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This post is more than 5 years old



July 30th, 2009 13:00

Wifi Connection

Lost connection to Wireless Internet Access

Having set up my Home Network about 4 or 5 years ago, I lost my WiFi connection and am unable to access my home network and the internet.

My system is a Dell Inspiron 9300 Laptop with wireless capability; I had been using Network Magic Basic for my home network. The WiFi card is an Intel Pro 2200BG, it also has a NIC Broadcom 440x 10/100 integrated contrtoller, but it got zapped by lightning two years ago, however I was still able to connect wirelessly, until late last week; when not satisfied to leave well enough alone, I wanted to recheck the NIC card to see if it was damaged by uninstalling and reinstalling the driver. The NIC card was used when I originally setup my home network. Now when I try to access wirelessly it hangs on “Acquiring Network Address.” I also get ‘limited or no connectivity.’ I have tried most of the suggested ‘fixes’ to no avail.   

Please help!

Thank you,


July 30th, 2009 14:00


So here is something you can try, Look for my post on this link

It will show you how to reset the network stack.

If that doesnt work all i can say is you pluggin it back into the ethernet adapter could have sent another surge through it due to the damage done before.

If you have another computer around try connecting to your wireless router with it. if it connects wirelessly then you know for sure its that computer. You can also take your 9300 to a local library or coffee shop that has free internet access to make sure its not the router causing the issue.

Could be a hardware issue.

225 Posts

July 30th, 2009 18:00

Hi Kendall,
Thanks very much for your reply. I will be sure to try that the next time I fire that thing up.
With respect to the surge that caused the damage to my NIC card, that was a lightning bolt that hit a tree in a neighbors yard about 50 ft. from my house, but about 10 ft. from the telephone line just about two years ago; so the danger is long gone.
The WiFi can see my network, but when i click connect, it hangs on 'Acquiring Network Address.'

This is very frustrating to me - I am 72 years old, and I can't help feeling that I should be able to fix this but  I've just plain forgotten how.

Thank you,


July 31st, 2009 12:00


Im sorry it didnt work for ya, As far as the old forum im sure that there is plenty of information and help here for you from people like me.

So to go on to the next thing with it,

Did you try it at a diffrent location? Sometimes the router gets what i and others call STUCK.  so the best thing to do is go to a coffee shop or other local place that has free internet and see if it works there. if it does then its the router that is the issue.

If it does the same thing the only thing you can do next is Reinstall the OS. IE windows XP or Vista on the computer.  You will need to backup data Pictures documents ect that you are worried about losing.

Let me know.


9 Legend


30.3K Posts

July 31st, 2009 12:00



Did you try powering of the ISP modem/router and your wireless router for 30 seconds and also restart your computer?


Did you try using WinSock XP Fix?




225 Posts

July 31st, 2009 12:00

Hi Kendall,

I tried your recommendation last night; no change, nothing happened, I tried it a few times, no space in front, space in front etc., nothing happened, nada.
I really miss the 'old' Dell Forum I know I could have found a resolution there.

Any Help!
Thank you,

225 Posts

July 31st, 2009 17:00

Hi Kendall and Rick,

I very, very much appreciate your replies; with your help I think we can come to a resolution.

Re-installing the operating system is way, way at the bottom of the list of things I would do to achieve a resolution, that is an extremely drastic maneuver.

Yes Rick, I powered down the Modem a considerable number of times, 10 min., 30 Min.,even overnight one time, rebooted, etc. I tried the WinSock XP fix a number of times. As I mentioned in my original post the WiFi can 'see' my network connection - signal strength is 'excellent' but when I click connect it hangs on 'Acquiring Network Address (?)'.

Please don't misunderstand my meaning in my reference to the 'old' Forum; it's just that I can picture in my head stickies on the WiFi board that cataloged a great number of fixes similar to what Rick has posted above only more comprehensive and tutorial, and consistent with the software/hardware of that time and I was familiar with navigating that forum. I am totally lost in this one.

The system I am now using is the 'other' computer on my home network (Inspiron 8100, WinXP Home SP3, 3Com NIC card [no WiFi] Ethernet Connect), Network Magic on this system still has the I9300 but it is in shadow.

