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This post is more than 5 years old


December 10th, 2010 22:00

Venue Pro Status?

I ordered this being told the 10th/or so was the release date/shipping date.

My main concern is this was a Christmas present and it's labeled as 12/29/10 delivery date with two day shipping.  Is this the latest it should be here or?

I haven't heard anything going wrong so why the extreme delay?  If another bug or etc crept up I understand I'll buy another present but it's been "In Production"  for a week now and as much as I'm hoping one day soon it'll be shipped I'm actually starting to worry that the 29th might be unrealistic itself. 

I heard from other people who ordered prior to me by a few days and got the same date and I never have enough time to wait on hold to get to an actual person so I figured I'd hop on here and see if anyone knew anything or what was going on..

15 Posts

December 14th, 2010 05:00

I got an email today... order is delayed, with new estimate being 01/06/2011.  This is garbage.  While I'm not going to make wild, rash statements quite yet, I am seriously considering cancelling.   A new OS is released over a month ago and they can't get their phone out until 2 months later?  MS must be fuming over in Redmond.

16 Posts

December 14th, 2010 05:00

I am a bit upset since no one at Dell has sent an e-mail or posted anything of significance for a while.   All they would have to do is post a status on the delivery.  For example, we found an issue during our testing where the phone would not stay connected to secure wifi and are implementing a fix, or production of the phone is not achieving the quantities we would like, or we are updating the camera software so it will actually, you know, take pictures.   

It seems a little suspicious that Dell would bring this phone to market 12/1, to catch the Christmas shoppers when they appear to have know,and engaged in a campaign of misinformation, that there was essentially no chance of this phone shipping before 1/2011.

2 Posts

December 14th, 2010 06:00

I received the same email stating that phone would be delayed, and since this was suppose to be a Christmas gift I canceled and ordered the HD7. Dell really disappointed me this time around, but at least I got the delay email before it was too late to order the HD7 which "Thank God" I will be receiving this week.

31 Posts

December 14th, 2010 06:00

Honestly what's just as astounding is that a few of the WP7 phones announced there would be a delay in advance, got it worked out prior to release, and were still out on time while this one continues to make strides in the complete opposite direction.  More problems every day?

Firmware can be updated, I personally wouldn't care if sometimes some Bluetooth accessories didn't work, they'll get around to fixing it.  What bugs me is that it's quite obvious people are more concerned about having the actual phone in their hand and their being so..I can't even use a negative descriptive word again I'm sure or they'll ban me if I read their last email correctly.  So anyways..this just gets old.

16 Posts

December 14th, 2010 08:00

Looks like blogs can get information before actual customers.  Maybe if I said I was from Engadget I'd get some straight answers.  Being a paying customer is not sufficient.

It would have been nice to get an e-mail from Dell before the blogs.  Well, Dell has a vested interest in keeping the blogs happy so the blogs can rave about how great Dell's laptops and computers are.  Me, I just pay for the stuff.

2 Posts

December 14th, 2010 14:00

I ordered my Venue Pro on December 1st with Next Day Shipping. Up until yesterday the 13th, my order status still said "In Production."  Out of concern, I called the U.S. customer service line.  Lord knows there's only so much someone in India can do to move things forward thousands of miles away.

I was told not to be concerned as my phone was " the Nashville warehouse, ready for shipment." and may arrive a day late at the very latest.  Strike 1: Why did I (the consumer) have to call the day before my order was due to arrive to obtain status?  Any decent customer care operation would have at least auto-notification that the order would be delayed and inform you well in advance that your shipment will not arrive as scheduled.  Hey Dell:  Try taking cues from Amazon!

Then I get an email this morning informing me that I won't get my phone until Jan 5th!  Strike 2:  I have to wait another 3 weeks for a phone that was supposedly in a warehouse last night ready to ship?  Also if the phone arrives on Jan 5th, I will have paid the one-day shipping charge for a 35 day wait.  That math makes no sense.

When asked why my order has been delayed, I get a response "I honestly don't know the exact reason for the delay, but I will tell you that if I was getting a phone, I would rather wait to get a good product, than receiving a defective phone, now."  Strike 3:  Is that some cryptic response that I should decode and take-away the idea that there are product issues that Dell is trying to conceal?  Man up and tell me the deal!  Seriously!

At three strikes, Dell has failed miserably at customer service, but they're apparently not finished failing yet.  To not even attempt to realease a formal statement to it's customers either with the truth or PR fluff, is simply consumer care at its worst. 

31 Posts

December 14th, 2010 15:00

I think you're being crazy, next thing we know you expect compensation of some sort too?  You'll get a good phone one day, nothing beats that! 

Am I a sales rep now?  Seriously though I do hope they do something to make it up to us.

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