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20 Posts


November 15th, 2020 03:00

Please fix modern standby issues!

Dear Dell,

as of now, probably every new laptop owner came across the "issue" of modern standby (even my 72 year old mum did!). It is just a horrible, horrible development and direction Microsoft and hardware manufacturers (not only Dell) are going. It just simply doesn't work! Why is it called "sleep" when instead the display is just shut off? (yes, probably it is more complex than that but to the user, the effect is the same).

The reproducible issues are:
- Laptops getting extremely hot if the lid is closed (keep it plugged in, close the lid, wait 3 minutes, the fans will start spinning and the laptops geht very warm)
- Guys...this is a LAPTOP. Most private laptops are used on a couch, or a convenient space. If you close the lid, you usually put it on a couch, a blanket or whatever. But now the devices are overheating when plugged in!!
- You cannot just close the lid and put a laptop in a sleeve, a backpack or always have to shut it down (hibernate is also disabled by default...yes...I know how to enable it and set it as default, but it damages our SSDs).
- Battery drain
- WHY did this work so reliably for at least a decade? Why was it removed when S3 worked so well? (yes, I know, "instand on", but in times when laptops need 5-10sec to wake up from S3 sleep, what is the advantage of the other 8sec?). Why does it work without any issues and so reliably on Macs?

Modern Standby is a DANGEROUS and BROKEN feature/implementation! I know that it is mainly driven by Microsoft and Intel, but Dell removed the S3 option to give users a choice. And the OEMs are the only ones who can change and fix the issue by putting pressure on Microsoft!

And to all users that have an issue with it (the forums are full of it). PLEASE let Dell and Microsoft know that we have an issue!

Many thanks in advanced.


(No, i don't need a fix for reinstalling drivers and BIOS updates and reinstalling Windows. It is an implementation issue, not a configuration issue. And I also don't want to return the device, as it is the same with all new deivces.)

1 Message

November 17th, 2020 15:00

I have the same issue. Tech support told me it is a windows issue and that 

November 17th, 2020 16:00

I thought this was a problem with the WiFi staying on... But it appears after disabling 'network connected' modern standby the problem still remains. Battery drains like crazy about 3% per hour, so overnight you loose 30%. What kind of sleep is that? The computer is clearly not sleeping...

November 17th, 2020 16:00

This has been an ongoing problem for years.

There is another thread here you may want to read through: 

20 Posts

November 20th, 2020 03:00

Yes, but I wonder, what the users can do about it.

There are thousands of users that are aware of that issue and probably tens of thousands of users (if not more) that have that issue but don't know why (like my 72 year old mum).

It is not a Dell issue, returning devices doesn't work anymore as all OEMs have adopted that "feature" now (only Apple still works, but their devices anyways won't overheat in the future any more due to their processor switch).

My thought right now is to try to raise that issue to someone with a bigger voice like LTT to get more awareness of the struggle. I mean, that is the single most issue you can find in the support forums of any Windows OEM. It is not a defect of the hardware per is just a very very poor and buggy implementation.

Any ideas? Clearly, Dell (and the others) won't do anything about it without a massive trigger.

February 6th, 2021 03:00

I've the same problem with modern standby.

The Del XPS15 is my first Dell notebook.


Before i only used LENOVO mobile workstations.

At now i think it was also my last DELL.


Please disable the modern standby.







February 12th, 2021 08:00

I feel this pain for generations of laptops!

I had a Precision 5510, which I loved. It was the perfect laptop in pretty much every way. That lead me to buy an XPS 9560, which was also a great machine. A year and a half ago I was due for an update and went with the Precision 5540, which pulled me into the era of modern standby hardware. I have hated it. I have issues with it "sleeping" and roasting hot in the bag, issues with it "sleeping" plugged in and 120 degrees in the morning. I have issues with it plugged in at night and the fans going full tilt and waking me up in the next room. I have issues with the power button not turning it on correctly after "sleeping" and having to hard power off and power back on.

Tech support is no help. @Anonymous-ChrisM says, essentially, "Only an  blank would close their laptop, expect it to sleep and put it in their bag." (Here) I went the rounds on my Precision 5540 and never got anything out of Dell other than "Make the lid close action do hibernate instead." So I spent the last year and a half dealing with all of the modern standby problems, hoping that some BIOS update or Windows update would solve the problem. No dice.

I read glowing reviews of the new XPS-13 9310. I thought, "It's newer, surely they've fixed it by now." I thought, "My Precision 5540 is a strange low-volume fluke that they don't care about. Surely this mainstream XPS will have better support." I am a fool for thinking any of that. Sure enough, the 9310 has all the same issues.

So, I've gone from loving, recommending, and buying Dell laptops to trying to find something else that works. MacBook Pro, I guess.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

February 12th, 2021 09:00

Tech support is no help. @DELL-Chris M  says, essentially, "Only an blank would close their laptop, expect it to sleep and put it in their bag." 


No, actually he posted this:

Under no circumstances should you leave a laptop powered on and in any sleep/hibernate/standby mode when placed in a bag, backpack, or in an overhead bin. The PC will overheat as a result of that action.

Which I tend to agree with.

Modern Standby is not Dell's creation. I thought this was a good FAQ,. And since I fondly remember the simpler-days of S3, I particularly like this Dell Knowledgebase article:

And notice it says this:
Note: If the S3 state is Not available, please be aware that attempting to disable modern standby using registry edits found online have been known to cause Black Screens or Blue Screens when resuming from suspended states.

