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This post is more than 5 years old


February 13th, 2013 02:00

New XPS 10 firmware or Windows RT update have ruined two XPS Tablets today.

First off, the lucky XPS 10 owners that downloaded the new updates that systems work the same, well I wish I were you guys. I however didn't get out so lucky. Here is my story.

I got a replacement XPS 10 Tablet in the mail today that seemed to work fine. Then I updated the Firmware that came out today and the new Windows RT Updates and anytime I shut it down or restart it the system hangs on the shutting down screen for over 5 minutes until it shows a Windows Blue screen that says Driver Power State Failure and then it reboots itself. It can do this 10 out of 10 times rebooting or restarting or not do it for 2 or 3 times. It's so random.

I've removed everything and reinstalled windows and it will reboot and shut down fine. That is until I install Dell's latest firmware and the Windows Updates, then it's back again! I was told that it wasn't the firmware and it might have been a problem with that tablet and it's preinstalled software. Fine, I can buy that.

That is until my previous Tablet that I'm supposed to send back to Dell (Screen had been flickering and needed rebooted often but other then that, it works fine) downloaded and installed the firmware and Windows updates. Then now it won't shut down and reboot with out showing the exact same screen. Funny how it's worked for weeks and NEVER has had a problem rebooting or shutting down until those updates installed. I won't believe the updates aren't the problem because then why else would a factory fresh Tablet work until it was updated?

What is so odd is sometimes both of them will shut down or reboot and not do anything, almost fooled me into thinking it was a glitch that had fixed itself until BOOM, it shows it's ugly face. Sometimes it could do it 10 out of 10. I've made two different videos showing them doing it. I had decided that I could still use the tablet and just not shut it down but now they are doing blue screens and freezing while in use, what gives?

I decided that I could do a factory refresh and not install the new updates but now I can't even do that as the second video will show. Now they crash now matter what I do and are both useless. I need these for work and school and now I have a replacement Tablet that is worse then the previous.

I'm at a loss here and I'm so frustrated I don't know what to do.

Here is just to name a few of the glitches and crashes I've had in the past month.

1. Screen will flicker so badly I have to reboot. Happens 3 or 4 times a week.

2. Side screen moves back and fourth causing a reboot.

3. Windows crashes at random when using an SD Memory card that has been freshly formatted or has files. It says Watch Dog Error.

4. When going into sleep mode and it doesn't matter how much battery life the tablet won't power back on unless I hold Windows Button and Power Button over 10 seconds.

5. Now the lovely Error Driver Power State Failure.

The first time I updated the newest Tablet it showed a Display Error when updating Windows and I thought that was the cause. However after updating both tablets multiple times, that never reoccured. So I don't believe it was related and was just random, as is alot of things on this Tablet.

I'm at a loss of what I should do as it's to late to call Dell tonight and I'm afraid another replacement will be the exact same thing. I've had this tablet since the 4th of Jan but is it still possible for Dell to give me a refund because I currently have no faith left in this Tablet. I mean to have a replacement Tablet and the previous Tablet both setting here in this state frustrates me beyond belief!  I've been a customer for Dell for over a decade and I've purchased XPS products since 2006 and it seems I've had nothing but trouble but I kept on buying from Dell.

Either way the proof is in the videos.

4 Operator


3.5K Posts

April 18th, 2013 17:00

I am sorry to read of all the problems with these tablets.  I have reported this to engineering.  All of you that having issue with your XPS 10s after a firmware update please shoot me a private message (click on the link in my signature and then click conversation) please include the service tag of your tables.

Thank You


44 Posts

April 28th, 2013 19:00

Brian had Dell send me my third XPS 10 Tablet.

As soon as I downloaded the new firmware from April, it did the exact same thing the previous two did! That's three in a row that I have received that have did this. I'm at my wits in and I'm so frustrated that I don't even want the XPS 10 any longer. I mean how many is it going to take, 4, 5, 10 Tablets before one works correctly? This isn't a cheap Tablet, this cost me tax and all 550 bucks!!

