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This post is more than 5 years old

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts


January 20th, 2016 11:00

Panda pushing 2016 update

On two separate systems (so far) today, Panda Cloud Free Antivirus has automatically pushed its 2016 update (to version 16.0.2, from the 15.0.4 that I was still happily using).

I was hoping to keep the 2015 version around as long as possible, due to allegations that 2016 has a problem with restoring files from quarantine to the proper/original folders from which they came.   Now that the update has been pushed out, we'll see what happens.

5.8K Posts

January 20th, 2016 14:00


My Win 7/x64 Panda Free version is still 15.1.0. I see nowhere in the settings to allow or block automatic updating of the AV engine.

My Win 10 Panda Free version is 16.1.0, which I believe is the version I recently installed.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

January 21st, 2016 06:00

"I see nowhere in the settings to allow or block automatic updating of the AV engine".

That's the way I see things as well... looks like they can do it --- or not --- whenever they please :emotion-6:

It's been an interesting experience:

1) As you noted, the most current version of Panda Free is 16.1.0 (released in late December)... but the update being pushed now is the older 16.0.2 (released in mid November).

2) Another system automatically updated for me... that 3 so far.   And I've encountered issues with 2 of these:

On one system (Win7x64 SP1), the GUI was "corrupted" (portions not displaying properly --- extremely bad contrast) and some icons were "invisible".   I wound up uninstalling that update, and manually installing 16.1.0 "from scratch".

On a second system (WinXP SP3), 2 of Panda's essential services were set to MANUAL, rather than AUTOMATIC.   So these services didn't start, and Panda was unable to protect the system.   It suggested a reboot to fix things, which I tried, without success.   And strangely enough, neither WinPatrol nor SERVICES.MSC were able to change the services to AUTOMATIC :emotion-39: .   So again, I wound up uninstalling that update, and manually installing 16.1.0 "from scratch".    This time, the services were set properly, and Panda was actively protecting the system.   But the Process Monitor cannot be set to monitor the URLs accessed by each process.   Hmm....

5.8K Posts

January 21st, 2016 07:00

I spoke too soon.

My Win7x64/SP1 just auto-updated to version 16.02 as well. The GUI seems ok, albeit a bit dumbed down, and includes ads.

I can't recall Panda Free taking liberties with auto-updating before, in the few years I've used it. I take a dim view of any program that installs new software without my explicit permission, but have to admit that WinPatrol Plus did give me an alert, which I allowed.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

January 21st, 2016 08:00

"I spoke too soon."


I have no idea how Panda is selecting which machines it's updating... presumably, ALL systems will be updated within the next few days.   It doesn't auto-update often... but yes, I seem to recall it doing so in the past.

Other than the obvious change in appearance, there seem to be few ACTUAL changes in functionality.   Existing/customized settings seem to be preserved upon an automatic update... there is a(t least one) NEW setting under USB protection which offers to "Suggest scanning every USB drive inserted into the PC" (Default is ON).

5.8K Posts

January 21st, 2016 19:00

I noticed when I inserted a USB thumb drive the new Panda alert that offered to scan it. Not a bad feature at all.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

January 22nd, 2016 03:00

Just mentioning the addition of such a feature... with no assertion as to whether or not it was good or bad.

I'm already using MCShield, the express purpose of which is to scan each USB drive I insert into my PC.   On that basis, I've opted not to have Panda suggest it scan as well.

And presumably, one's anti-virus will also scan any files on that drive, either when copied or executed.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

January 22nd, 2016 10:00

The remainder of my Panda systems all upgraded to 16.0.2 today... no further glitches to report.

5.8K Posts

January 22nd, 2016 21:00

Just mentioning the addition of such a feature... with no assertion as to whether or not it was good or bad.

I'm already using MCShield, the express purpose of which is to scan each USB drive I insert into my PC.   On that basis, I've opted not to have Panda suggest it scan as well.

And presumably, one's anti-virus will also scan any files on that drive, either when copied or executed.

Point well taken. I certainly don't favour on-demand scans in general, but when the USB drive involved was associated with my recent PUP woes, I welcomed the opportunity to scan the drive. (I don't use MCShield). I have since turned off the option also.  

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

January 23rd, 2016 17:00

I had mentioned my one XP system where Panda's Process Monitor could not be set to monitor the URLs accessed by each process.   I tried with Panda 16.1.0 --- twice --- and 16.0.2.   No luck.   So, given that I believe XP requires all the protection I can throw at it, I decided to switch back to avast 2016 on that system.

I am still keeping Panda on those systems where it updated successfully.

3 Apprentice


15.3K Posts

January 24th, 2016 12:00

To clarify, the Process Monitor has two settings... one is to enable/disable the Process Monitor (which was working fine)... the second is to enable/disabling monitoring of URLs --- and it's this second one that wouldn't enable.   As such, the Process Monitor was alleging that NONE of my processes (including browsers) were accessing the internet!  

Now, it's entirely possible that the Process Monitor was monitoring URLS, but just not keeping detailed logs of such.   But I didn't want to gamble on this alternative.


As for MSE, I may be wrong, but I seem to recall reading that after the [1-year extended] "drop dead" date for XP, Microsoft would no-longer offer MSE for download... and might not even allow it to be initialized/activated on XP, and/or it would no longer receive signature updates.  You might want to check this out if you're considering going that way.


The "XPocalypse"... I've continued to use XP --- ONLINE --- with no problems (so far).   The one concession I've made is to avoid IE(8)... indeed, IE8 is now prone to show me certificate errors, even on safe sites like MBAM's forum.   But FF and PaleMoon (for Atom Processors) are working fine.    I'm even composing this response on XP :emotion-4:

[I treat my Win7 like it's a "desktop", leaving it "stationed" at my "desk" (even though it's a portable laptop)... and use either my Win8 tablet or WinXP laptop in my bedroom.   Just find it convenient to do so.  I'm trying to practice/use the Win8 tablet as much as possible... but the XP laptop, with a keyboard, is certainly much easier when I want to type longer responses.]


5.8K Posts

January 24th, 2016 12:00

My sole XP system was still using Panda Free version 15.1.0, until I rebooted. Then it auto-upgraded to version 16.0.2, without so much as a "By your leave". Nervy beggars ... The process monitor seems to be working.

I don't use XP online much these days (due to the much ballyhooed XPocalypse threats, which never seemed to materialise).  If Panda gives me any grief, I'll just go back to MSE.

5.8K Posts

January 24th, 2016 16:00

You are quite correct that MSE is no longer supported for XP by MS. Thanks for that reminder. I still have the 2014 MSE installer, but obviously not much point re-installing an AV that is no longer supported!

Which narrows my options. Panda Free 16.0.2 (on XP/SP3) settings tell me my Process Monitor, and "Monitor the URLs accessed by each process" are both ON. So I guess I'll stick with Panda Free AV for now. It's almost a moot point, given how infrequently I use XP online. Like you, I only use PaleMoon (Atom) or FF browsers on those rare occasions.

I do miss XP for online use. It was a great OS. (Still is for offline use).

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