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This post is more than 5 years old


February 27th, 2007 21:00

Vista - Trend Micro PC-cillin 14 Update Problem

On Dell laptop had problem where, during update, PC-Cillin asked if I wanted to let Windows firewall in to cover during the update. I said yes. Noticed that it kept trying to install the same 405kb update each time I restarted. It didn't complain, but when I look at Configure, the firewall was red and would not turn on. Vista security finally got upset because it recognized that there was no firewall.

Couldn't find a description of any such thing here or other places, so uninstalled and reinstalled with the same result. Talked to tech support at Trend Micro (after 40 minutes of elevator music on tinny speaker phone) and he suggested (1) wait until tomorrow (when he'd be off) and (2) do a manual update from an email he will send (Guess if I got one). Going with the clue of the firewall part being messed up, decided to reinstall again, disconnect from internet and decline offer to let Vista firewall cover. That worked.

Perhaps this has not been mentioned because no one else was stupid enough to make this mistake. But I thought I would post to save someone else the aggravation, just in case.

16 Posts

January 8th, 2008 02:00

I've actually had the same problem with my new XPS 420.  The software keeps wanting to apply a 433 KB update.  I'm not entirely sure the updates are even going through.  Anyway, I've talked to the Dell folks.  They couldn't help, but they said that two other folks called about the same problem that morning alone, so people are aware of the issue. 
Has anyone experienced some success in fixing the problem?  Has Trend Micro figured this out?  I've been going back and forth with them over email to no avail. 

7 Posts

January 8th, 2008 14:00

Believe it or not, had the same problem with the new computer we got this December.  This time the problem seemed to be with Vista User Account Control (UAC) with that update.  Was told by Trend support that UAC was a plot by Microsoft to make it impossible for third party vendor security to work.  She recommended turning it off and leaving it off.  I wasn't about to go that far, but I did turn it off, let the update thru, and then turned it back on.  And it's worked fine since.  You can google for instructions for turning UAC off and on (it's easy).  I did leave a followup message with Trend that I thought the advice was unsatisfactory.
Good luck!

16 Posts

January 9th, 2008 12:00

Thanks for the reply.  I was amazed to hear how many folks were calling Dell about this very same issue on some random morning.
I agree that the UAC needs to be on.  I'm actually not that annoyed by the constant pop-ups from Trend Micro telling me to update; I'm just concerned that the updates are not being completed.  Is my computer fully protected even with those constant pop-ups?  If so, I might not worry about it.
So you have had success turning off the UAC, performing the update, then turing the UAC back on?  Would you need to turn it off anytime you were prompted to update?
I really hope this gets resolved with a Vista update.  I remember XP not recognizing that I was running Norton AV back in XP's early days.  That ended up getting fixed.

7 Posts

January 9th, 2008 15:00

No, just the one update.  After that it updates with UAC on and no problems (so far).
I'm not a Vista basher.  I like many things about it.  And it makes sense to me for the operating system to handle security.  If third party vendors can get to the areas they need to in order to be able to work, then so can third party bad guys.

16 Posts

January 9th, 2008 16:00

Excellent.  I'll have to give that fix a try after work.  Disabling/Enabling the UAC looks to be a piece of cake.
I'm not sure which side is being "uncooperative," so I simply don't take a particular side in this issue.  However, it's clear that all of the the third-party software companies and Microsoft need to get together quicker in order to fix such problems.
Thanks again for your help.  I hope that everything works swimmingly later today. 

1 Message

January 12th, 2008 23:00

I just got my computer a few days ago and had the same error happening.  I turned off the UAC but I still get the error ... any other suggestions?

7 Posts

January 13th, 2008 12:00

Sorry, but I don't.  I'm not an expert, just sharing what worked for me.  I guess you need to keep trying tech support.

16 Posts

January 13th, 2008 15:00

I think I got it figured out--I hope so anyway.
First, I disabled UAC and restarted.  Then, I uninstalled the Trend Micro software using the instructions on the Trend Micro website.  After the restart, I reinstalled the software using the instructions on the website (it included downloading a setup file, not using the CD).  During the installation, it asks about enabling the Windows firewall.  I said no, so I guess the Trend Micro firewall was enabled.  After the restart, I performed the update, which requires yet another restart.  It's worked ever since.
I ended up turning on the UAC and the Windows firewall (the Trend Micro one was interfering with Media Center Extender) later, and I'm pretty sure it's updated properly since the fix. 