Thank you,

July 31st, 2009 21:00

Well im sorry to give you the bad news Bob but it looks like you are going to need to reinstall the OS,

The reason why is cause anything else you do is like a band aid for a gun shot wound, it may stop it for a bit but the issue is still there under,

not to mention the other issues you can get during these.

Here is my personal Wireless TS steps,

1. Restart computer

2. see if any other computer can connect to the router if not power cycle router, or if only one computer present cycle router,  Limited connectivity is usually a WEP or WPA key issue

3.remove and reinstall driver of Wireless card

4. Reset TCP/IP and Winsock

5.  If you can try diffrent wireless card, / Known Good

6. REinstall OS per issue with software not hardware


So here are a couple more things you can try if you want to, but like i said bandaid.


You can do a  REPAIR INSTALLATION ( this is where you reinstall windows XP over itself)

**NOTE** A repair installation will delete anything in the windows folder, IE, My Documents, My pictures,


You can do a Check Disk and try to repair the files, 

you have to boot to the command line on windows vista and XP,

Type in *chkdsk /r* this will try to repair and replace damaged windows files and check the hard drive at the same time make sure you have the Windows XP or vista cd in the machine at the time you do this as that is where it pulls files that need to be replaced from.


Now like i said bandaid, and not to metion the time it takes to do these things are usually so that you can get to a point to backup data and reinstall the OS after,

Im sorry there is not magic there to fix it bob, I have been in the computer industry for 11 years and have been a Tech for LARGE companies in my life, (cant name them) but thats what your looking at from this point.

Good luck.


9 Legend


30.3K Posts

August 1st, 2009 03:00



You wouldn't be using Mac Address filtering on your wireless router, would you?




225 Posts

August 2nd, 2009 18:00

Hi Rick,

I'm sorry it took so long for me to get back to you; I had some other obligations to attend to.
I don't fully understand your question, the closest thing I can find is:
"MAC Authentication:   Disabled"

Is this the same thing?

Thank you,

August 2nd, 2009 22:00


that is the same thing that Rick was talking about.

Since its disabled then that means no you are not.

That would be a advanced router setting wich most people in everyday life do not use. most that do Know how to fix issues related to it.

There are some tech that will set it up for end users such as yourself but that is pretty extreem for anyone to use mac filtering.


Anyway. Hope that you get your computer up and running.

9 Legend


30.3K Posts

August 2nd, 2009 22:00



Can you connect at A WiFi Location? We're trying to see if it's the laptop or the wireless router.




Thanks Kendall, I'm glad you're here and Welcome.

225 Posts

August 5th, 2009 21:00

Hi All,

I am somewhat discouraged and disgusted with my predicament. I've decided to order a PCI LAN Card to take the place of the damaged NIC card in my system. I'm not sure it will work, but for a minimal amount of money its worth a try. I know this is a laptop, but its never left the house since the day I got it. It'll take about a week or ten days before I get it and I will post back then to let you know how I made out.

Thank you all very much.

225 Posts

August 12th, 2009 15:00

Hi All,

I received and installed the PCI Card, I disabled the Broadcom in Device Manager, and deleted it in the BIOS starting sequence and added the PCI card in the BIOS. I hooked up the ethernet cable from the PCI to the Westell 327W, but I only get 'limited or no connectivity'. To compound the situation, I've forgotten my user name and password for the Westell 327W dsl Modem (senior moment). Someone is going to have to start with the basics, very basic, to help me.

Thank you,

August 12th, 2009 23:00

Hi Bob,

Like i said before its your operating system that is causing the issue,

As of now we know there are 3 diffrent pieces of hard ware that do not connect and have the same issue, so that pushes you to the OS,

Now we tried resetting the TCP/IP and the Winsock so now you are looking at backing it up and reinstalling the OS,

There is no magic button or anything special about the issue you have, Allot of p'eople get corrupt OS's as time goes on for many reasons.

I cant say why yours is but it is, if you dont belive what i am saying download a bottable live cd of UBUNTU and boot from it into the live, I wilol bet ya you will get your hard ware working.

This will give you a way to prove that your os is the issue and not the hardware.

Have a good day.


225 Posts

August 13th, 2009 13:00

Hi Kendall,

Thanks for your reply. I am still not convinced it is the OS; WinXP does recognize both the Intel WiFi, and the new NIC card, and the Intel card sees my WiFi network, but I am not providing the right info to make the connection. 


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