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This post is more than 5 years old


July 8th, 2002 22:00

System Standby Failure due to problem with COM 1..

28K Posts

July 8th, 2002 23:00

You can spend the rest of your life trying to figure out why standby doesn't work on a desktop computer. The advice given countless times here on Dell Talk is to not use standby (or hibernate) on desktop systems. These power saving modes were designed for laptops where the function is critical to saving battery life. Thus, on laptops, all components (hardware and software) are rigorously designed to make standby function. Such care is not taken on desktops and thus standby (and hibernate) eventually fails. Yes, there probably is a cure. The question becomes - is it important enough to spend the rest of your life figuring it out. The workaround is to set your power savings options to turn off the monitor and hard drives after a specified period of time.


3 Posts

July 9th, 2002 19:00

Thanks, Steve.

I guess I was pursueing Standby just because it worked so well the first few months. Your work-around is an excellent idea. I'll give it a try.


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