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This post is more than 5 years old


February 25th, 2007 18:00

I am trying to do some work on my mothers computer.. (non...

I am trying to do some work on my mothers computer.. (non-Dell.... I know I know)
It runs slow and pretty much s- but I need to get it up and running better for her..
It shows that it is running Windows XP SP1 - I have tried to download and install SP2 for the microsoft site... but it fails everytime.  Any suggestions??  Is this even something I can do?
The next problem I have found is that she has been attaked with adware (at least I think that is what it is..)  Its windows- bunches of them.. pop up saying Message Services all saying critical erros- go to a website and install fix and pop up will go away... Of course- you have to buy the fix...
I keep trying to get rid of these and havent been able to eliminate them.. Any suggestions for this??

3K Posts

February 25th, 2007 18:00

thenagtx wrote:
I am trying to do some work on my mothers computer.. (non-Dell.... I know I know)
You know what?  Your problem has nothing to do with the manufacturer of the system.
I keep trying to get rid of these and havent been able to eliminate them.. Any suggestions for this??
Step 1:
Format the drive, and clean install Windows XP.
Step 2: Install ALL Critical Updates from Microsoft (which will include Service Pack 2), followed by the installation and updating of a reputable anti- virus application.
Step 3: Properly configure the system to prevent future malware problems - this includes appropriate security settings, user education on which sites and downloads to avoid, and the installation and regular running of reputable malware detection and removal applications.

3K Posts

February 25th, 2007 19:00

thenagtx wrote:
You said format drive and clean install.. How do I format drive?? Maybe I missed something then even... but sounds like I need to do all of this again ....????

This might be a good example of why it's usually best to visit the support site for the hardware manufacturer.  Reinstallation procedures vary depending on where you got the system, since some manufacturers provide a Windows CD and some don't, and if you got the system from someone who doesn't, you're probably going to have to follow their routine to get the drive formatted and a new instance of Windows installed properly - most likely from an image hidden somewhere on the hard drive.

55 Posts

February 25th, 2007 19:00

I know that the problems arent manufacturer related... but this is a Dell forum :) I had just done a clean install a few days before this.. Use of internet and visit of sites have been very limited.. So not sure what happened... You said format drive and clean install.. How do I format drive?? Maybe I missed something then even... but sounds like I need to do all of this again ....????

55 Posts

February 25th, 2007 22:00

I did what that manufacturer said to do.... look where it has gotten me. I have always gotten very good advice, suggestions and direction from the users of this forum. Hoped that would continue...

3K Posts

February 25th, 2007 22:00

thenagtx wrote:
 I have always gotten very good advice, suggestions and direction from the users of this forum. Hoped that would continue...

As far as I can see, it has, but you must realize that there's a difference between a configuration problem with your operating system (which many contributors here are prepared to address) and what appears to be an instance in which you'll need to at least refer to
the manufacturer's site for help reinstalling your OS.  The procedure varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, and it can get particularly tricky if you didn't receive an OS CD...a detail which you still haven't offered here.
By the same token, since you previously indicated that you have performed a clean install, but in the same post you asked how to format the drive, I suspect that the "clean" adjective is going to wind up being a subjective descriptor.  It's not usually considered to be a clean installation unless the drive has been formatted in advance.

Message Edited by Flooby on 02-25-2007 07:46 PM

55 Posts

February 25th, 2007 23:00

I did use the term clean install and perhaps am using that term incorrectly. What I have done: I did what the manufacturer called a destructive restore if I am not mistaken. This utilized the CD provided with the computer. It basically wiped everything out almost like after installing a new hard drive.. lost all (although I had put all on CDs etc to save..) The CD reinstalled Windows then I set up the antivirus software... Now a few days later I was going to install the new version of internet explorer and found I couldnt because it is running SP1 and SP2 is required.. tried to install SP2 and installation fails each time.. At times it says it is already installed on computer- but doesnt show up in sytem info. Then the adware pop ups started..... looked for a free spyware removal software and have tried a couple that I had heard of ... but still have it all- still cant get SP2... cant get Windows Defender to help with spyware problem becasue it requires SP2... I am in a vicious cycle that I dont know how to get out of.. at least short of doing the whole destructive restore again... but then I dont want to start this whole mess again either :)
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