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July 30th, 2015 06:00

iDRAC Active Directory Integration


I have recently been trying to integrate all of our DRACs here with Active Directory to allow for login that way, rather than a generic username and password shared by multiple employees. I have downloaded the Dell Remote Access Configuration Tool and it works amazingly. It is able to set the correct settings for multiple DRACs to allow AD users to sign on all at once.

However, there is one slight issue that I cannot seem to figure out. On 11 DRACs of the ~50 I have configured this way, credentials fail. I thought perhaps I was just fat-fingering the keys, but after having multiple people try out both the nonworking and working DRACs, there seems to be a problem with how these 11 were configured.

I did each configuration run in groups of 10 roughly, and in each  group there were 1 or 2 that just didn't get to working properly. After compiling a list of the 11 that did not work correctly, I even tried to run them through configuration again, to no avail. And by looking at the information provided to me, there is nothing to differentiate these from the other ~40 that were successful. There are both iDRAC6s and iDRAC7s, and there are several different firmware versions. Basically what I am trying to say is that if I have a DRAC of one type in the 11 that don't work, there is one of the same type, firmware version, and model in the ~40 that do work. So I cannot seem to discern the problem.

Hopefully this is enough information to get someone started on helping to solve my problem. If anyone has any questions or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.





6.2K Posts

July 30th, 2015 14:00

Hello Jacob

If this were an issue with one or two iDRACs I would suggest that this could possibly be an issue with a bad firmware image or some hardware issue. Since this is happening across a large percentage of your iDRACs the issue is likely with your network or security configuration. I would suggest checking your network configuration to make sure that the iDRACs that are having issues are able to properly communicate with the AD server.

If you feel this is an issue with the iDRAC then I would suggest reflashing firmware, resetting defaults, and then reconfiguring one of the problem iDRACs manually to see if the problem persists.


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