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This post is more than 5 years old


September 15th, 2003 00:00

App Server doesn't complete initialization

Application Server doesn't complete initialization .. have re-install .. same result .. here is app log

(14-Sep-03 1:49:14 PM), stdout: 13:49:14,437 INFO  [STDOUT]
(14-Sep-03 1:49:14 PM), stdout: -------------------------------------------------------
(14-Sep-03 1:49:14 PM), stdout: GMS: address is superdad:1048
(14-Sep-03 1:49:14 PM), stdout: -------------------------------------------------------
(14-Sep-03 1:49:22 PM), stdout: 13:49:22,484 WARN  [com.dorado.mbeans.OWClusterPeerActiveImpl] Found no other cluster members when verifying First Primary Server
(14-Sep-03 1:49:26 PM), stdout: 13:49:26,671 INFO  [STDOUT] CORBA Services disabled in !
(14-Sep-03 1:53:10 PM), stdout: 13:53:10,171 WARN  [com.dorado.mbeans.OWJMSStartupMBean] Likely JMS startup failure, exception message follows:
(14-Sep-03 1:53:10 PM), stdout: [104] progress.message.client.ENetworkFailure: Connection refused: connect:

September 25th, 2003 18:00

Ok, tried the above, still no luck.


The appserver just stays in the "initializing" phase.  The computer is grinding away, and java.exe is taking a good 50-60% CPU load.

What is it doing?  Not much as far as I can see........

September 25th, 2003 20:00

Hey Andrew.  I stand corrected.  I did what you said to do, and then the appmanager was just sitting there "initiallizing" for a long time.  I checked Task Manager and noticed Java.exe was basically taking over the entire machine.  I let it sit, then decided to start up the program.  The light turned green and the appmanager went into the ready state.

I think the line of code you had us change was the solution.  Then again, this software is EXTREMELY resource intensive.  Anyways, it works great now.

On another note, please fix the problems with the PowerConnect 5224.  I really wanna use it as our network backbone, but don't wanna pony up the dollars when I see so many people severly disgusted with it.  Is there ANYONE out there NOT having problems?  We currently use the PowerConnect 3348 and it's working great.  I'll keep monitoring the board, I hope to see some resolution to these issues people keep having with it locking up.  I used to have a lot of 3Com SuperStack 3300 switches that did the same thing, a firmware upgrade ended up fixing it.  I'll hold out until I hear that has been done with the 5224.  Good luck!

8 Posts

September 25th, 2003 23:00


13 Posts

September 26th, 2003 10:00

Unfortunately, this had no effect on my system...


8 Posts

September 26th, 2003 11:00

My initialize took less then a minute on a p4 2.4 with 512M of mem

September 26th, 2003 11:00

I know this program KILLED the processing power on my machine.  I'm running a P3 800 with 512MB ram.  If you ask me, pretty bad design.  How long did you let it "initialize" for?

September 26th, 2003 11:00

Not bad.  Did you notice "Java.exe" taking up a lot of CPU power?  I did on mine. Maybe its just underpowered?

October 1st, 2003 14:00

Sorry if I missed anyone, but is anyone still having problems with the Network Manager appserver not initializing?

October 1st, 2003 14:00

Ever fix the problem with the PowerConnect 5224 switches that everyone here was complaining about?  I know most people are here to complain about a problem, so are there only a "few" people with that switch locking, or is it a wide spread issue?


13 Posts

October 1st, 2003 15:00

Yes, I am...


12 Posts

November 3rd, 2003 22:00

The set path change in oware.cmd had no effect here.

So far I have tried to install on three different systems. The only one I got it to work on (no path changes) was a W2K SP2 system (Compaq DL360). I hooked up a crossover cable between its two NICs to *cough* network it.

I've tried on a Compaq DL380 running W2K SP3 with Terminal Services, What's Up Gold, and the Compaq Insight  Manger (and probably some other stuff) with no luck, including with the oware.cmd path change. It has several NICs in it but all are up.

I have also tried it on my IBM Thinkpad model A31 running W2K SP4. In theory it has one NIC, but I do have a docking station for it which internally might confuse things.

Note that the DL380 and my laptop both have Java installed. My laptop has its own installationog Cygwin as well (but it is not in the path, so...). And it has an Oracle install with its own Java in the PATH env variable.

We also have several security hotfixes (e.g. the msblaster related one). I'm wondering if there is a hotfix causing the problem?

The Dl360 is no longer at my disposal, but there is a SP2 DL380 that just became available that I can try and install on.

12 Posts

November 4th, 2003 15:00

The Dl360 is no longer at my disposal, but there is a SP2 DL380 that just became available that I can try and install on.

The installation worked on the Compaq DL380. W2K SP2 and no Java on the system. Two NICs. It does have Arcserv and some Tivoli related stuff running on it.

Here is a list of hotfixes it has:

Windows 2000 Hotfix - KB823182
Windows 2000 Hotfix - KB823980
Windows 2000 Hotfix - KB824141
Windows 2000 Hotfix - KB824146
Windows 2000 Hotfix - KB825119
Windows 2000 Hotfix - KB826232
Windows 2000 Hotfix - KB828035

The path change in oware.cmd was not applied.

So far I have only been able to get it to work on W2K SP2 systems.  Any ideas?

12 Posts

November 4th, 2003 17:00

The DL380 that it does not work on (even with the oware.cmd path change) is W2K SP3 with the following hotfixes (taken from the registry). It looks like it went from SP1 straight to SP3. The SP4 references are hotfixes that would be included as part of SP4, and similar for SP5. Just to be clear, the system has SP3.


1 Message

November 11th, 2003 08:00

I am also having the same issues with appserver stuck in initializing mode.  After trying to change the blank password during the initial logon process, the system shows a "com.dorado.runtime.OWEventException" message.  It then prompts with "Invalid login" when I try the use the newly set password.

I am using Windows XP Professional/SP1 on a Compaq DL320, PIII 800Mhz, 512MB system with a 9Gig drive.  There are two built-in NIC ports.  The first port is enabled and the second is not.  This is a clean install and it is not part of a Windows domain.

I have reinstalled the product several times.  I performed the procedures for modifying the oware.cmd file found earlier in this thread without success.  Also, doing a netstat did not reveal any conflicts with using port 2606.

Hope you can help.


1 Message

November 13th, 2003 20:00

I am having the exact probelm, it stops at "stdout" as shown below.

(Nov 13, 2003 4:35:56 PM), stdout:  at org.jboss.Main$
(Nov 13, 2003 4:35:56 PM), stdout:  at
(Nov 13, 2003 4:35:56 PM), stdout:

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, I also tried on a different machine. I also tried the path fix to the .cmd file from an earlier article.

it looks as there are several issues listed here and luckly for the one team their issue was resolved. hopefully we can come up with a fix for this issue.


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