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1 Rookie


4 Posts


April 9th, 2024 06:39

Aurora R16, constantly crashing, poor CPU performance


I have the same issue as many others with constant crashes described here

I was able to stabilize the system by using Intel XTU and applying the default profile. However, my system performance is abysmal. While running 1000 integration tests in Visual Studio the CPU Utilization is always below 5% and Current/EDP Limit Throttling constantly on. What could be the issue? running so many tests is usually very CPU heavy and it seems like my machine isn't able to utilize it at all.

I ran the Intel CPU Diagnostics Tool and all tests passed.

I haven an open service-request, but support hasn't been helpful at all. They categorized mi issue as BSOD (only appeared once because of clean GPU driver install) and only want to know what software I have installed what could cause instability.

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

April 9th, 2024 12:30

What happens if you run the 5 minute stress test in XTU . . . does CPU usage go to 100%?  What else is throttling besides Current during the stress test? Try to post a larger image.

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

April 9th, 2024 18:39

This is an interesting article


“Intel is aware of reports regarding Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen unlocked desktop processors experiencing issues with certain workloads. We’re engaged with our partners and are conducting analysis of the reported issues.”


1 Rookie


16 Posts

April 9th, 2024 19:01

I, too, have this issue. R16 with 14900KF and a 4090 with 64gb of RAM. I haven't even played a game. My system just blue-screens randomly with random drivers. One time it's NTFS.SYS and the next It's the kernel. My system is just unstable. It blue-screens about once a day or so. I'm applying the Intel Xtreme setting from the other thread. I hope it helps. It runs hot, too. Like it's laboring to function.

BIOS 2.6.0 was released today. Let's see if it helps.

Peace and successful outcomes to your problems, everyone!

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

April 9th, 2024 20:44

@WinnebagoJay​    please keep us posed regarding your efforts and results.

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

April 9th, 2024 21:15

For BSOD do a pre-boot test to make sure it passes all tests.

It should not run hot when idling, unless something is taking up CPU resources.


1 Rookie


16 Posts

April 9th, 2024 23:08

@Vanadiel​ All tests pass successfully. I tried the Intel XTU and it still crashes. I'm very bummed and feel like I bought a lemon. I'm past my 30 days so I'm stuck with this thing.

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

April 9th, 2024 23:29

@WinnebagoJay​ What are your idle temperatures for CPU and GPU?

1 Rookie


16 Posts

April 9th, 2024 23:36

@Vanadiel​ 58 and 50 respectively. I can't seem to figure out what triggers the crash. I think it's random. One time I'll get a BSOD and the next it locks solid and I have to power cycle it. 

6 Professor


6.1K Posts

April 9th, 2024 23:38

@WinnebagoJay​ so it crashes or locks up just sitting idle without any use?

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

April 10th, 2024 00:15

@WinnebagoJay​   58C at idle is not good. Consider getting some good quality thermal paste and re-pasting your CPU water block.

1 Rookie


16 Posts

April 10th, 2024 00:17

@Vanadiel​, correct. I can't figure out a pattern. Nothing that points to a culprit. 

1 Rookie


16 Posts

April 10th, 2024 02:00

@Vanadiel​  Here's my most recent bugcheck. I'm losing steam and getting real tired so I may wait to research it until tomorrow or Thursday. Chronic fatigue is a killer. 

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck.  The bugcheck was: 0x0000000a (0x0000000000000020, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000001, 0xfffff80743ad99b0). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.

1 Rookie


16 Posts

April 11th, 2024 02:43

I'm back online. I've decided to do one last thing before I pitch a fit with Dell. I'm going to restore the OS and see if that does anything. Dell won't talk to me again until I do so. Sigh. Wasted time. I'll be back to let everyone know if anything changes.

Peace, friends.

1 Rookie


16 Posts

April 15th, 2024 22:40

If anyone is still following, my issues were all caused by a bad SSD. It was the Western Digital version of the drive. I couldn't restore to factory default and finally it stopped booting. A Dell tech came out today and replaced the drive. I'm restoring everything now and the system is rocking right along. No issues. I'm hoping it will be good and stable now.

4 Operator


2.1K Posts

April 16th, 2024 02:09

@WinnebagoJay​   Great news!! Hopefully you can begin enjoying you new rig.

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