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3 Posts


August 13th, 2020 01:00

New Dell XPS 15 9500 - Numerous Issues / Just wanted to hear what everyone else has been embracing?

Hi all,

I'm not sure if this is an appropriate/right platform but I just wanted to share my experiences. 

I did a whole lot of research before purchasing the laptop, been looking to get a relative desktop replacement as I like to travel and do work on the go. From watching all the youtube clips from Dave lee (D2D), Matthew Moniz, Tech Chap, JustJosh, Everyday dad etc. After a long debate between many laptop choices, including Razer, Lenovo(not a mac fan), and many more I pulled the trigger with 20 percent discounts that were on-going trough dell on 11/06/2020 prior to tax time(AU). I managed to purchase a relatively top of the line version to as much as Australia can accommodate(no 2060 RTX versions here).

Just to list a few specs:

  • 3840 x 2400 infinity touch 15.6 display
  • 16gb ram, 2x 8gb
  • Intel i7 10750H
  • Intel Graphics 1650ti

After waiting for roughly 2-3 weeks coming from Singapore and through this climate of Covid 19, I was stoked and finally received it. I want to say that when it was delivered I was extremely annoyed that the person that dropped it off did not ring the doorbell which is in a pretty obvious place in front of the house and did not knock on the door, lucky a family member was in the study room near the door and noticed someone through the curtains, by the time my family member opened the door they noticed that the package was right in front of the door, not hiding behind a pillar and in plain site lucky I live in a court and I know most of my neighbors but the fact that there was no signature(can understand for covid related issues) no ringing of the doorbell or knocking was extremely disappointing by their courier service provider which was DHL. So I can say at this point I was pretty pissed off. But whatever, it was delivered somewhat safely into my hands. 

Upon opening, I was slightly surprised as to how much dusk and particles before even getting to the good part of the opening the wonderful black box. Once I got all the wrapping off and finally got to see what was inside there was more dust particles and looked as if they were in a rush and packed it in as quickly as possible. Thinking to myself I was only nitpicking. Once I uncovered everything and put it on my desk I looked at what was supplied(adapter, dongle, and a couple of papers). Looking over the unit I was slightly disappointed that there was a light hairline scratch/semi dint right in the middle of where the panel of the LED indicator meets the carbon fiber palm rest. I wasn't happy about that.. but was slightly disappointing just because you pay a premium(3.4k) and wouldn't expect it to be 1 packaged so poorly and 2 have a slight indention. but overall it still looked beautiful.

Fired the beast up and let me tell you, the screen is a complete beaut, the infinity edges and the 4k colors are more than amazing, the typing at the start felt slightly mushy but still relative good feedback, the key lighting surprising light well, and trackpad felt great but that was the first thing I tested was the inconsistent clicking and to my surprise, it wasn't as bad as somewhat others have experienced and I thought could possibly be bearable no backlight bleed, all basic testing through a helpful link from Just Josh - - Test Your New Laptop!!! - ULTIMATE GUIDE

After a couple of days of using it, I noticed that out of nowhere my screen would go completely black! but oddly enough the computer was running and the keyboard lights were still illuminated, before freaking out I thought maybe I'll give it a couple of seconds and just close the lid and open it again. To my surprise, the screen turned back on and it operated fine(this was me simply browsing the internet and watching netflix low tasking). As a couple more days went on it kept reoccurring with the same issue and one point it completely went black and the keyboard turned off while the laptop was still slightly humming. So before I thought of simply returning it I spoke to a Dell Support Officer and she helped me virtually reinstall all the bios and updates and it seemed to work fine. At this point, it was close to the 2-week mark before I can return for free without any hassles. The next day it happened again and I had enough, I spoke to the same consultant again and requested for a brand new replacement, not a refurbished replacement, after the battle of the gods with me been very unhappy with the product from day dot they managed to agree and finally said yes. It took a week of approvals and finally it was approved, unlike some people I had to return it first, wait for it to be accepted by dell and then wait an additional 2.5 weeks. So again waiting game begun.. and what a horribly long wait. 

