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This post is more than 5 years old



May 22nd, 2015 09:00

WYSE R50 Disconnects but image freezes on screen

WYSE R50 Disconnects but image freezes on screen

I have several users that will be working along and their screen will "freeze". When I look at the VM in VIEW it shows that they were disconnected. The only way that the user can get back to work is to power off the thin client and power it back on.

Originally when this issue started I had the users on the 11.1.052 image pulling the INI information from the FTP server. I just started moving them over to the 11.1.070 image and completely rebuilt the INI file and placed it on the FTP server. Several users that were "freezing" up 2-3 times a day are not experiencing that any longer. There are however still some users that are telling me that they are still locking up. Any ideas?

5 Posts

May 29th, 2015 05:00

Here is a copy of my INI file that I am currently using. I did make some minor modifications for security purposes.

;11.1.070 Image only
;************************************************* ************
;* *
;* This wlx.ini file was generated with the *
;* Configuration File Generator 6.4.05 *
;* Copyright by Thomas Moellerbernd *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;************************************************* ************

;************************************************* ************
;* General 1 *
;************************************************* ************


;************************************************* ************
;* General 2 *
;************************************************* ************

; When using a pre-SLEDTC11 SP1 firmware use Keyboard= instead of Keyboard.layouts=


;************************************************* ************
;* General 3 *
;************************************************* ************


;************************************************* ************
;* Display *
;************************************************* ************

;DisplaySettings=MON1 rotate-normal DDC ; MON2 rotate-normal DDC on-left
DisplaySettings=MON1 rotate-normal DDC MON2 rotate-normal on-left DDC
Desktop=coloredseal_big.gif Layout=Center


;************************************************* ************
;* Time *
;************************************************* ************

Timeserver=SERVER NAME
Timeformat="12-hour format"
TimeZone="US/Central" ManualOverride=1

;************************************************* ************
;* Network *
;************************************************* ************

Autologin=Yes Countdown=5


; If you are using an older version of SUSE code please use:
; VncPasswd=clear_text Password

; If you are using an older version of SUSE code please use:
; UsePasswd=yes


;************************************************* ************
;* VIEW *
;************************************************* ************

;- View Session 1 -
;- Each line but the last must end with a ' \' -

Description="View" \
Port=443 \
SecureMode=donotverify \
Disablemenubar=yes \
DomainName=CDS \
AutoConnect=yes \
Fullscreen=yes \
Interactive=no \
Ping=yes \
Useallmonitors=yes \
DesktopSize=UseAllMonitors \
UseSSL=yes \
LocalCopy=no \
Reconnect=yes \

;- Firefox Session 1 -
;- Each line but the last must end with a ' \' -

Icon=missouri.ico \
Description="ReAct Password Reset" \
Mode=Kiosk \

;- Firefox Session 2 -
;- Each line but the last must end with a ' \' -

Icon=missouri.ico \
Description="ITSD OHD" \
Mode=Kiosk \

;- Display Settings -
;- Each line but the last must end with a ' \' -
CONNECT=Custom \
Icon=SysInfo.ico \
Description="System Info" \
Command=wysesysinfo \

5 Posts

May 29th, 2015 06:00

Anthonyjm - Thank you for the reply. It's good to hear that I am not the only one that has experienced this. I am not sure that WYSE knows exactly what to do with most issues that they have. This is exactly to a "T" what I have been dealing with. Thank you!!

Quote Originally Posted by Anthonyjm View Post
Since no one else has responded, I thought I would mention I had what sounds like the same problems with my C50LEs. Not the same model, but same OS. They would freeze with the desktop on the screen. From that point View showed they disconnected, I could not VNC into them, and they would not respond to commands from WDM. The only sign of life, other then the frozen image of the screen, was they would respond to pings. Wyse support had me enable SSH support and attempt to SSH in after a station froze. Unfortunately, once it froze I could not SSH in. Support said there was a rare issue where this could happen if the NIC was set to auto-negotiate and plugged into a gigabit switch. At their request I manually set the NIC speed in the ini to 100FD, but it did not resolve my issue. 

I hope the suggestions I got from support will be of more help to you than they were to me. I went back and forth with support for a month or two but ultimately gave up. I purchased C50 to C10 conversion kits and they have worked flawlessly ever since. I sucked having to give up the larger feature set of Wyse Enhanced Linux, but its nice to have one less thing to worry about. Best of luck.

5 Posts

May 29th, 2015 06:00


I've a similar problem with 10 wyse.
The use of static addresses has it solved the problem ?

2 Posts

May 29th, 2015 06:00

What version of rdp client are you using?

3 Posts

May 29th, 2015 06:00

Wyse Enhanced Suse Linux - Freeze Issue with D50

I am having the issue with Wyse Enhanced Suse Linux whereby the session freezes on the screen. I am using a Citrix backend, I do not believe this is a Citrix issue as I can always reconnect to my session from a different terminal or if I reboot the problem terminal.

1. I successfully logon to my terminal and use my machine for some time.
2. I lock my machine using Windows key and L or via the start menu option and walk away.
3. Intermittently when I return to my desk Ctrl + Alt +Delete does not unlock the session, pressing these buttons on the keyboard has no response.

I have to restart my terminal in order to be able to login successfully again. However interestingly, during my frustrations with this issue discovered that once Ctrl + Alt +Delete will not unlock the session, it I use the Del button on the num lock, so press Ctrl + Alt +Del instead, I can actually put my password in and log on. However once my desktop appears its frozen and unresponsive. If I restart I can pick up my session where I left it and all is well.

I am always able to put my username and password in, but once my session is logged back in the freeze occurs. Sometimes the freeze can happen midsession also. (not when unlocking)

I have noticed my freeze time coincide with DHCP renew times, I was able to accurately predict freezes by working out when the release would next renew. Please remember when checking this, the client will check the lease at 50% of lease time. So if you have an 8 hour lease you could have the problem every 4 hours.

I’ve since started using static IP’s on terminals to try and prove it’s a DHCP issue, however one user has reported a freeze with a static IP 

May 29th, 2015 06:00

Since no one else has responded, I thought I would mention I had what sounds like the same problems with my C50LEs. Not the same model, but same OS. They would freeze with the desktop on the screen. From that point View showed they disconnected, I could not VNC into them, and they would not respond to commands from WDM. The only sign of life, other then the frozen image of the screen, was they would respond to pings. Wyse support had me enable SSH support and attempt to SSH in after a station froze. Unfortunately, once it froze I could not SSH in. Support said there was a rare issue where this could happen if the NIC was set to auto-negotiate and plugged into a gigabit switch. At their request I manually set the NIC speed in the ini to 100FD, but it did not resolve my issue. 

I hope the suggestions I got from support will be of more help to you than they were to me. I went back and forth with support for a month or two but ultimately gave up. I purchased C50 to C10 conversion kits and they have worked flawlessly ever since. I sucked having to give up the larger feature set of Wyse Enhanced Linux, but its nice to have one less thing to worry about. Best of luck.

1 Message

May 29th, 2015 06:00

Did you find a solution not to power off the thin client and power it back on?

All the Best,

May 29th, 2015 07:00

I see, nice share, thx u

1 Message

May 29th, 2015 07:00

I could not VNC into them, and they would not respond to commands from WDM. The only sign of life, other then the frozen image of the screen, was they would respond to pings. Wyse support had me enable SSH support and attempt to SSH in after a station froze. Unfortunately, once it froze I could not SSH in. Support said there was a rare issue where this could happen if the NIC was set to auto-negotiate and plugged into a gigabit switch. At their request I manually set the NIC speed in the ini to 100FD, but it did not resolve my issue. ???

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