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This post is more than 5 years old


February 15th, 2017 08:00

RPA4VMs 5.0 Clusters Disconnected in VC After Installation

Hello All,

I have recently spun up two vRPA clusters on my test vCenters. The installation went without issue and I was even able to connected the two clusters together. However, when I look in the VC web client both clusters are there, but are disconnected. The landing page on both clusters show the VC connection is there and everything is happy.

I have searched for answers and I though it might be storage related as I have two VCs in link-mode and from what I read they both need to be registered. However, when I try to run the register_storage command it fails with "Error: Operation failed ( Failed getting certificate for VC:   - reason:  connect to remote address ). I know all of the information is correct, except i am unsure of the username format...would it be AD\Username or username@AD.Domain?

I would appreciate some guidance and what you think the problem might be, where logs are to figure out what the deal is really is.

Test Environment

VC: 5.1 U2 (two of them in linked mode with standard licenses) 2008 R2 AD domain for authentication

Two VMware clusters under a single datacenter in VC.

ESXi Cluster1: Three 5.1 U3 hosts with standard licenses. Connected FC to a VNXe3200

ESXi Cluster2: Three 5.1 U3 hosts with standard licenses. Connected FC to a old EMC AX4

There is no FW between an of these devices and all WAN/LAN Ips can be pinged. port 7225 is open from the VC to the RPAs.

My production environment looks the same except for I have three VCs in linked mode. However, like test I have all RPA clusters on two ESXi clusters under a single datacenter on one VC.

7 Posts

February 16th, 2017 11:00


675 Posts

February 16th, 2017 11:00

Hi there,

Can you confirm that the vRPAs can reach all vCenters on port 443 ? you can using the ping internal command under boxmgmt CLI (under [3] Diagnostics and then run internal command).



7 Posts

February 16th, 2017 12:00

Thanks for the reply. All of these devices are on the internal LAN with no FW between them, but I just double checked and yes they are open. I also checked that 7225 is open between the vCenters and the vRPAs.

Is it true that all VCs in a linked-mode group need to be connected to each vRPA? Does this sound like a storage registration issue?

1.1K Posts

February 17th, 2017 13:00

As a one off solution log into Unisphere for RP, https://ip_address_of_any_cluster_or_vrpa/classic and register the linked VC via for each cluster the Clusters->Storage tab.



7 Posts

February 20th, 2017 09:00

I tried adding the second VC and it did not fix it. I ran the full uninstaller and started over with a single RP cluster and it says it is disconnected in VC. I do not understand what I am missing. I cannot believe this system is that difficult to set up as I am following the install guide.

675 Posts

February 20th, 2017 12:00

This can b/c of multiple reasons, let's take this offline. please contact me via the email below.


Idan Kentor


675 Posts

February 23rd, 2017 02:00

This looks like a match to a known issue we have with vCenter 5.1 where vCenter is using TLS 1.0 and our plugin is using TLS 1.2 which vCenter 5.1 doesn't support (as stated in KB496254).

There's a patched plugin for previous versions but this is permanently fixed in RP4VMs 5.0.1 which came out yesterday. I would recommend to upgrade to it (for more info, refer to the installation and deployment guide) and then upgrade the plugin.



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