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This post is more than 5 years old



June 18th, 2009 20:00

Cursor jumps around when typing

This has been happening when typing emails in Outlook. It will be interesting to see if it happens while typing this. So far it's been OK. I have a Dell XPS M1530. There it did it just then, the 1530 jumped into the subject field. It always jumps into somewhere I have already typed. So it doesn't just happen in Outlook. It is very annoying. I am using a Bluetooth mouse, but also there is a touchpad just under my hands. Could it be that I bump it by mistake?

I don't know it that's the problem as the touchpad cursor is different to the typing cursor. I'm watching the touchpad cursor and it's not moving. The typing cursor is behaving itself now. I have just moved the touchpad cursor up the screen a bit and the typing cursor is still behaving itself. Sorry about all this running commentary on what's happening, but it was misbehaving before and now it's not.

Does anyone have any clues on this problem? While I am typing my hands are well clear of the touchpad. It just jumped again, and it did not jump to where the touchpad cursor was, so it's not related to that.

13 Posts

June 12th, 2011 18:00

Thanks for update, I'll keep perservering and will let you know if I get any joy - tempted to try an external usb keyboard but kind of defeats the object of having a handy netbook to hand.

5 Posts

June 12th, 2011 18:00

I finally solved my problem. For some reason the driver for the touchpad could not be found anywhere although it must be there somewhere because the touchpad did work. So I downloaded the driver from the Dell website...then on the panel clicked on “disable touchpad when external mouse is in use” (something like that) ...and it has solved the problem!!!

5 Posts

June 12th, 2011 18:00

I finally solved my problem. For some reason the driver for the touchpad could not be found anywhere although it must be there somewhere because the touchpad did work. So I downloaded the driver from the Dell website...then on the panel clicked on “disable touchpad when external mouse is in use” (something like that) ...and it has solved the problem!!!

13 Posts

June 13th, 2011 13:00

I downloaded the driver and installed it and fingers crossed the initial test typing went fine with no jumping so it looks good. Thanks for help on this.

13 Posts

June 16th, 2011 03:00

Been a few days now and have not had any problems since I installed the new driver. So I think that solves my problem as well.

1 Message

June 17th, 2011 08:00

Exactly what drivers did you download?  I had a list of 3, did them all and still having the jumping cursor issue.  It's about to drive me mad!!

5 Posts

June 17th, 2011 17:00

I have a Dell inspiron I downloaded the driver for it.....I would imagine you have to find the driver specifically for your laptop.

2 Posts

June 18th, 2011 08:00

Have an XPS M1530.  Never use a mouse.  Almost since purchase, cursor would go dead - sometimes the fix is ESCAPE, others, and as suggested by Dell, ALT arrow-up has worked.  More recently ... screen auto-scrolls.  This is simultaneous with error code 2000 0123 after running diagnostics due to getting black screen query on startup as to Windows 7 boot options.  The auto-scroll would seem to be a BIOS, hardware issue, but the 0123 is said to be a memory problem, somehow affiliated with WIN7?  Super confused.  I may have two unrelated, but equally frustrating problems.  Anyone else have a better clue than I do?

3 Posts

July 28th, 2011 07:00

Im having the same issue with a Latitude e6420 currently running XP.. Touchfreeze seems to have helped. But I have tried the newest dell trackpad drivers chipset, DS software, BIOS... all drivers for my xp model in the Dell recommended install order.

Additional... I tried disabling anything on the trackpad so my "LAZY Wrists" wouldnt touch it and the pointer stick... but when I disabled the pointer stick buttons and set them to do nothing, they still function with right clicks even though I have those 3 buttons disabled.

Ive had dell tech onsite to replace the trackpad/keyboard still no help.

Thanks for the suggestion on the touchfreeze. Hopefully Dell will resolve this before our company goes to Windows 7 64bit in a few months on this laptop.

2 Posts

September 7th, 2011 00:00

My wife has a Dell Inspiron N5030 (using Windows 7).  She has the same problem - ie the cursor jumping around.  She is a touch typist so may have been hitting the touchpad without realising it due to speed.  However, even when deliberately trying to slow down and avoid the touchpad, the problem still occurs.

I tried typing on it.  I'm slow and go nowhere the pad.  The cursor still jumped, so I'm guessing it's not just a touchpad problem.

I wondered if anyone has had any more luck/suggestions since the last post.

The laptop was purchased in April of this year.

All help gratefully received - especially if there have been any new developments/solutions recently.



7 Posts

September 8th, 2011 07:00

Good luck.  I have tried everything recommended, including downloading the latest Dell touchpad driver and the Touchfreeze application.  Nothing works to prevent the cursor from jumping around.  You can stay completely away from the touchpad or even disable it entirely and the cursor still jumps around in any application at any time, apparently at random.  It is a problem with the OS or hardware, not with the software or driver.  Dell does not want to admit this problem, so there has been no apparent attempt to fix it.  It happens with virtually every kind of Dell laptop, judging from the complaints coming in.  Until Dell decides that it is their problem to own, nothing is likely to happen.  The only solution to the problem seems to be to purchase another brand of computer.  But as long as Dell believes they can convince people that it is the user's fault and that they need a specialized piece of software to disable the touchpad if they can't keep their thumbs off of it, they have little incentive to fix it, since people will not blame them but accept the blame for themselves.

October 18th, 2011 22:00

I have the same problem. I'm nowhere near the touchpad, there are no touchpad options under mouse or anywhere else. This is SO frustrating and everyone gives the same answer which isn't even possible.

5.2K Posts

October 18th, 2011 23:00

In the Mouse App, there is usually nothing under the TouchPad tab. Go to the Advanced tab for the Pad settings.

October 19th, 2011 10:00

In the Mouse App, there is usually nothing under the TouchPad tab. Go to the Advanced tab for the Pad settings.

I had to install drivers for the touchpad, then there were things that could be set, adjusted, turned on/off, etc. this seems to have fixed it. Why would Dell build a laptop with a touchpad yet not have the functionality built in? That blows my mind.

1 Message

October 22nd, 2011 21:00


We are having the same problem with the touchpad on an N5030 running Windows 7

Even now typing this post with an external mouse plugged in the cursor jumped around the screen.

I have downloaded the current drivers and reinstalled them.

Any suggestions as otherwise the laptop is working perfectly




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