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September 17th, 2019 09:00

Optiplex 7050 Motherboard issue

So two weeks ago I had a coworker go to his computer after a weekend away and try turning it on to no avail. I would normally reset the power supply with the black button on the power supply but on these devices they don't have one in it's normal place. I tried unplugging the power cord and reinserting but the green light would only stay on from 3-7 seconds and then die(did this multiple times). We then replaced the battery and thought that was the issue. It wasn't. Next step we replaced the motherboard and it seemed to be sorted. Well this week I have 2 new devices with the same issue(So now 3 just these past 2 weeks). Has anyone else had issues with the 7050s doing this? All 3 are running Windows10 OS.

9 Legend


47K Posts

September 17th, 2019 09:00

Shutting Down is overheating or some other issue.


6 Professor


8.2K Posts

September 17th, 2019 18:00

For new and in warranty items, for the best service, please use the "Contact Support" link below this or the last post.

3 Apprentice


1.2K Posts

September 18th, 2019 05:00

@FrosttheVII thanks for getting in touch. 3 systems all exhibiting the same symptoms around the same time leads me to believe this may be an environment issue.

Are all of these systems located in the same room or connected to the same bank of sockets?

Have you had any sort of power surges or electrical storms recently?

Going ack to your troubleshooting, the black button on a PSU isn't a reset button, its a self test button to check if the power circuit is complete. If you press the black button and the PSU led lights up, the power supply is working fine.

Can you advise exactly what happens with the power button when you power on the system i.e what combination of flashes does the power button cycle through?

Is it the exact same for both of those systems?


2 Intern


2.5K Posts

September 18th, 2019 07:00

my answer is 3 dead PC ,all 3 dead cold,  not room temp. but  at 96f or not  illegally more..

and BIOS is dead. (not bad monitor or plugged in WRONG , as many do, not to the PCI video card if present)

and all fans to not turn , blow and make that fan sound CPU tops list, even looking at it, is best.

PC can be 2017 made, first ones were. so  if that old, clean heatsinks yet, we do every year.

hands on diagnosis is best, in text box , only endless questions, after all it is computer and not a toaster.

sorry for endless text questions replacing my hands and eyes to 3 dead PCs.

2 Intern


2.5K Posts

September 18th, 2019 07:00

Dead PC,  7050 but which one, we beg for this endless ,  MT, SFF, Micro??? there are 3 PCs and are not the same. BIOS DEAD, WE GUESS.

 I would normally reset the power supply with the black button on the power supply ( this is not any reset) RTM


but on these devices they don't have one in it's normal place. (there is no relic front reset on PC now, just power)


I tried unplugging the power cord and reinserting but the green light (power LED on PC) would only stay on from 3-7 seconds and then die(did this multiple times). the book covers this  but will say POWER PROBLEMs

but any tech knows , the brains behind that lamp is super dumbb.(sic) we give it scant inport.


We then replaced the battery(RTC COIN CELL) and thought that was the issue. It wasn't.  but very wise


Next step we replaced the motherboard (not wise) and it seemed to be sorted.(cured)

Well this week I have 2 new devices with the same issue (what is a DEVICE, please tell exactly what that means a new USB toy?)_

(So now 3 just these past 2 weeks).


Has anyone else had issues with the 7050s doing this?

All 3 are running Windows10 OS. so you are saying 3 PCs are all 3 dead.  is that it,

------------------------------------end inline edits --------------------------------------------------

sounds (seems) to me like a huge power hit (surge /ESD or near close lightening hits),  ever consider UPS's"

The PSU would be first not a new MOBO.   $50 not $300  is first. when guessing, why guess $$$$ first?

what we do in the lab or well anywhere , is to strip the PC down

after doing the 1,000,000 times posted to all OEM and more forums,  THE LONG POWER RESET.

if that magic fails to wake up any PC, then strip the PC down to the MINIUMUM system config.

Ive posted this here 100 of times.

but here (after the long power reset fails) in this order ok? I cant see you PC;s not the CTO level of options so..

  1.   all USB device out.front/rear (only 1 dell keyboard used, no gaming keyboards, ok?  ) USB
  2.  side left off. Ill pretend you said MT , mini tower PC.
  3. remove all PCI-e cards first.  doing the long power steps, ending at (stop here for working inside a pc)
  4. BIOS is the goal here, F2,  it must have working BIOS screens and is now plugged in to main chassis video ports , the PCI video card if was present is now removed.
  5. Ok still dead, pull all power cables (pairs) to all DVD/SSD /HDD, now.
  6. The dells will nag you for things missing
  7. Look for loose power cables from PSU to MOBO.  4pin and 6pin colored wires. bundled.
  8. loose power switch cable, no way on 3 PCs, no way ever. but its IN THE LIST (I don't skip things) try.
  9. last (or first) test each RAM in all bank 0  slots 1 by one, per the manual on which slot is A0 single channel.
  10. I think I listed all things that can short out, now,  and they sure can in all things electronic on earth. we pull them and is called power overload fault isolation testing.   even works on IBM 360s,  ok?
  11. NO PS2 device connected, some PCs if you sort there the PC dies. these ports are silly but there.

Now replace the PSU<  it is dead.  (some got bad and are only intermittent not 100% dead some go noisy.

with bad CAPS inside, a super form of CHAOS That, ask can demo it.

The PSU on this PC is just 12vdc and 12vdc standby if the standby pin is below 4.9v the PC is now dead.

I actually measured that secret threshold but 12vdc is the only correct answer on STBY pin.

No other PSU works unless you use the 24pin to 6 pin adapter, ( I told you I guessed MT so only that is my topic) some tiny PCs by dell have line wart PSU's external.


there lots of things to do in any strip down , sounds, beeps , blink codes,   fans dead, and more, see that here.

If the Power button is dead, no fans spin

that means power lost.

means the PSU is bad or it is overloaded. (on 3 PCs) id bet PSU not MOBO ever.

The VRM'S in the PSU shut off by DESIGN (no Fire) at any short on any rail !!!!! in truth this is all you need to know on PCs, that are dead. only that and how to strip any PC made, or server.


2 Intern


2.5K Posts

September 18th, 2019 07:00

Me , I've personally seen vast damage from lightening, many times even on PCB  testers and repairing the very bad cards. some have 10+ chips blow up.(TTL to VLSI)

or systems, tool complex is very expensive.(ATE)

or seen one time at home, the silly power company replaced a local distribution transformer in the hood

and BLEW up all electronics in all houses in my block,  and my cloths dryer motor exploded too, they paid the bill. (I sent mail to all homes effected, so they know what happened, not my job but told them.)

POWER line went from 120vac to over 300 volts, NEMA dude using wrong TAPS.  as they say STUFF HAPPENS.

Buy a UPS. (then it blows up, LOL, but saves 3 or more PCs or $$$$ NET WORK GEAR) read the spec on it and buy the ones that have more input level protection designs.

did you have 3 PCs on one $10 power strip? (me blind but in seconds there my eyes see lots more)

need a flow chart check this out, famous.. (I could do one 3 times larger but way too lazy)

for you the drawing says see box A , (strip down)




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