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This post is more than 5 years old


February 20th, 2014 12:00

Talk to a US Call Center???

How in the world do I talk directly to a call center in the US! I got this  17R SE in December and have had three tech visits and numerous hours on the phone. Now they want to replace it with a Win 8 machine and I refuse. I also refuse to accept anything short of them transferring my data. I have over 40 hours of my time into this idiocy and I will never get paid for my time. I am sick of speaking to someone who does not (apparently) understand the subtleties of what I am saying. They just say "we are sorry for your inconvenience, we will do our best..." and sound like they are smiling :p . That and they ignore about half of what is said or typed!


Thanks for any help.

8.8K Posts

February 20th, 2014 12:00

Now they want to replace it with a Win 8 machine and I refuse.  I also refuse to accept anything short of them transferring my data. 


As far as your data being transferred from one system to the other, that's  not Dell's responsibility .  When they send you a replacement unit, they give you a couple weeks to do that before they expect the old system returned.

As far as the operating system, I guess they are phasing out of loading W7 into their systems, so W8  is what they are sending out. It seems your only other alternative is finding a retail copy of Windows 7 and reloading  it yourself.  You can try to tell them that your original system came with W7 and that's what you know how to use and that's what you want.  I have a feeling that you have already tried this approach though.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help to you....


12 Posts

February 20th, 2014 13:00

Thanks.  I get your point, but I am pushing them for all I can get.  The tech on the chat the other night basically conceded this to me.  My point is if they are sending the same chassis - then swap the HD.  They agreed to do that on the chat IF the chassis was the same but backpedaled today.

8.8K Posts

February 20th, 2014 13:00


There are no US call centers.

That's messed up, why did they back peddle?

Post your complaint here.Include the text from your chat also, with the chat number. Tell them the exchange should be LIKE FOR LIKE, as stated in the warranty.  Be insistent but polite, don't let them push your buttons.

Just a suggestion, go into the sales section and see if they are still offering systems with Windows 7 on it. It doesn't necessarily have to be the same system as yours. I just want to know if they are still offering W7 in units and you need to know it also?

Have your facts and reference points ready to point out to them.

Tell me what happens, give them a couple business days to get back to you.


12 Posts

February 22nd, 2014 10:00

Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.  Now I get a voice mail - idiot is talking to bloody fast I had to play it 6 times to get the call back number.

BTW, they have replaced LCD 2X, motherboard, keyboard, keyboard rest and touch pad.  Why would they think another one of these would be any better?  I already have a different machine than what I purchased LOL.

12 Posts

February 22nd, 2014 11:00

Nothing yet.  I called back and left a message with my case number.  This is a refurb unit BTW.

Dell outlet has several laptops with win 7.  Not with this exact processor though.  They are either same chassis with lesser processor or Alienware ( ;-) )

3 tech visits so far, an hour after the second visit the screen wouldn't work without slapping it and it wouldn't charge

Thanks for your replies BTW

8.8K Posts

February 22nd, 2014 11:00


What did they say about if they are shipping this unit still with Windows 7?

When you call that number and enter the 7 digit extension it goes to the team, not  a specific person as far as I know.

Did I ask you how many home visits have techs made to you?


8.8K Posts

February 22nd, 2014 15:00

3 tech visits so far, an hour after the second visit the screen wouldn't work without slapping it and it wouldn't charge

It's kind of a guideline for Dell that if you have three or more tech visits on one system you can request a system exchange.  Keep it mind, it will not be a new system, but a refurbished system.  It will  have the same warranty dates as you current system and the same coverage as  you chose.

That being said, you need to request the exchange using this form here.

Give them a couple business days to get back to you. Post what they say in this thread.

Good luck,


12 Posts

February 22nd, 2014 15:00

Thanks.  If this isn't wrapped up soon I will have to get a refund and get my 4th machine since 12.12.13

Acer (keyboard issue), Lenovo (same, exact keyboard issue) then this one.  This one also had the keyboard issue and Dell was clueless so downloaded a 3rd party patch to fix that.  Known issue across several brands.  Keys on LH side of board randomly double type.

My $350 toshiba had about 10K hours on it and the backlight burned out.  Shoulda fixed the light instead.

Also left a $1200 Autocad DVD in the Lenovo.  Can't be replaced without buying a new one since it's more than 3 editions old.


12 Posts

February 22nd, 2014 18:00

Just to add - I understand that I am beyond the standard refund window - but I don't know what option we will have otherwise unless they can find a equal or better machine with Win 7.  

The display problem is a known issue with this chassis (and the 5720) so I am terribly afraid that sending me the same chassis won't fix anything.

8.8K Posts

February 22nd, 2014 20:00

Just to add - I understand that I am beyond the standard refund window - but I don't know what option we will have otherwise unless they can find a equal or better machine with Win 7.  

That's above my pay grade.

12 Posts

February 22nd, 2014 20:00

I hear ya - I don't know if they know the answer...

8.8K Posts

February 24th, 2014 09:00


Well I 'think' we are making some headway.   If he wants to be gruff, let him.  Just maintain a professional posture with him.


12 Posts

February 24th, 2014 09:00

Wow.  Update.

Escalation Dept calls me.  Right off the guy is a bit gruff, unpleasant and tense.

Says "they are working on finding a Win 7 machine but that the application they use to do this is broken and may not be fixed today."


I explain to him that I am concerned about getting the same chassis again since they have replaced everything and it still doesn't work AND it was repaired when previous owner had it and returned.

He the says "no, you are incorrect, it was never opened - it was an unopened return".

Me: "really, then where did the big gouge in the case come from"

Him: "that can happen many ways"

Me: "OK, then why does the service tag have two parts dispatch / repair orders in the service history 3 MONTHS PRIOR to my purchase?"

Him: "I insure you that is incorrect - where are you getting such information"

Me: "Your website"

I also brought up my "known issue claim" and he went on to tell me that a thread in the Dell forums with multiple people having the same issue (that Dell can't seem to fix) with the same chassis - DID NOT constitute a "known issue".

Waiting for a call back again.

No Events found!
