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November 24th, 2015 13:00

Display Driver has stopped working and has recovered - Inspiron 7359 2-in-1

This happens several times a day, please see the error message in the screen shot -"Display driver ha stopped working and as recovered"

The weird thing is that it mentions Windows 8 when I have Windows 10 running on the machine. I have also removed the display driver and installed one from the support dell web site. Also updated BIOS from the same place.

2 Posts

May 24th, 2016 19:00

Same thing here with my Inspiron 5559 15" 8gb 1TB back lit keyboard. I had another 5559 with touch and 4gb ram and 500gb but had to take it back out of the box edge wouldn't launch and randomly crashed. This one is not even 24 hours old and having problems. I am trying the beta driver and will post how it goes.

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