To me, that makes reg-edits sound ultimately undesirable. You should probably seek-out a better solution

You might be happier with a low-powered iPad or just use your iPhone ... however you can't be careless with those either. All these devices can get hot when they are fully-activated and you can't smother them either. 

20 Posts

February 13th, 2021 01:00

@Tesla1856 as you are a registered apple developer I guess you also own a MacBook of some kind. Did you ever experience an issue there? I was using Macbooks for the last 8 years and never had an overheating issue in combination to sleep. It just didn't happen. Close the lid, put it somewhere, forget about it.

The same goes with S3 devices. Close the lid, put it somewhere, it's fine. I am working in a large company (280k employees) and we are using Lenovo for about 5 years now (I assume 50-70k laptops). One of the desicion makers told us once in the IT tech information, one of the reasons (besides others) is because Lenovo allowed for custom BIOS configurations such as and keeping S3 (they explicitly mentioned that!).

I currently have a Lenovo T490s for work with S3 enabled. Close the lid, forget about it. After some time, it switches automatically to hibernate and that's it. It just works reliably like "in the old days".

Microsoft wanted to mimic Apples "hybrid standby" with instant on and insanely low power consumption, which works like a charm. But compleeeetely missed it. "Sleep" doesn't work anymore and power consumption increased by a lot. And the Laptop OEMs just followed the path...

And it's a daily pain for the users...

It is called "sleep". Closing the lid and forgetting about it worked for a decade. Stating somewhere in an FAQ that well..."we broke the feature, just don't use it anymore but it is theoretically still there" is no, really no solution. It's just an insanely lame excuse.

It's like your car manufacturer makes your lights unreliable and tells you, nobody should drive at night anyways.

BTW Microsoft and the OEMs also broke Bluetooth and WiFi with it. Completely reproducible on different devices, from different manufacturers, with different BLE peripherals. And the only answer is "reinstall Windows". And if you change the power consumption settings so that BT works again, WiFi is crashing in combination with sleep and the devices are overheating and crashing like crazy. Is that the next "then just don't use Bluetooth peripherals anymore. Well...we took away your USB ports...but...whatever"?

8 Wizard


17K Posts

February 13th, 2021 11:00

1. Why does it work without any issues and so reliably on Macs?

2. Tesla1856 as you are a registered apple developer I guess you also own a MacBook of some kind.

3. Did you ever experience an issue there? I was using Macbooks for the last 8 years and never had an overheating issue in combination to sleep. It just didn't happen. Close the lid, put it somewhere, forget about it.


1. Because Apple controls not only the OS, but the hardware as well. Think about how accurately they can be matched.

2. No, I use my Mac-Mini for iOS development. For portable, I use my iPad-Pro and Apple-Pencil (and, of course, my iPhone and Apple-Watch).

3. My wife recently worked for a Fortune-500 . She and many of the designers had 15in-MacBook-Pros. She had a Mid-2015 and then a Mid-2018. They liked to close the lid (only put to Sleep) and carry to next meeting. But then they took it to far and had several instances of them waking-up in backpacks and cars and melting stuff (almost starting fires). They had to forbid it. Failure to comply meant your lost your MacBook-Pro.


12 Posts

March 17th, 2021 06:00

have 5411. killed Modern Stanby with this solution:

I succeed with:
reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power /v PlatformAoAcOverride /t REG_DWORD /d 0
and reboot

16 Posts

January 5th, 2022 23:00

Yes, this is giving me issues, all my unsaved work is lost multiple times. Please disable the modern standby in the upcoming BIOS update. I am using Dell 3500 11 Gen

February 6th, 2022 14:00

does it work with windows 11?

77 Posts

February 8th, 2022 10:00

The only fix is to refuse to buy Dell hardware until they fix this. Even at work I have told my boss there's no way we'll replace our current Dell laptops with newer models with the sleep issue with S3 having been removed from ACPI-tables and S0 being forced on us. Money is the only thing people understand in this world, especially when they lose market value.

1 Message

April 2nd, 2022 14:00

lost 3 days and passed few disappointment states cause of this issue - after pressing sleep, my G15 coolers were working faster than they work during gaming. and... was very funny to discover that this is a feature, not an issue)))) but Dell has a solution in BIOS. there's an option to disable sleep mode, and C States. sleep option is totally removed from OS, and only option for standby mode is hibernate. never liked hibernation, but this is the only way to be sure that my laptop won't die from overheating. did Microsoft test this "innovation"? do they like it?:))) also, after turning off sleep mode from BIOS,  lots of new power management features added into Windows power menu, and battery life extended twice! all new intel based laptops have this issue, but AMD didn't (checked 2 ryzen laptops).

85 Posts

April 3rd, 2022 11:00

I totally feel you. Modern Standby has been causing me nightmares. What’s frustrating is, if you dare to tell Dell that you put your laptop in a sleeve, they will link you one of their nonsense rules that you’re not supposed to incase your laptop unless you shut it down. Like, seriously? So, what’s the point of the whole Modern Standby which is supposed to increase wake up time if users are supposed to shut it down everywhere they go. I used the regular sleep mode for a decade and it was reliable, wake up time was fast enough and never had issues putting my laptops in my backpack.

Modern Standby is causing customers endless frustrations. We should unite together to fight back to eliminate this dangerous and frustrating implementation “Modern Standby”.

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