7 Posts

January 13th, 2008 18:00

Glad you found something that worked for you.  It seems crazy that we wind up with some Rube Goldberg installation procedure. I have Trend on several computers and it has worked well, once installed.

5 Posts

February 23rd, 2008 20:00

In recent years I have not experienced as poorly tained tech support as encountered with Trend.  Bad is a compliment.

I have been trying to configure Vista Ultimate Media Center with an Xbox 360. Not going to happen with PC-cillin 14 active.Even when every port in/out has been entered into the firewall. On line with Trend (text) I was advised to turn of UAC; and reboot. I waited for further instructions cause obviously when I rebooted my  expert tech advisor would no longer be with me ( actually a good thing).  I typed "and then?"  Trend response: "what do you mean?" Me: "What do I do next?"  Trend response:  A link to an update was typed and then instructions..".install update"  Me: "shouldn't you have advsied that before telling me to reboot and disconnect from you?"  Trend response:  Thank you, goodbye.


I have been able to connect with media Extender to the Xbox only when PC-Cillin has been turned off.  That lets me know there is something with PC-Illin that ain't working as it should. All of the assigned ports have been entered correctly in/out and still no good.  Dell..word to the wise .  Stay with McAfee or Symantec!!! That's where I will be going after I uninstall Trend.

7 Posts

May 20th, 2008 18:00

No solution, just thanks for the warning.  Got that suggestion to upgrade and checked out what it was for, didn't have any of those problems, so didn't upgrade.  The Vista machine we have that is running Trend is running with UAC off anyway.  The other Vista machine is running fine with Norton 20008 (just renewed the subscription with 2007 but that would not work so they upgraded me and that has worked) and UAC on.  I'm like you, I don't like running with it off but we have some graphix software that just won't work with it.


I've been running Trend 12 on my desktop but decided not to upgrade so I uninstalled and am just going with free AVG.  The Security software picture is so fluid that, in retrospect, a three year committment to anything is probably not the wisest course.  But they make it so darned attractive with the price and not having to fool with it.  Thanks for letting us know what happend and write back to let us know if you found a way to back out of it. 

May 20th, 2008 18:00

I have a Dell XPS 410.  I received a Dell Alert on the Dell Support Center Console & was told to download and install an upgrade to Trend Micro PC-Cillin Internet Security 14.  I did so and the doggoned thing wouldn't scan at all - anything!  So, I called Trend Micro.  They suggested we turn off UAC, which I did.  Once we did, the upgraded version of PC-Cillin Internet Security 14 began scanning files.  Trend Micro said not to worry about having UAC turned off.  The more I read, the more wrong I think they are.  I don't want to dump this security software as I bought 3 YEARS of service on it with my Dell computer.  What an idiot I was.  Anyhow, I'm tempted to go back to the earlier version that came installed on my Dell Computer as my computer seems to be running slower than ever with the upgrade. 


Anyone else having this problem out there?

May 21st, 2008 01:00

Be glad you didn't upgrade.  I am now having more problems with my computer since upgrading the Trend Micro PC-Cillin Internet Security 14 software.  Not only can I not use UAC any longer (because Trend Micro won't scan), but all of my favorites have collapsed.  I have to manually open each webpage again to add them to favorites.  My Windows Contact File has lost it's original headings.  It now has the same headings as my Windows Music File.  And, when I go onto the internet, webpages won't load completely.  What a mess.  I'm going to have to uninstall this upgrade & dig out the back-up CD Dell gave me for the original version of PC-Cillin Internet Security 14.  I'll probably use System Restore & go back to the restore point just before I uninstalled my original version of the software. 

7 Posts

May 21st, 2008 15:00

Remember to keep UAC off until after the first set of updates (review top posts).  And good luck!

May 21st, 2008 16:00

I ended up uninstalling the PC-cillin IS 14 upgrade (PCC147) .... cleaning the registry ..... going to a restore point BEFORE I uninstalled the original version of PC-cillin 14 ... and then reinstalled the original version of PC-cillin IS 14 from the back up CD I got with my Dell computer when I bought it. 


Everything seems to be back to normal now.  Favorites are cascading out again when in IE7, entire web pages are loading instead of just parts.  The upgrade was also changing the view settings in some of my folders (GAMES, Windows Contacts, etc.).  It was really weird. 


And, I can use UAC again.  With this original version of PC-cillin 14, I can have UAC enabled and scan.  With the upgrade I could not.  I can't see having to remember enable/disable UAC daily just so my scheduled scans can run.  That's ridiculous.  Trend Micro can keep their silly upgrade.

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