Reaching close to a month and a half from the purchase I finally get my laptop, at this point, I got the box and put it in the backyard and sprayed it with Glen 20 just in case, then opened the cardboard box to bring out the black dell xps box to bring inside. Upon opening the black box again and opening the lid it was absolutely covered in dust particles as if the lid was open for a while and they forgot to close it or something.. but who cared at this point, the laptop itself was my concern. So again before firing up I tested everything, keyboard, moving the screen up and down for any screeches or noises, and trackpad. I can say the trackpad isn't still as bad as others and to elaborate the top 80% is rock solid, no clicking even with running my finger over it like a feather. The other 10% starts to feel slightly a bit loose but no unintentional clicking, the last 10% on the bottom left-hand corner is definitely the easiest part of the trackpad to press/click with extremely minimal pressure, that's only a slight gripe. The only thing I noticed is there is a slight backlight bleed at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.. I was thinking of sending it back again with the desire for them to fix the screen and the trackpad.. but I could not bare another 3 weeks.. for a new replacement for a laptop that could be worst off. 

So just to put it out there that these were the issues I encountered in the laptop:

  • Frozen black screen that made my computer unusable for a fraction of the time without doing anything to the laptop 
  • The trackpad on both laptops was not perfect but I suppose manageable, not really many misclicks and unintentional clicks but the trackpad was slightly looser to the bottom half on both units. 
  • Backlight bleed on the second replacement 
  • Fans can go off and on when performing: Photography type applications, game play(I got bored through covid so started playing SC2 again) Let me say though when the fans are on... they are really on! It sounds like a fighter pilot jet! and that is no exaggeration.  

I understand that this is a new product, I feel like an over entitled prick that is complaining about minuscule things but paying a premium without the quality control been addressed was slightly disappointing.

I just wanted to know if anyone is experiencing any other problems? or Issues

Hope you're all well and safe in these trying times,


Mr Que




23 Posts

October 14th, 2020 16:00

You are not the only one with issues. Sadly I am on the 2nd replacement and am still having issues. The key issues I had are:


Laptop 1: Constant overheating doing nothing until the display started to malfunction

Laptop 2: Wobbly trackpad issue and crackling speakers when playing some some songs. CAPS lock key light indicator not working

Laptop 3: Same as #2 except CAPS lock key light works. Engineer replaced trackpad and speakers, but since then CPU temperature is fluctuating between 50 and 100 degrees Celsius and general operating temperature is higher than before

I'm now considering just getting a refund. Sad, as I did like many things about the laptop, but with quality control issues like this, I cannot justify spending so much, getting my hopes up and then being let down.

As a side note, support has been very helpful

1 Rookie


22 Posts

October 14th, 2020 21:00

Well, mine has been gone over a month for 'fixing' of multiple issues.

Not fixed.  Not replaced. Not refunded.

All that after paying for next day on site service.

Utter rubbish from Dell. 

It seems they cannot make computers properly nor fulfil service contracts or provide customer care.

What else are Dell supposed to do?

10 Posts

October 14th, 2020 22:00

I thought the support of Dell was relatively good, but it seems that's only true during the purchase phase.

I got a replacement unit that works well (still after 2 month), but now I have a problem with the invoice.
I got no corrected invoice for the replacement meaning that on the invoice is the wrong serial number and wrong insurance policy number. So I bought a device for over 2.000 Euro and can not prove that I bought it. After the Corona mess is over, I'll be often abroad with the device and when I come back and customs picks me out, I might need to show the invoice to proof that I didn't buy it in the country I come back from.
Also in case of a tax audit I don't have an invoice for the device that I write off.

Dell support is not even answering the support ticket.
I had to ask the sales person which told me that Dells accounting will contact me, what they didn't!
So you can't even expect to get a correct invoice from Dell!!

I guess other manufacturers will catch up next year technologically, with high quality ultra portables with bezelless 16:10 devices, so that we don't need to rely on Dell anymore.


