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This post is more than 5 years old


September 9th, 2009 00:00

XML Api in a .net application


17 Posts

September 9th, 2009 14:00

Hi, Lars.

I can't address the .Net specifics, but I may be able to help with the documentation piece...

Have you seen the documentation for XML API that is on the Celerra Network Server Documentation CD?

Check out the help\Documentation\XMLAPI directory on the CD. There is a PDF in there which has some good protocol documentation and an appendix that shows some session level details such as HTTP login.

Just search for "Celerra Network Server Documentation CD" to download it from Powerlink if you do not have it.



2 Posts

September 10th, 2009 03:00

Hello Dan,

Thanks a lot! I think i found everything and a little more :-)
Do you know what kind of access level i need for the "service account" used in my client? Im not sure what different access levels there are on the box but i bet our storage admin knows :)

Also, if anyone have any .NET experience let me know.


17 Posts

September 10th, 2009 07:00

Hi, Lars.

Glad to hear that it helped.

In terms of permissions, Celerra 5.6 gives the Celerra's security admin (usually the storage admin, but not always) the ability to control who can login through the Celerra Manager, Celerra XML API, and Celerra CLI. Just make sure the account you're using to login is granted XML API access, and then ensure it is assigned a role that will grant you access to the appropriate objects.

If you're just reading objects you should be able to use a role with minimum permissions, but if you want to effect changes to the system you'll need to let your storage or Celerra security admin know which objects need to be changed so you can be assigned the approriate role.

There are primers for both directory-based authentication and role-based administration that you can find on Powerlink by searching for "Celerra Version 5.6 Technical Primer". Both have technical documentation on the doc CD as well (covered in the Celerra Security Configuration Guide).

Here's a direct link to the role-based administration primer:


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