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July 27th, 2016 00:00

Any problem using a BCV as an STD?

Hello all,

I currently have Server2 running on BCV+TDEV's cloned from RDF1+TDEV's used by Server1. I've been instructed to divest of Server1 and its storage now and to keep Server2 running on its BCV+TDEV's temporarily until it is also divested in the near future, whatever "near" means. I imagine it should be pretty easy:

1) Split (is that the right term?) the clones so they run independently from the source devices

2) Dismantle the cloning relationship between Server1's RDF1+TDEV volumes and Server2's BCV+TDEV volumes

3) Delete Server1's RDF1+TDEV volumes

4) Let Server2's BCV+TDEV volumes function independently as though they were STD's, filling the role of a regular TDEV for Server2

Before I implement this, I want to ask whether anyone can confirm for me that the BCV's will still have all of the cloned data even after I end the cloning relationship and delete their source devices, the RDF1+TDEV's. I'm afraid that when I break the replication relationship or when I delete the RDF1+TDEV's, the BCV+TDEV's might realize that they're now being used in the role of STD's instead of BCV's and might somehow freak out and dump all of the data that has been copied over to them from the RDF1+TDEV's.

Can anyone tell me that that won't happen? Thanks!

522 Posts

July 27th, 2016 04:00

Hi Ben,

Your procedure is correct. For #1, it is more than likely using clone emulation under the covers and if that is the case and it is not using true symmir BCV's, you could accomplish #1 and #2 in the same step by just terminating the clone relationship between the pairs. But either way, you have the correct thought process down, just make sure in #3 you are unmapping and unmasking the devices to Server1 prior to deletion since it will prevent you if you don't.

For #4, you can leave them with the BCV attribute on the volumes or you could remove the BCV attribute online with a volume config change using the "convert dev" command and flip them back to regular STD's for any reporting you might have:


522 Posts

July 27th, 2016 05:00 raise a good point dynamox!.....I made some assumptions in my reply (I usually see precopies with -diff used the majority of the time) without all the info. But you are correct on nocopy mode that if used, since it is CoA, you will want to set the mode to copy, wait til you have verified all the tracks have copied to Server2's targets, and then do the termination, otherwise if you terminate while it is CopyOnAccess, it could render Server2's LUNs as unuable cause it never copied all of the data.

The one part I can't test at the moment and is fuzzy in my head is if you have to re-create the activation after changing the mode to copy. My assumption is that upon setting that mode, it would just start to copy all of the tracks since I am guessing the Server2's LUNs are already in use and therefore the session (using symclone) is activated to make them R/W.

Ben - if you get a chance to further define the environment (symclone vs emulation, copy session variables, etc), let us know.

2 Intern


20.4K Posts

July 27th, 2016 05:00

Keith, what if it's a clone that was created using -nocopy. I have never used that option but it's something that needs to be looked at before terminating the session.  I don't think terminate -nocopy session will force source to copy everything to target. Thoughts ?

30 Posts

July 27th, 2016 22:00

$ sudo symclone query -g _dg

Device Group (DG) Name: _dg

DG's Type             : RDF1

DG's Symmetrix ID     : 00019570

        Source Device                    Target Device            State     Cpy

--------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------ ---

         Sym   Protected Modified          Sym   Modified

Logical  Dev   Tracks    Tracks   Logical  Dev   Tracks   CGDP SRC <=> TGT  (%)

--------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------ ---

DEV001   016C6         0        0 N/A      016DC        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV002   016C7         0        0 N/A      016DD        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV003   016C8         0        0 N/A      016DE        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV004   016C9         0        0 N/A      016DF        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV005   016CA         0        0 N/A      016E0        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV006   016CB         0        0 N/A      016E1        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV007   016CC         0        0 N/A      016E2        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV008   016CD         0        0 N/A      016E3        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV009   016CE         0        0 N/A      016E4        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV010   016CF         0        0 N/A      016E5        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV011   016D0         0        0 N/A      016E6        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV012   016D1         0        0 N/A      016E7        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV013   016D2         0        0 N/A      016E8        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV014   016D3         0        0 N/A      016E9        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV015   016D4         0        0 N/A      016EA        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV016   016D5         0        0 N/A      016EB        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV017   016D6         0        0 N/A      016EC        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV018   016D7         0        0 N/A      016ED        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV019   016D8         0        0 N/A      016EE        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV020   016D9         0        0 N/A      0192F        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV023   0282B         0        0 N/A      02830        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV024   0282C         0        0 N/A      02831        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV025   0282D         0        0 N/A      02832        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV026   0282E         0        0 N/A      02833        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV027   0282F         0        0 N/A      02834        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV028   0163E         0        0 N/A      01FD5        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV029   0163F         0        0 N/A      01FD6        0 X.X. Copied       100

DEV030   01640         0        0 N/A      01FD7        0 X.X. Copied       100

Total          --------- --------                --------

  Track(s)            0        0                       0

  MB(s)              0.0      0.0                     0.0


(C): X = The background copy setting is active for this pair.

     V = The VP Snap setting is active for this pair.

     . = Neither setting is active for this pair.

(G): X = The Target device is associated with this group.

