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October 27th, 2012 15:00

Random Internet Lag Spikes - M14xR1

Since last night 10/26/12 I have been experiencing random lag spikes on all games (Hawken Beta(installed yesterstay), Mechwarrior beta, MW3, and BF3).
* Framerates do NOT drop when the lag occurs
* Lag last for 1-3 seconds
* Lag occurs on both wireless and wired connections
* Lag occurs when no one but myself is on the network and while others are on it as well
* Only occurs while gaming as far as I can tell
* Unsure if other computers on network are lagging because none of them are gaming computers
* I have performed tests using SpeedTest and the ping/DL/UL speeds are normal
* Tried turning off Anti-virus (Kaspersky). No Change
* Ran virus and malware scans using Kaspersky and malwarebytes. Both negative results 

Any suggestion or test that I am able to run to see if it is a laptop hardware problem or a router/modem issue/ISP issue?
Cable ISP
Cisco Modem (with phone)
Netgear gigabit router

Intel I5-2430M
Geforce 555m 3GB
Killer Wireless-N 1103

25 Posts

November 19th, 2012 20:00

It has been nearly 2 weeks now and the problem has not returned since I saw a bucket truck at the end of the street working on the node. Fun enough I never even got a call back from the supervisor telling me he had dispatched someone to the node. Guess he finally realized I was right.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

October 30th, 2012 06:00


Are you saying you did NOT have these issues prior to 10/26? If yes, some driver you loaded on 10/26 is the possible culprit. Did you allow Windows Update to automatically install some drivers?

25 Posts

October 30th, 2012 08:00

Prior to 10/26 the issue was NOT present. I did not load any drivers on that day prior to the issue starting. I also rolled the entire system back to before the problem to eliminate any program that was loaded (Hawken in this case)I believe I have eliminated my M14x from being the problem. I was able to bring another computer up to par to test if the internet lag spikes was present while gaming on that PC as well. the lag was still present.

I also attached my M14x directly to the modem to eliminate the router from being the issue. The lag was still present.

Lastly I was also was receiving lag and drop outs when trying to video chat using my iPhone when connected wirelessly to the network.  

The problem seems to be a ISP issue. The Cable company will be coming soon to check their lines and equipment today. Hopefully this will be resolved within the next few hours

Thank you for responding. I hope you or others can help if my ISP does not find a solution

25 Posts

October 30th, 2012 11:00

Cable company came out changed a few lines that they said may be causing the problem. Lag continues to be a problem.

They are claiming that my network and modem output is now optimized.

I tried connecting directly to the modem after they left and the lag is still there as well.  Called them back. They are claiming that there is some issue on my side. I just can not see how this is true when the lag is on more than one device that is connected to the network.

Any suggestions? I am baffled.

Community Manager


54.9K Posts

October 30th, 2012 15:00

Moving this to the Networking board to see if they can help.

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

October 30th, 2012 15:00



Whe you said the iPhone is also lagging, it almost points to your ISP. Did you power cycle the modem/routers?

Power off your ISP modem/router and your wireless router(if any) for 30 seconds. Then power on the ISP modem/router. Wait 15 seconds, then power on the wireless router(if any)

Restart the computer and try to connect.

What happens?


I think you said you're using Kasperly. Not sure is Kasperly uses a lot of resources.


Can you run Finding System Information REMOVE YOUR PRODUCT ID and REGISTERED OWNER and also run an ipconfig /all log and post it back here.


Have you scanned for Malware? Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware update it and do a quick scan remove anything it finds.

A good article to read...

Windows startup programs. What are they? Are they required? How can I disable them?




25 Posts

October 30th, 2012 21:00

I have power cycled both modem and router multiple times followed by a computer restart and the problem always persists.

Kaspersky uses minimal resources as far as I can tell. It does not scan unless I ask it too and keeps an eye out for possible threats from places that are known to include viruses.

As stated the lag  is present even when kaspersky is turned off completely.

Also I have ran the Malewarebytes as I stated and no Maleware was found on my system.

I already have my computer optimized at startup and only a few programs are allowed to start automatically.

I went ahead and notified my ISP yet again that the lag persists and gets worse during prime time, this time they finally are ammiting that I am losing some packets. They will be coming back out later this weak to mostlikly replace the modem.

I did some other research and found that if the modem is not the issue (it's only 2months old) then my ISp could have a node issue which will require the the top tier techs to look into it. Thoughts or possibilities of this?

(FYI I will upload the two logs you requested when I get home from work later tonight.)

25 Posts

October 30th, 2012 22:00

OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium

OS Version:                6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601

OS Manufacturer:           Microsoft Corporation

OS Configuration:          Standalone Workstation

OS Build Type:             Multiprocessor Free        

Original Install Date:     4/16/2012, 2:40:04 AM

System Boot Time:          10/30/2012, 11:09:52 PM

System Manufacturer:       Alienware

System Model:              M14xR1

System Type:               x64-based PC

Processor(s):              1 Processor(s) Installed.

