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This post is more than 5 years old


December 14th, 2017 06:00

Looking for Aurora R7 cpu fan replacement

So I'm getting tired of the stock CPU fan crazy noise when it ramps up past 2000 rpm and I'm interested in looking for another alternative because the stock cpu fan just isn't cutting it. Anyone have any good options that they've tried and is also extremely quiet, reliable and can fit inside an R7?

4 Posts

December 21st, 2017 22:00

I am also curious about a replacement. I haven't had my R7 very long but I am noticing my CPU is usually in the 65-75*C range and the CPU fan will spin upwards of 2000 RPM once its near 70*C. So it is basically almost always spinning at 2000 RPM, which is when it get very noticeable sound wise.

I have updated all the drivers and what not, but it doesn't seem to help. #This machine has to be one of the loudest I have ever owned. Not sure if this is normal or what, but definitely not a quiet machine at all. 

December 22nd, 2017 03:00

I think it's a travesty that they can go out and sell an air cooled cpu knowing full well of the sound problems that it emits when under load. Like jeesus this is beyond loud. My cpu stays in that range if I haven't restarted in several days. But when I restart and not a lot of functions in the background then it doesn't usually crack 60C. I've talked to tech a few times and they keep telling me that this is normal and I'm like uh no it isn't, unless you're deaf. Either way support has been absolutely not helpful in any way. Worst part is I tried asking for a liquid cooler for purchase and they tell me that they don't sell it as a part. So your only options are return it or buy a liquid cooled cpu.

December 22nd, 2017 08:00

you can buy the liquid coolers directly off of dell';s website so i can't i imagine they'd tell you they don't sell them...

1 Rookie


1.8K Posts

December 22nd, 2017 10:00

December 23rd, 2017 04:00

That'd be nice if they actually shipped it outside of the US for people not living in the USA. I have no idea why they would limit selling that to just America.

4 Posts

December 23rd, 2017 14:00

Do you think a NH-L9x65 will fit into a R7?

Image result for NH-L9x65

Alternatively I was thinking also the NH-L9i, which is like the Cryorig C7 size wise.

Image result for NH-L9i,

1 Rookie


1.8K Posts

December 23rd, 2017 20:00

You have to be creative in finding a way to measure what distance you have between the motherboard socket and the power supply when it is fully closed, then pick a heatsink that could reasonably fit in that space. Next, find the TDP of your CPU & buy a cooler rated up to that TDP (example, 65watt TDP CPU needs cooler rated for 65w or higher)(a 91w TDP CPU should not pair to 65w heatsink etc)

CPU specs are found online, wikipedia for example

***measure the heatsink / fan combo you have now, then define the remaining distance to the PSU when it's closed > add together & that is the approximate size cooler you can add (minus a few millimeters)

***slim Noctua cooler not rated for 91w / 95w K processors

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