     . = The Target device is not associated with this group.

(D): X = The Clone session is a differential copy session.

     . = The Clone session is not a differential copy session.

(P): X = The pre-copy operation has completed one cycle.

     . = The pre-copy operation has not completed one cycle.


30 Posts

July 27th, 2016 22:00

$ sudo symsg -sid show _SG

Name: _SG

   Symmetrix ID               : 00019570

   Last updated at            : Tue Apr 07 06:06:29 2015

   Masking Views              : Yes

   FAST Managed               : Yes

   SLO Name                   : N/A

   Workload                   : N/A

   SRP Name                   : N/A

   Host I/O Limit             : None

   Host I/O Limit MB/Sec      : N/A

   Host I/O Limit IO/Sec      : N/A

   Dynamic Distribution       : N/A

   Number of Storage Groups   :    0

   Storage Group Names        : N/A

   Number of Gatekeepers      :    0

   Devices (65):



    Sym                             Device                      Cap

    Dev    Pdev Name                Config         Attr  Sts    (MB)


    016DC  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016DD  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016DE  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016DF  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016E0  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016E1  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016E2  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016E3  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016E4  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016E5  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016E6  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016E7  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016E8  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016E9  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016EA  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016EB  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016EC  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016ED  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    016EE  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    0192F  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    01FD5  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    01FD6  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    01FD7  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    02301  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02302  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02303  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02304  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02305  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02306  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02307  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02308  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02309  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    0230A  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    0230B  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    0230C  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    0230D  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    0230E  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    0230F  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02310  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02311  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02312  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02313  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02314  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02315  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02316  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02830  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    02831  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    02832  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    02833  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    02834  N/A                      BCV+TDEV              RW   69053

    02850  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02851  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02852  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02853  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02854  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02855  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02856  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02857  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02858  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    02859  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    0285A  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    0285B  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    0285C  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    0285D  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053

    0285E  N/A                      TDEV                  RW   69053



30 Posts

July 27th, 2016 22:00

echolaughmk and dynamox, thank you for your very thorough answers! It sounds like it will take some work to figure out the correct way to end the cloning relationship, but I will ultimately be able to keep the BCV's in use without data loss, even after the source devices are destroyed. That's good news.

I'm new to BCV's and I don't know how to answer your questions about symclone vs. emulation, copy session variables, and the like. If you can tell me some SymCLI commands, I can run them and paste their output here.

The thing that confuses me about these BCV's and makes it difficult to know how to dismantle the replication relationship, is that these BCV's are read/write to Server2 but they also show zero modified tracks between them and their source devices, as though they're still synchronized. I thought a clone device could be either sync'ed to its source device or RW to a server but not both simultaneously. Clearly, I don't know BCV's very well.

After this post, I'll post the output of three commands to show what I'm talking about.

1) "symsg show" on the BCVs' SG. (You can see that Server2 has some ordinary TDV's mixed in with the BCV+TDEV's.) All the BCV's are RW to Server2.

2) "symdev show" on the first device listed in the "symsg show". It doesn't say much to me, but perhaps you will be able to make something out of it, especially the "BCV Pair Information" and "Clone Device Information" sections at the bottom.

3) "symclone query" on the device group that represents Server1's RDF1+TDEV's. It shows no modified tracks on any device, and the CGDP column says, "The background copy setting is active for this pair," for every pair in the list. This is what makes me think data is being copied to these BCV's, even while Server2 is able to write to them.

I've edited the array SID and the servers' true names in these outputs.

30 Posts

July 27th, 2016 22:00

$ sudo symdev -sid show 016DC

    Device Physical Name     : Not Visible

    Device Symmetrix Name    : 016DC

    Device Serial ID         : N/A

    Symmetrix ID             : 00019570

    Number of RAID Groups    : 0

    Encapsulated Device      : No

    Encapsulated WWN         : N/A

    Encapsulated Device Flags: None

    Encapsulated Array ID    : N/A

    Encapsulated Device Name : N/A

    Vendor ID                : EMC

    Product ID               : SYMMETRIX

    Product Revision         : 5876

    Device WWN               : 6000097000019570 533031364443

    Device Emulation Type    : FBA

    Device Defined Label Type: N/A

    Device Defined Label     : N/A

    Device Sub System Id     : 0x0001

    Cache Partition Name     : DEFAULT_PARTITION

    Bound Pool Name          : SATA_F_Pool

    Device Block Size        : 512

    Device Capacity


        Cylinders            :        73657

        Tracks               :      1104855

        512-byte Blocks      :    141421440

        MegaBytes            :        69053

        KiloBytes            :     70710720

        Geometry Limited     : No


    Device External Identity


        Device WWN           : 6000097000019570 533031364443

        Front Director Paths (2):



