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January 23rd, 2015 07:00

vSphere 5.5 Client Console error:unable to connect to the MKS: A general system error occurred: Internal error

Has anyone seen this error when trying to use vSphere console

unable to connect to the MKS: A general system error occurred: Internal error

If I move it to another host it works for a couple of times

2 Intern


196 Posts

January 30th, 2015 18:00

cleaned up root of Ramdisk, Resolved Problem

2 Intern


196 Posts

January 23rd, 2015 08:00

If I connect to host with vsphere client still get error.

Have been searching VMware's kb's tks

123 Posts

January 23rd, 2015 08:00

There are a lot of reasons you can get that error.  Best to go to VMware ( and do a search.  You'll have lots of hits and just need to go through and try some fixes.  I usually first try a different remote desktop and connect to the vCenter or sometimes the host directly.

123 Posts

January 23rd, 2015 09:00

Yeah it’s a generic error so troubleshooting is a real pain. Again if you can try a bunch of different hosts from which to connect– like a VM running on the same ESXi host.

2 Intern


196 Posts

January 23rd, 2015 12:00

If i vmotion to another host it works for a little while.

Just found root is full on host.

~ # vdf -h | tail -6

Ramdisk                   Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on

root                       32M       32M        0B 100% --

etc                        28M      296K       27M   1% --

tmp                       192M        4K      191M   0% --

hostdstats               1053M       15M     1037M   1% --

snmptraps                   1M        0B        1M   0% --

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