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This post is more than 5 years old


May 16th, 2013 08:00


TA Dell service tech in India put me in touch with IYOGI when I was having a problem.  I contacted them once after having to have my harddrive replaced and they said they could not help me because my computer was too slow.  I ended up taking care of the problem myself.   They now want me to renew the contract with them for another year and I said I did not think I was going to do that.   All the "sweetness" and "Karma" left his voiece and he  said they  owned the programs and I could not run my compter without them !!!!!!!   CAN I REMOVE IYOGI WITHOUT ANYTHITING HAPPENING TO MY COMPUTER? 


4 Operator


3.1K Posts

May 16th, 2013 08:00

Hi joyce66,

iYogi used to a partner for Dell. However, Dell has terminated its contract with iYogi and is no longer associated. If want do not want to renew the contract, you can simply uninstall the software. It should not affect the system's performance.

Please reply if you have any questions.

6 Posts

June 5th, 2013 17:00

Removing iyogi will not harm your system, if you have been told that then you are being mislead.

Simply go into your control panel / add remove programs and remove the iyogi software.

Generally I would avoid allowing anyone to have remote access to my computer, iyogi are supposed

to be trustworthy, but any remote login software can be abused by others.

- the information regarding remote software is my personal opinion on the matter.

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