                          [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~2401 Mhz

BIOS Version:              Alienware A08, 12/24/2011

Windows Directory:         C:\Windows

System Directory:          C:\Windows\system32

Boot Device:               \Device\HarddiskVolume1

System Locale:             en-us;English (United States)

Input Locale:              en-us;English (United States)

Time Zone:                 (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Total Physical Memory:     8,140 MB

Available Physical Memory: 5,632 MB

Virtual Memory: Max Size:  16,278 MB

Virtual Memory: Available: 13,460 MB

Virtual Memory: In Use:    2,818 MB

Page File Location(s):     C:\pagefile.sys

Domain:                    WORKGROUP

Logon Server:              \\AW

Hotfix(s):                 114 Hotfix(s) Installed.

                          [01]: 982861

                          [02]: KB971033

                          [03]: KB2425227

                          [04]: KB2479943

                          [05]: KB2484033

                          [06]: KB2488113

                          [07]: KB2491683

                          [08]: KB2492386

                          [09]: KB2505438

                          [10]: KB2506014

                          [11]: KB2506212

                          [12]: KB2506928

                          [13]: KB2507618

                          [14]: KB2509553

                          [15]: KB2510531

                          [16]: KB2511250

                          [17]: KB2511455

                          [18]: KB2515325

                          [19]: KB2518869

                          [20]: KB2522422

                          [21]: KB2529073

                          [22]: KB2532531

                          [23]: KB2533552

                          [24]: KB2536275

                          [25]: KB2536276

                          [26]: KB2541014

                          [27]: KB2544893

                          [28]: KB2545698

                          [29]: KB2547666

                          [30]: KB2552343

                          [31]: KB2556532

                          [32]: KB2560656

                          [33]: KB2563227

                          [34]: KB2564958

                          [35]: KB2567680

                          [36]: KB2570947

                          [37]: KB2572077

                          [38]: KB2579686

                          [39]: KB2584146

                          [40]: KB2585542

                          [41]: KB2588516

                          [42]: KB2603229

                          [43]: KB2604115

                          [44]: KB2618451

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                          [50]: KB2633873

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                          [58]: KB2647753

                          [59]: KB2653956

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                          [62]: KB2656356

                          [63]: KB2656373

                          [64]: KB2656411

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                          [66]: KB2659262

                          [67]: KB2660075

                          [68]: KB2660649

                          [69]: KB2661254

                          [70]: KB2665364

                          [71]: KB2667402

                          [72]: KB2675157

                          [73]: KB2676562

                          [74]: KB2677070

                          [75]: KB2679255

                          [76]: KB2685939

                          [77]: KB2686831

                          [78]: KB2688338

                          [79]: KB2690533

                          [80]: KB2691442

                          [81]: KB2695962

                          [82]: KB2698365

                          [83]: KB2699779

                          [84]: KB2699988

                          [85]: KB2705219

                          [86]: KB2709162

                          [87]: KB2709630

                          [88]: KB2709715

                          [89]: KB2709981

                          [90]: KB2712808

                          [91]: KB2718523

                          [92]: KB2718704

                          [93]: KB2719177

                          [94]: KB2719857

                          [95]: KB2719985

                          [96]: KB2722913

                          [97]: KB2724197

                          [98]: KB2729094

                          [99]: KB2731771

                          [100]: KB2731847

                          [101]: KB2732059

                          [102]: KB2732487

                          [103]: KB2732500

                          [104]: KB2735855

                          [105]: KB2736233

                          [106]: KB2739159

                          [107]: KB2741355

                          [108]: KB2743555

                          [109]: KB2744842

                          [110]: KB2749655

                          [111]: KB2756822

                          [112]: KB958488

                          [113]: KB976902

                          [114]: KB982018

Network Card(s):           2 NIC(s) Installed.

                          [01]: Killer Wireless-N 1103 Network Adapter

                                Connection Name: Wireless Network Connection

                                Status:          Hardware not present

                          [02]: Atheros AR8151 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20)

                                Connection Name: Local Area Connection

                                DHCP Enabled:    Yes

                                DHCP Server:

                                IP address(es)


                                [02]: fe80::751a:1bff:6ee5:4bd9

Windows IP Configuration

  Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : AW

  Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :

  Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid

  IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

  WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

  Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :

  Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Atheros AR8151 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20)

  Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : D4-BE-D9-10-CD-4E

  DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes

  Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

  Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::751a:1bff:6ee5:4bd9%15(Preferred)

  IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :

  Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :

  Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Tuesday, October 30, 2012 11:10:14 PM

  Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:10:14 PM

  Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

  DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :

  DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 416595673

  DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-17-1D-8B-4E-E4-D5-3D-38-28-AB

  DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :


  NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled

Tunnel adapter isatap.{60E37F50-D850-4CBF-940A-18185BAF33F1}:

  Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected

  Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :

  Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft ISATAP Adapter

  Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0

  DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No

  Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

Tunnel adapter Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:

  Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected

  Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :

  Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface

  Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0

  DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No

  Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

October 31st, 2012 03:00



Start, all programs, accessories, command prompt. Type


Hit enter you should be able to see the results with no packets lost. You can also ping any website you want, as long as they don't have it setup for no ping.