              DIRECTOR   PORT             LUN

            ------------ ---- -------- ---------

            Type Num     Sts  VBUS TID SYMM Host


            FA   01F:001 RW   000  03  001  N/A

            FA   16F:001 RW   000  03  001  N/A


        Geometry             : Native


            Sectors/Track        :          128

            Tracks/Cylinder      :           15

            Cylinders            :        73657

            512-byte Blocks      :    141421440

            MegaBytes            :        69053

            KiloBytes            :     70710720



    Device Configuration     : BCV+TDEV

    SCSI-3 Persistent Reserve: Enabled

    Dynamic Spare Invoked    : No

    Dynamic RDF Capability   : None

    STAR Mode                : No

    STAR Recovery Capability : None

    STAR Recovery State      : NA

    SQAR_MODE                : No

    Device Service State     : Normal

    Device Status            : Ready            (RW)

    Device SA Status         : Ready            (RW)

    Device User Pinned       : False

    Host Access Mode         : Active

    Device Tag(s)            : None

    Extent Based Clone       : None

    DIF1 Flag                : False

    Gatekeeper Device        : False

    AS400_GK                 : False

    Host Cache Registered    : False

    Optimized Read Miss      : System

    Front Director Paths (2):



                                 POWERPATH   DIRECTOR   PORT             LUN

                                 --------- ------------ ---- -------- ---------

        PdevName                 Type      Type Num     Sts  VBUS TID SYMM Host


        Not Visible              N/A       FA   01F:001 RW   000  03  001  N/A

        Not Visible              N/A       FA   16F:001 RW   000  03  001  N/A


    Mirror Set Type          : [Thin,N/A,N/A,N/A]

    Mirror Set DA Status     : [RW,N/A,N/A,N/A]

    Mirror Set Inv. Tracks   : [0,0,0,0]

    Mirror Configuration Information


        Mirror Number                          : 1

        Mirror Type                            : Thin

        Mirror Status                          : Ready           (RW)


    BCV Pair Information


        Standard (STD) Device Symmetrix Name   : N/A

        Standard (STD) Device Serial ID        : N/A

        Standard (STD) Device Group Name       : N/A

        Standard (STD) Composite Group Name    : N/A

        BCV Device Symmetrix Name              : 016DC

        BCV Device Serial ID                   : Not Visible

        BCV Device Associated Group Name       : Not/Associated

        BCV Device Associated CG Name          : Not/Associated

        BCV Device Status                      : Ready           (RW)

        State of Pair ( STD       BCV )        : NeverEstab

        Time of Last BCV Action                : N/A

        State of BCV Mirrors                   : Synchronized

        BCV State Flags                        : (AllReady)

        Number of Inv. Tracks for STD Device   : 0

        Number of Inv. Tracks for BCV Device   : 0


    Clone Device Information


        Source (SRC) Device Symmetrix Name     : 016C6

        Source (SRC) Device Group Name         : _dg

        Source (SRC) Composite Group Name      :

        Target (TGT) Device Symmetrix Name     : 016DC

        Target (TGT) Device Group Name         : N/A

        Target (TGT) Composite Group Name      : N/A

        State of Session (SRC ====> TGT)       : Copied

        Percent Copied                         : 100%

        Time of Last Clone Action              : Tue May 17 19:32:52 2016

        Clone State Flags                      : (Copy) (Diff)

        Number of Prot. Tracks for SRC Device  : 0

        Number of Indir Tracks for TGT Device  : 0

        Number of Changed Tracks for SRC Device: 0

        Number of Changed Tracks for TGT Device: 0

        Number of Inactive Duplicate Sessions  : 0



30 Posts

July 27th, 2016 22:00

Oof, sorry for the formatting on these three outputs. It looked tidier in Notepad. Let me know if you'd like it delivered as .txt attachments or screenshots or something. Thanks for all your help with this!

522 Posts

July 28th, 2016 04:00

that output looks like it is a copy/differential session so that takes the "nocopy" discussion out of it. It looks like emulation was used, but under the covers it is symclone. since they are 100% copied, you can likely just terminate them to split the relationship...which will remove any query (since they are not associated to each other anymore) and leave both the Source and Targets as R/W as they are.

The "0" tracks modified would change if you did a re-create and it had to update the session information between the pairs to know what incremental changes need to be copied. You look pretty clean here so that is good news. Since you are using DG's, you'll likely want to delete that DG as well as part of your list since it won't have any pairings in it anymore after you terminate.


30 Posts

July 28th, 2016 15:00

Thanks, Keith! So it sounds like it should be as simple as...

1) symclone query -g _dg   # To verify all device pairs are still in the Copied state

2) symclone terminate -g _dg

3) symdg delete _dg -force

4) Unbind and delete the RDF1+TDEV's

Am I missing any important options or arguments above?

Many thanks,


2 Intern


20.4K Posts

July 28th, 2016 16:00


pretty close, you will not be able to delete RDF1+TDEVs until you delete RDF relationship (deletepair).

522 Posts

July 28th, 2016 16:00

dynamox beat me to it!

The only other thing I might add is that if you have any meta volumes, after you do what dynamox says to delete the rdf pair, you will have to dissolve the meta's and then delete this individual members. Otherwise you should be ready to rock.

30 Posts

July 29th, 2016 02:00

dynamox and Keith, thanks again for all your help on this; I feel a lot better about it now. I will undo the SRDF pairings before I delete the RDF1+TDEV's, and they aren't metas so I won't have to dissolve them. I'll pass out some green and yellow stars for your answers.



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