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This post is more than 5 years old



May 22nd, 2007 13:00


Who is "Gmanson" and why did he message me in private offering to help me with malware? I see some suspicious looking posts from him, though none in response to my posts.


3 Apprentice


8.8K Posts

May 22nd, 2007 17:00

The Experts here never correspond fixes or help suggestions via PM.

That's just not how we work here.

This was highly unusually and if you continue to receive these PM's please let me or Bugbatter know.

To anyone else reading this post, if you have been receiving PM's offering help from this individual we would appreciate it if you send the Liaison a PM.

The Liaison for this board is Dell-Gina.

Thanks so much for being so alert.


Message Edited by zbestwun2001 on 05-22-2007 11:24 AM

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 22nd, 2007 17:00

Please report that to a Dell Liaison. Thanks :)

Message Edited by Bugbatter on 05-22-2007 02:21 PM

81 Posts

May 22nd, 2007 18:00

I've received a PM from Gmanson regarding a thread I started last week as well.

3 Apprentice


8.8K Posts

May 22nd, 2007 18:00

Caribou I did send you a PM now


181 Posts

May 23rd, 2007 00:00

hi everyone
i would also like to know who Gmanson is i received a pm in wich he gave me his e-mail adresse ?

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 23rd, 2007 01:00

Maybe he will stop by and introduce himself. Surely the resume I have on file for him needs updating ever since he dropped out of training. Do bring us up to date on your qualifications, Gmanson.

508 Posts

May 23rd, 2007 02:00

Never thought Id see this thread since it was done on myspace a while back. I am working on getting my A+ certification and my comptia courses done within the next few weeks or so and trying to help people while I can in my spare time but with all the things im working on here I haven't had much time since my online classes and friends are taking up my efforts to do anything much on the Internet. I do what I can when I can And going to refurbish my website this week or next week for my A+ stuff. Ill post back with it and tell me what yall think. Hope I didnt do anything bad :(.

99 Posts

May 23rd, 2007 10:00

Hope I didnt do anything bad .
Lets think about it, sneaking around sending out PM`s to solicit your e-mail, web site, "supposely" good advice, instead of posting out in the open on the board for all to see, hummm ???
Yes, of course it is bad, "A+" people would not do this, they have nothing to hide.

You still did not answer the question, your web site, A+ training has nothing to do with PM`ing these people behind the scences.


3 Apprentice


8.8K Posts

May 23rd, 2007 13:00

@Gmanson wrote:
You want an answer You got one. Plain and simple I do not like the help some others have receieved and decided to send messeges myself. Either its not enough or I believe that my friends that know how to use hijackthis believe its becoming obselete and I believe they are right. N.

What has become obsolete? HJT?

Clue me in please..


508 Posts

May 23rd, 2007 13:00

You want an answer You got one. Plain and simple I do not like the help some others have receieved and decided to send messeges myself. Either its not enough or I believe that my friends that know how to use hijackthis believe its becoming obselete and I believe they are right. Norton and Mcafee I am certainly against maybe also against Trend Micros Pc-clilin but as always there seems something to be slowing down and I get to the bottom of it as I always do. I have had several trust me from this forum and have been very successful from others If so want me to quit temporaliry I will.

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 23rd, 2007 15:00

Gmanson wrote:
"I do not like the help some others have receieved and decided to send messeges myself."

You have your own website, so you can do whatever you want to over there. Does that website by any chance offer software for sale? Do you think it is appropriate to spam DCF members here via PM? Any help that you have to offer can be posted in this open forum. You are entitled to your opinion at DCF. The members here can take it or leave it. However, we do like to see information that supports that opinion. Until you finish training in how to remove malware safely and efficiently, and stay updated on the latest tools and infections, or prove to us that you have the necessary skills, users cannot be sure that the help they receive is accurate. Advising members on malware removal via PM is not considered one of the "necessary skills" -- far from it.

Gmanson wrote:
"I believe that my friends that know how to use hijackthis believe its becoming obselete and I believe they are right."

The issue is not whether HJT is obsolete, or whether someone knows how to use it. We use many other diagnostic tools. HJT is just a starting point for people posting in that forum. If someone were to post a report from one of the other tools available we would work from there. The issue is providing accurate help in an open forum rather than behind the scenes as if you have something to hide.

3 Apprentice


20.5K Posts

May 23rd, 2007 15:00

Note the date on that article:
19 July 2006

Before you bother to hunt out other articles be aware that several of us are privy to information regarding the development of the latest version(s) of HJT. Any articles that you find will be somewhat outdated compared to the updates that we are getting.

Message Edited by Bugbatter on 05-23-2007 12:16 PM

508 Posts

May 23rd, 2007 15:00

I did have the documentation but my conversation log became to long.

Anyways it is being worked on to strengthen it in the 2.0 version but this link should a bit interesting.,130061744,139263949,00.htm

3 Apprentice


8.8K Posts

May 23rd, 2007 16:00

Can't you just do things the way we ALL do them?

If not, why?

You have not completed any formal recognizable training, and if you have please tell us where?

All we want is what is best for the people that are posting here. No more, no less.

It seems that you are trying to undermine how this board works when in reality it would just be simpler to go with the flow, don't you agree?


508 Posts

May 23rd, 2007 16:00

I will not repeat myself over and over again. Read my posts somebody!
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