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This post is more than 5 years old


August 29th, 2002 14:00

APC-UPS Takes over COM 1 Can't Hotsync Palm.

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

August 29th, 2002 15:00

I have an UPS with the control link through the Com 1 port. It is activated through the power setup in XP and probably the same in Win2K.

Right click on a blank spot on the desktop and then Left click on Properties. When the panel comes up click on Screensaver and then click on Power at the bottom of the panel. This brings up the various power settings and one tab (at least in XP) is the UPS. You can enable/disable the UPS interface there.

11 Posts

August 29th, 2002 16:00

Thanks. I'll try it.

83 Posts

August 29th, 2002 21:00

Two possibilities here. If you have an icon in the systemtray for that UPS software, try to close that program. If that program closes you should then be able to Hot Sync. If you can get to the startup tab via Start/Run/ msconfig, you might find that UPS program and prevent it from starting at all.

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