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This post is more than 5 years old


July 5th, 2009 12:00

Windows 7 free upgrade issue - Dell not helping!

This is my first post.  I just bought a a new Dell Studio 435 XPS on 7/2/09 from Micro Center.  This system meets all of the requirements for the free upgrade(new PC, bought after 6/26/09, Win Vista Home premium)

But, when I went to register the system on the dell website, it said my system didn't meet the eligibility requirements. When I called support I was handed off mutiple times each person saying they would fix the issue.  While on hold I was disconnected after waiting for almost 45 minutes. 

I have a service request number, they even have my phone number but no one has called me back.  I'm frustrated and don't really want to stay on hold again, unless the problem gets fixed.

Any suggestions? 



46 Posts

October 26th, 2009 15:00

Thats about what I did I have to E-mails and fo some reason it didn't like th one I use for the main Dell so I used my other one and PRESTO, GREAT WHEN SOME THING ACTUALY WORKS. Good luck now we wait and see if it delivered. Bob

2 Posts

October 26th, 2009 17:00

Hi, first post here (not sure how to post without replying to a message...).  I have been following this thread and shefix's progress over the last couple of days.  I am having the exact same problem.  Every time I enter my login info it says login not successful and I can't get a new password because the 'forgot password' link is broken.  My case may have something to do with entering too many incorrect passwords which is what I did when I couldn't remember what it was but I have since found the password that I wrote down on a piece of paper.

Several emails to different dell departments has so far led to a dead end.  It is getting really frustrating and I haven't a clue what to do.

P.S. I tried re-registering as some of you had luck with that but no dice.  If I enter the same email address it says that the service tag is already registered to someone with these details (name, order date, etc.) and won't take me any further.  If I use a different email address it says someone else has already registered using the service tag.

23 Posts

October 27th, 2009 06:00

I have the exact same problem. I contacted Dell on 8 occasions and actually had the pleasure of speaking to a nice lady from a foreign country. After listening to her read her script, I was able to ask my question regarding my password problem on the upgrade site. She replied that I will need to send an email to Dell to get a resolution. After I mentioned that I had already sent 6 emails and spoken to two reps (including her), she ran out of scripts to read and hung up on me.


Since I’m not having any success with Dell, I’m going to pursue this and login a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. I will also advise my friends of my issues with Dell so that they are well informed when they decide to upgrade their computers.


I have been trying to resolve this issue since early September with no result at all. This is my last Dell for sure.



46 Posts

October 27th, 2009 07:00

Reg I thought it was my paswordthat was messing me up but After tinking about it the only thing I didn't try was my e-mail I use to sign in. I am glad I have 2 and used the second one and presto I was in and ordered and got a confirmation # and Order #. If you have 2 try it if you don't Gmail is free and thats what I use. Shefix tried it and it worked for her also. Maybe when they shut down the site for socalled maitainance they messed up  the customer info. hope this helps. Bob



17K Posts

October 27th, 2009 07:00


When you were on the registration website and at the page where you put in your email and password click on forgot password option and they will send you a temp password that you can change once you get into the registration page.

46 Posts

October 27th, 2009 07:00

Hi markv23, you might want to try this since this is what worked for shefix and myself. I was having the same problem so my last resort was to reregister with a diff e-mail address I have 2 if you don't get gmail it is free and shefix and I did this and got our orders,we don't have a ship date yet but we did get as for as a order confirmation # and order # so give it a try and becare to get everything right. hope it helps. Bob  I thought it was my password and all aong it was the e address they would not accept

16 Posts

October 27th, 2009 07:00

Dell and microsoft are married, may not be a happy marrage, but be certain they sleep together. If Dell and Microsoft had anything in mind other than the bottom line, they would have American trained tech support. People that know the systems without having to read from a list possible maybe's. Dell could not sell computers without Microsoft yet they want no responsiblity for systems not working. I must be a slow learner, 14 years and I still think Dell and Microsoft are the way to go. I have a 10 month old XPS 630i, it was a dream machine until it just stopped working. 64 bit browser is the only way to get on the internet. Any program that is 32 bit that wants to see the internet . I have a 4 year Dell in home service contract that works as well as the system, they kepp putting me on the phone with someone in India, or maybe Iraq, i have no idea.  I have a system that no one at Dell or Microsoft want to take responiblity for.