11 Posts

October 15th, 2020 11:00

Wow thats crazy bad!  I'm sorry you had to go through that.  I had gone through 3 as well and although they do have some issues but I'd say compared to your issues they were relatively cosmetic.  I never had things not working like you described or overheating, crackling or whatnot with all 3 I tried.  The only bigger-ish issue I had was freezing but that was solved by disabling intel's display power saving features.  I'd say after 3 bad laptops just get a refund and get something else (maybe a Lenovo?).

Where do you guys live?  Maybe particular areas have more bad batches than the rest, I don't know for sure.

That may apply to Dell Support as well, maybe some countries have better support than others.  Well even so thats still no excuse, Dell!

Where I work we have a lot of Lenovo laptops as well, I'd say the support is about similar to Dell (in USA).  They are both pretty good not only during purchase but after as well.  They are even good with laptops that we bought off ebay (that still had warranty).   We just had an almost expired 3 year warranty laptop with failed display replaced with brand new current gen top of the line model.

31 Posts

October 15th, 2020 14:00

My 9570 breaks almost every month. 

In the past two years I had to change:

- ssd (fried)

- motherboard (fried)

- battery (swelling)


My audio took 6 months to work, my wifi on windows never worked (only on linux).


Never had a worst pc. Looks cool tho.

1 Message

November 21st, 2020 05:00

I bought the new XPS 15 9500 I7 8gb ram and 256 ssd with Matte screen. Delivered 31 days ago. Thing looks beautiful, screen is great, very bright and battery life was great.......wait......wait.....BUT, I applied to return it yesterday. So far I have spend about 23 hours just working on problems with this laptop. I ran all the updates upon getting this laptop and am also very proficient with PC's....30 years.
1. The sleep/Hibernate would not work property. It would awake and run, killing my battery. I had heard of this issue so was on the lookout for it so I would not bake my laptop in the case. After about 10 hours, 3 calls with support and multiple email we kinda fixed the issue. Randy the PC guy (super nice and very smart) entered some code in the bios which fixed the issue, but then my fingerprint reader would not work when I awoke the laptop....still did not get that fixed.
2. Finger print reader stopped working .....didn't get to fixing that because.
3. Bitlocker locked my laptop up. All I did was hit the power button to put the PC into up grabbed a coffee 5 min and then hit the start key and wamo! Bitlocker. No one touched my laptop. So my bitlocker key did not work. After another 10 hours working on this thing, about 4 calls to support, multiple emails, I had to reload Windows, loose all data and start from scratch.
4. Stuff was missing....the updater did not work and Dell solutions was not on my laptop and would not load so I could not update my laptop. After about 2 hours working on this and another call to support they told me they could not figure it out and I had to reload Windows.

So I'm done with Dell. I'll look at the MBP 16 when the new M1 chip hits it, maybe Lenovo X1 but I had an X1 Carbon gen 2 and screen went after 1 year. I need reliability and this laptop does not provide it. If you like looking at the laptop and not doing work with it this is your machine. Good Luck!


1 Rookie


4 Posts

December 6th, 2020 08:00

Our XPS 15 91500 is having a charging issue.  Under load, plugged in, the unit stops charging.  Only way to get it charging is to power off the unit, then unplug and replug the USB-C power cord..  Seems like the same problem that XPS 17 users were having awhile ago.

1 Message

December 6th, 2020 23:00

I have exactly the same issues. Black screen and wifi issues and also not able to even do a zoom call. I am so fed up with this and I used the same metaphor when I told them it was like being in a engine of an aircraft that fan is so loud!!! I wish I had read this page and Reddit before I wasted my hard earned money on this. My work Dell that’s 4 years old is better than this so is the 5 year old MacBook Air I gave away when I replaced it with this piece of junk!! Who buys a laptop that can’t even join Wi-Fi. I expect that moderator to reach out to me or I’ll be broadcasting my disdain for their lack of customer service in a hurry!! I am not putting up with this - I’ve made more  tech support calls to them in 4 months than I have done in 10 years at my work. I remember one time when I worked as a technical trainer at Accenture I had 9 of the 13 laptops die on the same day - was a known issue but you better bet Dell was all over us to replace them - because of how much purchasing power they had. But individual consumers you can just about forget that. The president of dellEmc is going to hear about this I promise. 