I've been a loyal Dell customer since 2006 and I just don't understand what the problem with these Tablets are. I keep hearing it's a problem with the software being loaded on the Tablet and it's not the Firmware but THREE out of THREE Tablets have did this.

I don't want the stress and hassle to have to deal with a number 4 because at this point I expect it to not work as well. Even if I hide the firmware update like I did before, a new one will come out and Windows will automatically download it behind my back like before.

I'd like either my money replaced or an upgrade to the Dell Latitude 10 (as long as it doesn't have these problems)

I will post my You Tube Videos as soon as they are done uploading.

I bought the XPS 10 for work and School to help me but it seems it's causing more stress then carrying around a heavy laptop.

Also to top it off I'm having problems with my XPS 17 laptop and Dell's already sent a tech out to replace parts that didn't work. Now they are coming out Tuesday to replace more. Just as soon as I soon as I stuck my memory card in the laptop the screen went black causing me to reboot. I mean it's bad enough dealing with a 550 tablet but also stressing over my 1900 dollar XPS 17 system.

44 Posts

April 28th, 2013 20:00

44 Posts

April 28th, 2013 20:00

10 Posts

April 29th, 2013 06:00

CS had me send mine to the service depot with a pre paid box last week... after some conflicting info from emails it turns out they think its the motherboard and want to replace it... have had NO news whatsoever over the weekend. I have no idea whats going on.

I am not confident that a replacement part will solve anything... let alone a whole replacement tablet (as I can see from this thread)... I dont know what the solution is, but I am VERY frustrated.

44 Posts

April 29th, 2013 12:00

I know what you mean Juda.

This is frustrating beyond belief, I'm on my third Tablet and I don't want to have to go through a fourth, fifth and etc. At this point I just want my money refunded to my credit card so I can purchase something else. I seriously have had nothing but stress dealing with these tablets and after going through the same thing with three of them, not counting the other types of errors ( screen flickering, touch screen not letting me touch anything, screen not coming back on causing me to hold two buttons at once for 10 seconds and etc) I just don't have any confidence in the Tablet and I shouldn't have to deal with anymore causing stress.

I work a full time job and go to school and the whole point of having the Tablet was to help me do things from work and school but having to stress over them not working correctly is worse then not having one.

44 Posts

April 29th, 2013 13:00

I was also asked why I downloaded the firmware if the Tablet was working correctly.

I was told to make sure the tablet was working correctly when I received it, well downloading all the updates is what you're supposed to do. It's a firmware released by Dell, it obviously should work correctly and not cause the system to not shut down. Hiding it doesn't do anything but just stop it for a certain time.

See Windows RT doesn't give you the option of having Windows tell you updates are ready and ask you to choose when to install them. The only thing you can do is hide the firmware update as I did before. However once a new firmware comes out ( the April one did) it will automatically download even if you hid the previous one unless you catch the update in time.

The problem is didn't even know about any update until my system wouldn't shut down. Then I checked Updates that had installed and sure enough there was the firmware. I get the new system and of course I download the new firmware to make sure the new tablet is working correctly.

Is it to much to expect a brand new 550 Tablet to be working correctly with Dell's on firmware release?

If I reset to factory settings, download every update except the firmware, this will just happen again causing me to have to repeat the previous steps, losing all my date, stressing over it, taking time.


I expect a Tablet that works correctly or I expect my money returned. 550 dollars is alot of money to someone like me and I shouldn't have to stress over this over and over and be expected to just accept it.

10 Posts

May 6th, 2013 08:00

My XPS 10 was sent into the service Depot for repairs last week for this issue.

I went to pickup the tablet from FexEx this past Saturday. The depot DID NOT do ANY of the windows updates as requested. I spent the weekend downloading all the current updates for Windows RT, my previous apps and re-personalising the tablet. Not surprisingly the tablet has the exact same problem it did before I sent it in. THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM. As discussed at length in the forum page:

I feel like my concerns expressed to the Depot both in my information letter that accompanyed the tablet AND relayed by Dell CS Reps and Liasons were TOTALLY IGNORED, and all of our time the past 2 weeks has been wasted. The problem is 100% unresolved.