46 Posts

October 27th, 2009 07:00

Hi JaxSG2, I have never had a problem with Dell until this nightmare with win7 upgrade. I have had about 8 Dells (kinda loose track) and my last was a demensions E510 anyway the harddrive died and they sent a new one the next day they only problem is they could only load win XP media addition because some of my stuff was past the date they keep stuff(don't know if that is true) but I had the CDs that came with it. I came to Dell from Gateway because of the superb support and WARRANTY the have (well I am wandering about the support) beside this win7 mess  like I said I have not had a problem eccept the non speaking tech people and I try to understand how the money thing works,they work for say 75 cents a month and the person in the us works for $20.bucks and hour when you have a whole lot of customers that runs into a lot of money, BUT THEY SHOULD AT LEAST GET PEOPLE WHO CAN SPEAK ENGLISH REALLY WELL NOT THE ONES THEY HAVE. I wish the the people running Dell would try their own tech support as a regular customer and see the nightmares maybe we would get some change but they don't need to so the customer pays eand sooner or later so will their bussiness!!!!!!!! Bob       I don't know anbout the married bit  but MS is about the only software that has everything for a PC or I should say is the largest so you kinda expect the stuff on almost every computer but mac and I guess its on mac to (I know nothing about a mac but when I first got my first computer there wasn't much in the way of software for them and thats why I got a Pc.) I know I talk to much,happen when you retire and get old... Bob

5 Posts

October 27th, 2009 07:00


46 Posts

October 27th, 2009 08:00

Thats simple HUH only problem is I LIKE WHAT I HAVE.  The only problem I have ever really had is this win7 issue and it looks like it is resolved  and not a lot of problems except the norm stuff like hard ware dying from surges or what ever but since I got a battery back up no problem. after buying 12 diff pcs don't think that is bad. my good friend has a mac and I can say he has had about the same luck as myself they might be a good computer but like I said I like mine maybe one day I'll try one.

16 Posts

October 27th, 2009 17:00

Well Bob, I'm a happy PC/Dell keep'em til ya die guy again. I frustrated myself by trying to fix a corrupted program that was unfixable. i should have done what I did today and refomat, I know better, it's a pain, but was fun, lol. I talked with a few tech support people from Dell and Microsoft, they helped me keep my cool so to speak, I am very happy with the end results. I took the problem to heart, this is my baby, don't mess with my baby =). If it happens again, i will keep it under control. The wait for tech support seems to add to the prblems at times, I know I hung up a dozen times because I was tired of waiting. All in all life is good, always have been and always will be a Dell/Mico guy. I'll be trying Windows 7 in about a week. =) Take care.

2 Posts

October 27th, 2009 17:00

ISSUE RESOLVED :emotion-2:

Finally fixed my problem and have placed my order for the upgrade kit.

I initially sent an email to customer service explaining my problem and received a reply stating 'Please try again today as we have upgraded the servers on the site'.  I tried the site again and it still did not work so I sent another email to them.  They replied back this morning and told me that they had deleted all of my account information (including the service tag) and told me to try to re-register on the site to see if that solved the problem.  I re-registered (albeit with a different email address) and it worked.


Thanks for all the help and lobbying done on behalf of everyone guys.