6 Posts

December 12th, 2020 15:00

ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SUPPORT.  2nd laptop still all the issues with battery, trackpad and now a clicky display when using touchscreen. WORST QUALITY CONTROL. I will be waiting for new XPS 2021. I hope they will come without any issues and will be much powerful.  GETTING MY REFUND!!

1 Message

February 27th, 2021 13:00

I also purchased a Dell XPS 9500 and within the first two weeks had issues with the WD19TB docks I purchased. However,  I was busy traveling for work and used my laptop on the road and when I made my first formal complaint to Dell it was after 30 days and they wouldn't refund my money. 

If only I had of contacted them right away. 

Since then they have replaced the motherboard five times on two different laptops and six different docks. The Thunderbolt ports would be recognized on certain orientations of the connector and would work in on port and not the other.

I have spent more time trouble shooting this than Dell. I am at my wits end. I have had my case escalated to Advanced Technical Support for almost 2 months. And they have offered me the option for a refund, replacement or a precision 5550. After reading these articles I'm inclined to go for the refund.

The representatives have been great, but it seems their managers have said stop providing supporting its taking too many resources.

What a show.

67 Posts

February 28th, 2021 09:00

Unfortunately, my experience turned out to be very disappointing as well...although I am eagerly awaiting to see if a new version will come out in the near future with Tiger Lake or AMD options (probably not the latter).  Regrettably, I had to return mine for refund because I ran out of time before Navy deployment to try a third attempt.  My issues:

- The first one had the loose trackpad, sound issues, and backlight bleed...all common issues now.  They were able to replace the palmrest and keyboard and fixed the trackpad.  However, when they replaced my screen, I was initially excited because there was no backlight bleed at all in the replacement screen...then I noticed two scratches.  I was still within 30 days so I opted to exchange.

- The replacement came with another loose trackpad and even worse backlight bleed, but the sound was actually pretty good.  However, it took several weeks to get the replacement, and I no longer had time to schedule an appointment for the trackpad and screen.  I had to talk with several agents, and wait a few days, but I was fortunately able to return it for refund.

I am still on the lookout for a 15" laptop with good power (ideally 8-cores), RAM capacity (at least 32GB), and great battery life.  There aren't many...the XPS 15 had all, and very good style...light/thin/portable.  I'm definitely interested in the next iteration if they keep the formula in tact and clean up the quality control.  

2 Posts

March 2nd, 2021 01:00

Once you do a clean install the two dell apps. My Dell (not essential) and Dell Mobile Connect come up with an error saying "sorry your system doesnt meet requirements".  I presume you didnt want the mobile app on yours?

3 Posts

March 18th, 2021 09:00

After two visits from Dell's engineers to replace the faulty wobbly touchpad i now face an issue with the backspace key which seems to be rubbing another part of the keyboard and sometimes get stuck.
My Wifi seems to disconnect frequently (unlike my previous laptop or other devices).
Currently in touch with Dell support and hopind to receive a fully working replacement soon.

While the support is good the quality of the product is appalling and if the new one is faulty again i will request a refund.

April 16th, 2022 06:00

My XPS 9500 has been nothing but trouble. I purchased it December 2020. The touch pad had issues within 3 months. It took six months for Dell to admit the touch pad was defective and finally have a technician replace it. All good within the warranty period. Now that the warranty has expired, no help from Dell. Understandable. I probably should have purchased the extended warranty, but NEVER had any problems with ANY Dell computer I purchased up to this point. Now the battery will not charge. This started unexpectedly. So a computer that is 16 months in my possession is useless. Dell should be held accountable to manufacturing defects after the warranty period just as auto makers are required to recall products for defects. This model is obviously defective from the outset as evidenced by all of the forums by many people with similar problems. Bad on you Dell.

10 Posts

April 25th, 2022 01:00

I have to say, that a very patient and helpful Dell support just helped me with a BIOS Update problem.

So, to be fair, a former statement of mine, assuming that Dell only helps until you have purchased the device, is not true!!

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