A wired connection is always faster than a wired connection.


I see you have the...

Killer Wireless-N 1103 Network Adapter

Connection Name: Wireless Network Connection

Status:          Hardware not present


Not sure what the hardware not present means. When you installed the operating system on 4/16/2012, 2:40:04 AM, was this when you first started the computer or reinstalled the operating system?

Did you check these places to see if your Connection is enabled?


Go to Drivers & Downloads enter your service tag number, then select your operating system. Under Network, download and install the latest drivers.

Try these tweaks....

Start, control panel, device manager. Click on Network and then right click on your wireless adapter, left click properties, power management. Uncheck the box, allow computer to turn off this device to save power. I would also do this for your Atheros AR8151 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20)


Go to the power options, and changed the Wireless Adapter Setting, from Maximum Power Setting to Maximum Performance.




25 Posts

October 31st, 2012 11:00

"Hardware not present" means its disabled because my laptops has two NICs  there no need for me to have the wireless card on while I'm plugged into Ethernet so I disable it manuelly.

Pinging a site comes back normal. A few pings will not show what I'm experencing while playing games or the iPhone video chat lag. This problem does not happen continuously, it's intermediate. Sometimes it's every 2-5mins sometimes longer.

When pinging google infinitely the majority of pings come back at a normal latency. Occasitionally the ping fails but the next ping is successful again.

When the test was ran my power settings was already on everything max performance because this is how I always game.

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

October 31st, 2012 17:00



You can also try...


ping -t -l 5000


Change the value to 1000, 15000 or any hight quality. This puts a request for more load and you'll see more timeouts.


I was helping a manufacturer and I used 1000 as the value while playing a video.


The clue is it's happening with different systems. Take your iPhone to another location and see if get the lag. I still suspect your ISP. In your router, look at my Recommended Wireless Router SettingsI use channel 11, these items may help.

Please turn off the firewall in the wireless router.

Some adapters do not like WPS and may need to be turned off.




25 Posts

October 31st, 2012 23:00

So i tried to ping Google with 1000 bytes and it went through, I tried pinging with 1500 bytes and it failed every time.

I was curious so I pinged with different amount of bytes until I found where it was failing. Turns out, anything higher than 1442 will always time out. I also tried this on 2 other PCs

I also optimized my router with the settings on the sticky and what you recommended. Problem persists as expected.

What does only being able to ping with less than 1443 bytes mean exactly? Obviously a ISP issue.

Later tonight when the network is not being used by anyone else but myself Im going to connect directly to the modem and ping again just to prove again that the router is not bottle-necking the connections.

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

November 1st, 2012 07:00



There are times I can ping google without time outs and sometimes the same will time out. I have tried 2200 bytes and no time outs.


If you get timeouts, then there is usually some type of packet loss.




C:\Users\PudgyOne\Desktop>ping -t -l 2200

Pinging [] with 2200 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=2200 time=62ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=73ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=98ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=124ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=135ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=59ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=83ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=109ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=119ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=42ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=68ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=93ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=32ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=114ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=37ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=63ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=74ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=52ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=124ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=133ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=159ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=82ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=110ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=120ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=41ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=67ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=93ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=103ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=128ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=52ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=77ms TTL=51
Reply from bytes=2200 time=86ms TTL=51

25 Posts

November 2nd, 2012 00:00

So on a normal basis I'm getting packet lost mostly anything over 1500 bytes the request times out every time.

EARLY morning hours (at least for the last two days)  

I can ping anywhere with insane amount of bytes and have no packet lost whatsoever.

Tomorrow the tech from my cable company is suppose to come out and replace the modem. I will mention this to him. If the new modem does not fix the issue. I am assuming something is wrong with the node or maybe a bad line going to someones modem who turns off their modem late at night?

Hopefully I will get an answer and solution tomorrow.

Something to note. My sister was over and playing a MMO on her computer at the same time tonight (both of us connected to Ethernet, playing different games tho) When a lag spike happened it happened on BOTH machines. This is solid proof that either the router (doubtful) or the modem/ISP is the issue.

Thanks for all your help Rick.


PS I will post tonight after the tech has come and let everyone interested in my case know what he believes is the verdict.

November 2nd, 2012 01:00



Please keep me posted. I had issues at my old residence and it was a bad wire coming in to thye home. The squirrels had the wire worn through.




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