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This post is more than 5 years old


July 31st, 2009 13:00

Horrible Customer Service

So I ordered a camera and a photo printer three days ago and then yesterday the status of the camera goes from "In Production" to "Changed."  Why it doesn't just say canceled i don't know, but anyways.  I do a little digging and find out that the order was indeed canceled but I haven't received an email saying it was canceled so I call to find out what's going on.  After I play the waiting game, I finally get to talk to someone that was very helpful or at least I thought he was.  He basically said that he didn't know why the order was canceled but that he would re-enter the order and honor the original price.  So he takes my payment info and says he'll even expedite the shipping and that I'm all set and should have my camera soon.  So then I go to check my new order today and come to find out that it has also gone from "In Production" to "Changed" ie canceled also.  Then later I get an email stating that the original order from three days ago was canceled because of a price mistake.  Now I can understand that there are price mistakes from time to time, although dell seems to make a lot more of them than other online retailers, and that those orders will be canceled.  But why would I be able to order the camera again over the phone and have the customer service rep tell me that the order is in and will ship to just have it canceled again.  So not only have I had two of my orders canceled but they decided to ship just the photo printer that was on the original order even though I won't be getting a camera to take pictures with.  So now I also have to go through the trouble of returning a printer also.  I've been a loyal Dell customer for quite some time now but If this is the way Dell is doing business these days, I'll be sure to stop purchasing anything from them and encourage others to do the same.

3 Posts

August 6th, 2009 11:00

Well, I decided to give Dell one more chance and of course they let me down again.  I ordered a different camera (Canon SD780) this time, that was on sale and get an email this morning saying that the camera shipment will be delayed by about a month.  So I call Dell to find out what's going on.  The first lady I talk to says that they ran out of stock and so it's on back order.  So then I ask to be transfered to Order modification to see if i can get it in a different color that is in stock.  So I talk to a man in Order Modifications and he tells me that the red color is available and that he'll match the sale price.  After a couple of minutes on hold he comes back and says that he is having some sort of problems with the system and to call back in 2 hours and that he'll be able to take care of it then.


I call back two hours later and am talking to a lady this time and explain the situation to her and she says hold on.  Then she comes back and says that she can get me the red camera but it'll cost 80 dollars more.  So I explain to her that the last guy I talked to two hours ago said he could adjust the price.  So she puts me on hold again for a couple of minutes and comes back and tells me she can offer me 25% off the price of the red camera.  Ok, so I'm thinking, well at least we are getting some where.  However, even with the 25% discount I would still be paying 20 dollars more for the same camera just in a different color.  So she puts me on hold again. 


This time the manager, Walter, comes on the phone and this is when the customer service experience takes a nose dive.  So I'm talking to Walter and he tells me that he can offer me $25 dollars off the red camera.  So I explain to him that the last lady told me I could get 25% off and the guy before that said I could get the original sale price.  He tell me nope, that $25 is what he can offer me because the silver camera (the one I originally ordered) costs less than the other colors (red, gold, and black) because the red, black, and gold cameras are shinier than the silver ones.  So i call him on his B.S. but he is adamant that the the different colored cameras cost different amounts and that Canon sells the different colors for different prices.  So then I'm like you are going to try and tell me that the silver camera is $70 cheaper just because it's silver and not "shiny", because last time I checked silver is a fairly shiny color.  At this point in the conversation I'm pretty fed up about not getting a straight answer and being lied to, so I ask Walter if there is another manager or his supervisor that I can talk to and he says no that he's in charge right now.  I'm like fine, when is the next manager scheduled to come in at then.  This is when the phone conversation get ridiculous.  He goes on to tell me that he is the only manager and that he works there 24/7.  I'm not really sure how to respond to this so I'm like ok, you are obviously just lying to me so is there a different department I can talk to that might be able to help me out?  He says I can talk to customer care at which point he says he'll transfer me which translates into him hanging up on me.


Is this really the best customer service you can provide Dell?  All I wanted was a straight answer.

3 Posts

August 13th, 2009 10:00

Just got an email saying that they ran out of silver cameras and so they are going to send a different color because they cameras as exactly the same just a different color.  It's good to see that the folks at Dell are getting their stories straight.

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