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1 Rookie


5 Posts


July 27th, 2023 08:00

Dell OME discovery of idrac

Hi Team, 

I have a query about discovering one iDRAC instance in 2 different Dell OME 

can one Dell iDRAC be discovered in 2 different instance of DELL Open manage enterprise ? 

Can someone provide a supporting document for it 



8.5K Posts

July 27th, 2023 12:00



You can indeed discover the same iDrac on multiple instances of OME, but I am not seeing any external documentation that would be of any help regarding it.


let me know if this helps.


4 Operator


1.8K Posts

July 27th, 2023 14:00

IIRC you can configure multiple SNMP Trap targets on a iDRAC. Just check if the 2nd. OME overrides the entry from the first one and if so  just add the missing one manually.


1 Rookie


5 Posts

July 27th, 2023 21:00

Thank you so much Chris for the response .

1 Rookie


5 Posts

July 27th, 2023 21:00

Thank u so very much . U not just answered the query but also suggested the method to achieve it .

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