22 Posts

October 27th, 2009 17:00

Okay, to anyone still encountering registration issues, I really urge you to post in the Direct2Dell blogs, that will likely get you an actual Dell liaison response if you are still having issues with Dell's support.  Now I haven't tried this email address personally, so don't be disappointed if it is also a non-working one, but I did notice there was an updated registration support email here:    You can try sending them a note and see if you get anything in return.  Per Macs, yes they are quite good (excellent actually), super easy to load dual operating systems on and boot to either Windows or Mac, but there are reported troubles with the new Snow Leopard OS though, and pros and cons are that Macs still break down, and are more expensive to work on as they require a specific toolset and "should" be serviced only by certified Mac techs to keep your warranty intact.   I chose a Dell Studio XPS 16 with 1GB video card as it has been compared to a Macbook Pro, which I was considering buying this time around, but Snow Leopard bootcamp does not yet support Windows 7.  I chose to remain with Dell and MS Windows 7 because I simply have to stay trained and certified on Windows so I can properly support my clients with hands-on knowledge in addition to my classroom hours.  The Dell in-home support is a good thing to invest in because a real live technician will actually come to your home and perform the repair for you, thus sparing you the trouble of hauling your system into a shop or mailing it in for a two to three week repair downtime.  I have found Dells to be one of the easiest brands to work on, tear apart, rebuild, etc. with easily replacable parts.  Honestly, even with the current Dell Win7 customer support nightmare, I can honestly tell you that my worst tech support experiences by far were when I worked with Gateway support on a client's in-warranty system, an E-machine (cheapo Gateway, cheap parts, short lifespan, horrific support), and Hewlett-Packard/Compaq Even with this mess, I must humbly admit that this situation, albeit highly frustrating, has been a drop in the pan compared to a great deal of computer manufacturers (except Apple who has awesome support), and that's based on hands-on personal experience.  I'm not sure if  that's comforting, but my Dell issues usually always get resolved, even if I have to ride them for a while and help them "come to the light" with existing issues more than I care to.  It never hurts to be able to replace parts, service my own computers, too, I suppose.  (I am a contract Dell tech that performs these in-home service calls for local businesses primarily).  It's always a good idea to get in-home Dell support because I have seen first-hand people spend hundreds taking their computers to way over-priced service centers like Best Buy where they usually address only one issue at a time, and either ignore other issues, or charge for every other issue that still remains to be worked on on top of just fixing one at a time.  You can buy a year of in-home support for less than one service call practically and it really does pay off in the long run due to the high price of outsourced computer service centers, unless you know a small business gal like me that fixes all the issues at one time for a flat rate and has 100% positive client feedback.  Anyway, I can't give up on Dell yet, as frustrating as they are, they are easy to work on, gets replacement parts for, and although you have to dig more than anyone ought to have to, their service has still actually been better than some others.  Somebody take my keyboard away, I'm rambling.  Try that email, maybe that will help.  Or, just post in the Direct2Dell blog and someone from Dell is probably more likely to contact you with actual resolution.  Honestly.  Here's a link to a Windows 7 article where you should leave a comment surrounding your issue, as you will see Dell reps have been responding to posters here (myself included).  Good luck.  PS: Hey Bob, I got a tracking number if you can believe it.  We'll see...

6 Posts

October 27th, 2009 21:00

I ordered mine on the 22nd and got the confirmation the same day. I just got an estimated ship date of the 28th, no tracking number yet but I should get it tomorrow. Wish me luck. I went to the site ( and left a reply to Lionel Menchca. Earlier today, but an autoreply saying he was sick and not in the office today. HMMMMM what chance is there someone else with some sense of responsibity read it and did the right thing? Here's wishing me and everyone else luck....

22 Posts

October 28th, 2009 07:00

No way!  Surely that's not right... Let me check my account... Well, one of mine (Home Premium-boo) says shipped and gives  a UPS tracking number that if you click on it only pops up a server error page (I'm shocked), then OMG... my Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade, which is the one I am MOST interested in shows the same estimated ship date of 12/12/09.  Surely, surely they are not going to make Dell customers wait until Christmas season to experience the "newly released" Windows 7?  OMG, that's ridiculous.  If that is truly the case then - Note To The Universe:  never, ever purchase a Dell during their promotional "free new OS upgrade," unless you want to be the last to experience it, if at all, two months later maybe because the Christmas season never slows down mail delivery or anything, if that's truly the case, what great timing...  Wow.  I sure hope my upgrade DVD I was promised via the other route by the Dell rep (who said we would forego the faulty website) arrives today as I was told to expect.  Otherwise, Dell may not like me sharing my negative account in the way and manner that I will through a laundry list of resources/blogs/communities/clients/chat rooms/tech boards, etc, just wherever and however, the power of the written word is a good motivator when you are open and honest, and not just cussing and fussing, but revealing a valid broad-based issue.  I'm still faithful that I'll be installing my Windows 7 sometime during this week, right?  Sigh. Just when I was oh so happy my issue was resolved, this makes me nervous again.  My fingers are crossed; surely I'll get it this week...  Is there someone out there at that broken Dell website wearing an evil grin and looking for more flames to re-ignite into fires for Dell customers?  Whose hand entered the 12/12/09 date and thought that'd be safe to post, job done for the day, and didn't get slapped on their way out the door for the day.  After everything else, at this point, you think they'd just lie about the delivery date or forego posting it at all instead of having the audacity to put that on there and rekindle an issue that was almost "extinguished."  Just when we were doing the happy dance; now it's the "sluff to the liquor cabinet" shuffle... Ha ha.  Merry Christmas. :emotion-22:

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