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1 Rookie


3 Posts


February 24th, 2018 08:00

Inspiron 5570, no bootable devices found

Bought a refurbished Inspiron 5570 last month. It's been working fine until now. Today when I tried to start, it would run diagnostics and say no problem detected. After diagnostics, it says "No bootable devices found". The only option in the screen is Shutdown. In BIOS, it does detect primary HDD. Boot sequence only has UEFI option. Tried to restore default setting in BIOS without any luck. Tried to disable "secure boot" as per other thread but no luck. Can someone help?

1 Rookie


20 Posts

November 17th, 2019 07:00

Go to Bios Set UP . Disable the secure boot . 2)"" Advanced Boot option" on the left side ,make sure that ""Enable legacy option ROM ""   is selected 3) Now Go to "Boot sequence "  and select "Legacy" in Boot list. Restart computer and you can see the  Boot devices list

4 Operator


6.4K Posts

February 24th, 2018 11:00

Community Manager


2.7K Posts

June 27th, 2022 12:00

Note 1: If the operating system is installed with UEFI before boot sequence is changed, the system can be recovered by changing Boot sequence back to UEFI.

Note 2: If the operating system is installed with Legacy mode, You can try and recover the OS by changing the Boot sequence back to Legacy mode and check if the system boots into Windows, if that fails, then, Operating system reinstallation should be performed. (Data loss risk)

1.Turn off the computer.

2.Disconnect all devices such as USB drives, printers, webcams, media cards (SD/xD), except the keyboard and mouse.

3.Run ePSA Diagnostics on the hard drive.

4.Turn on the computer to see if the system boots to Windows.

5.If the system doesn’t boot to Windows, then follow the steps mentioned in the link:

6.If that fails, Use the "Get Help Now" option at the bottom right to start a LIVE chat session.


•Ensure that you keep your System Service Tag handy.

Find your Service Tag

4 Operator


6.4K Posts

February 24th, 2018 10:00

In the BIOS, do you see Windows Boot Manager, Onboard NIC IP4 and IP6 under the Boot tab ?

Dell Inspiron 3543, windows 10:



4 Operator


6.4K Posts

February 24th, 2018 10:00


Do you see the Windows Boot Manager in Dell Preboot menu (F12 key)?  

4 Operator


6.4K Posts

February 24th, 2018 11:00

In the meantime, please check out Dell video in the link below. Hopefully it will help get computer up and running again. Good darn video I like to add ! 

Fix Boot in Windows 10 (Official Dell Tech Support)


4 Operator


6.4K Posts

February 25th, 2018 09:00

Any updates sports1298?

1 Rookie


3 Posts

February 26th, 2018 17:00

I dont see Boot manager exactly. However, I see Boot Sequence in F2 which is set to UEFI. I dont see Boot options (IPV4, IPV6). Attached are the screenshot of F2 and F12. I restored the settings to default and that enabled the secure boot. And now I get this error "OS Loader has no signature. Incompatible with SecureBoot. All bootable devices failed Secured Boot verification". Screenshot attached as well.





1 Rookie


3 Posts

February 26th, 2018 17:00

I tried the link from your reply and it worked. It's back to normal. What does this mean? What was corrupted/not-right? Any idea?

1 Message

May 31st, 2019 23:00

I am facing the same problem please help me

June 18th, 2019 12:00

Same issue with Latitude 3470. But like proposed solution is, when i try to -add boot option- o BIOS menu Settings/General/Boot Sequence, I get an error -File System Not Found- .. BTW Boot Sequence info is empty. Laptop is only booting when I select manually which drive use. This issue appears twice in a week, same laptop model. I am affraid because our company have 18 units for this model.
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