The returned tablet was also missing the small silver vent covers from the bottom edge when I got it back.

I am beyond frustrated and getting angry. I dont understand how so much of my time and effort had to be wasted only to arrive back at the same place I started from with a BRAND NEW tablet that had this issue from the day I took it out of the box.

44 Posts

May 13th, 2013 02:00

Wow Dell still hasn't sent me anything to send back the Tablets.

9 Posts

May 13th, 2013 10:00

I had one of these tablets. I din't even bother calling tech support to fix it. The thing is returned. I will wait until the second generations of the X86 tablets come out. It's sad since I did get this for a good price in the outlet store. Was ablet to deal with limitations of RT, but when it's totally not functional, sorry.  Not only would the thing not shut down, but it would go to sleep and never wake up. Then would come back saying that it had a major error. Face palm fail. Until there is a resolution to this I can't recommend this table to any of my customers, family, or frields.

10 Posts

May 13th, 2013 19:00

Well my XPS 10 Tablet saga continues. To recap, I had this startup/shutdown problem from day one right out of the box, I jumped through the hoops of over the phone customer service to no resolve, then sent my tablet into the repair depot of service, only to have the request that they perform the windows updates ignored so once I received the "repaired" tablet, it immediately had the same problem resurface. Now I am on to my first "replacement" tablet, a NEW XPS 10 tablet sent to me today, to my surprise, had the exact same issue as the old one. Day one, brand new, out of the box: SAME PROBLEM.

I didn't do any of the Windows or Firmware updates on this new tablet, the hang/ blue screen and usual error message came up on the very first shutdown (and the 5 attempts to properly shutdown that followed)

I am at my wits end here. Its not even the money at this point, its the hours of my life that have been wasted on restarts, reloads, repersonalizations, and phone and email conversations. A tablet that works is all I want, and I have tried to do everything right on my end every step of the way the past month trying to resolve this issue, to absolutely no avail.

9 Posts

May 14th, 2013 09:00

What troubles me is that there is no official Dell answer or reply to this. I would hope someone reads this. I actually printed a copy of this and threw it in with the returned tablet. I can only assume the printout was tossed. I hope someone with half a brain read it and passed it on to someone with 3/4 of a brain.

10 Posts

May 14th, 2013 09:00

Alexdua, If you read through the posts "Terry B" from Dell does have a post in the thread. I have emailed with him many times about this issue, he is VERY helpful, and working to resolve the problem and figure out what is going on. You too can email him via his post. Although, no solution has yet been found, at least not for me.


9 Posts

May 14th, 2013 12:00

Juda, to be fair I didn't see that until after my rant, and I did send an email to him today. I suppose I am just frustrated by the lack of a solution to this. I am lucky in that I was able to return it for $. But the hours wasted on trying to make this work can't be taken back. I hope Terry gets back to all in here with an answer. I did email him some specific info. I think this might be tied into the same reason Outlook was crashing and why it's not part of Office 2013 RT. They apparently found the fix to this Outlook issue in the ARM firmware, and perhaps Dell is testing this fix. It appears that Microsoft dictates a standard hardware base for all RT based tablets hence all updates are done via MS, not downloads on I can only assume the OEM variations are not all on the same playing field and is the root cause of this issue. I can only speculate that this is one of those fixes that resolves one thing but causes 3 more problems.  

10 Posts

May 14th, 2013 12:00

I fully understand your frustrations, believe me. The wasted time and effort with no results is a real issue for me too. Given that just about anything on these RT tablets either comes in from either a windows update or the microsoft store, any glitches that are causeing these problems HAVE to be coming from Microsoft.

My "replacement" tablet functions even less well than the original tablet, even after the Depot runaround. I am at my wits end.

I have not heard what the next move for my case is going to be yet, but something major needs to happen here if Dell wants to keep my business. Being reasonable and understanding only holds to a point, after that point its time to cut your losses and move on.  

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