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This post is more than 5 years old



August 9th, 2008 15:00


I have an issue I have a Linksys router and a modem from sbc when i connect the modem directly to my computer I have internet connection. When I connect it to the router it has no internet connection so do I need to reinstall this router? I also have a laptop I finally got it to connect to the router but now I have no internet connection at all thru the router but I can get connection directly from the modem itself when I disconnect the router. HELP!!!
Message Edited by godschild4life on 08-09-2008 12:04 PM

28K Posts

August 9th, 2008 17:00

Is your modem a cable modem or a dsl modem?  If a cable modem, are you do a complete reset of the network everytime you change the device connected to the modem.  This is absolutely necessary for cable modems.  As I have posted thousands of times, a reset of the network involves shutting everything off.  Waiting 5 minutes, turning on the cable modem, waiting another few minutes, then truning on the device connected directly to the modem. 


If you don't have a cable modem, connect the router to the modem then, from a wired connection to the router, log on to the router's configuration utility and check the status of the router to see if it is getting an IP address from the modem.  Report back what you find.



August 9th, 2008 21:00

DSL modem okay my connection from the router to desktop is fine for now but my laptop once i get a signal is weak it picks up the router and all. Soon as I shut down the laptop and reboot the singal is no longer found so what am I doing wrong here? I have it set to DCHP what could be the problem my secuirty im using wep dats waht the wireless card allow me to use so now what? Im confused I know there is one setting off somewhere has to be but where?

28K Posts

August 9th, 2008 22:00

Which model computer is it that is having the problem?  Which wireless network adapter does it have?  Is it an internal wireless adpater, a PC Card, or a USB adapter?



August 10th, 2008 01:00

Is an insprion 3700 laptop with a wpc54g network adapter. Its  says the adapter is active but there is no access thru the router to the internet. Are my settting for my adapter on my desktop and laptop should be the same? This is confusing to me as to which setting are to go where at this point.

28K Posts

August 10th, 2008 01:00

Is the router broadcasting its SSID?  If not, you may have to set up the wireless network manually, speicifying the SSID of the router.  Otherwise your network card will not be able to find a router that is not broadcasting its SSID.  



August 10th, 2008 21:00

the router is recognizing the laptop but now my signal is not going thru.

28K Posts

August 10th, 2008 22:00

Could you please explain your last post.  How do you know that your router is recognizing your laptop?  What do you mean that the signal is not going through?



August 11th, 2008 02:00

ok heres the issue when i turn my laptop on my card has no connection to the router no signal at all somtometimes I can leave it up over night and the next mourning the card is getting a signal and is active but no signal strength sometimes I can I can see the ip address in the window of my router where you can enable the mac filter. Now I can see the wireless setting from my laptop in my routers tab for the wirless network name. My main issue is trying to get my card a singal from my router without lossing the signal each time it boots up.

August 12th, 2008 20:00

My adapter says its disconneted so whats the problem with it? Its not getting and access point or signal from the router HELP!!! What setting do I need to recheck??

1.7K Posts

August 12th, 2008 20:00

If your wireless card has an external antenna, make sure it is properly connected.  I've seen loose antennae on the back of some routers cause this problem as well.  Also, make sure you test the connection while right next to your router.  Back when I worked in tech support I worked with folks that were trying to connect to a network in the next building ... through 2 or 3 brick walls, or (one of my favorites) through a closed french doors (with leaded glass).  Distance and what the radio signal has to get through to get to the router play a big part in how well you can connect.


Since you are using 802.11b/g/n there are a number of things that might be interferring with your signal (assuming the hardware on the computer is good).  802.11b/g/n wireless uses the 2.4GHz radio spectrum so if you or a close neighbor has a 2.4GHz cordless phone you could be getting interferrence there.  This can be especially bad if the base for the phone is right next to the router, or where you test the wireless connection (basically, the phone has a stronger signal, and drowns out the wireless router).  To test if this is the problem, just unplug the base for the phone and turn off the handset (or remove the battery). I recommend channel 1 for the router as they both start at the same freq, but the phone goes to a higher freq than the router, so you get the least interference there.


If you have neighbors that have wireless networks of their own (like I do; about 12 of them :|) they could have their networks set up for the same channel you do, which can cause interferrence and prevent your computer from connecting properly.  There are three non-overlapping channels for wireless: 1, 6 and 11.  Check to see what channels your neighbors are using and pick one for your router that has the least use, and/or the weakest competing signal.


Hopefully this will help. ;)

1.7K Posts

August 12th, 2008 21:00

At this point, it sounds like you still need to determine what part of the equation is failing (router, radio interference, wireless card, configuration).  By trying your system somewhere else you make sure its not hardware in the comuter/card. By trying another wireless adapter on your network you check the router itself (and interferrence, since its the same location).

28K Posts

August 12th, 2008 22:00

Try setting the channel that your router uses to channel 1 or 11.  This will minimize interference from 2.4 Ghz cordless phones.



August 12th, 2008 22:00

I have a cordless phone in the home do i need to set my router to a channel thats not the same as the phone or the same?

28K Posts

August 14th, 2008 21:00

A wireless connection has a maximum range of about 300 feet under ideal line of sight conditions.   This distance decreases if the signal has to pass through obstacles like walls, floors, and windows.   How much it decreases depends entirely on the phycical properties of the obstructions which are determined by their composition and density.  Thus one cannot predict acurately unless one knows all of those parameters and has an ability to solve complex differential equations.



August 14th, 2008 21:00

So is there a way to make it stronger the signal or not?
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