting either.

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