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2 Posts


March 22nd, 2023 08:00

Dell.TechHub on Latitude using .net v5

​We've had to remove .net 5 from all devices due to compliance issues. Microsoft has made .net 5 end of life and stopped all support for it. It also fails a vulnerability assessment.​

​Now we've removed it, the user is having regular pop ups that Dell.TechHub.Instrumentation is failing to start because it can't find the .net 5 assemlies​

​The event logs are showing this issue:​

​Description: A .NET application failed. Application: Dell.TechHub.Instrumentation.UserSessionAgent.exe Path: C:\Program Files\Dell\DTP\InstrumentationSubAgent\Dell.TechHub.Instrumentation.UserSessionAgent.exe Message: A fatal error occurred. The required library hostfxr.dll could not be found. If this is a self-contained application, that library should exist in [C:\Program Files\Dell\DTP\InstrumentationSubAgent\]. If this is a framework-dependent application, install the runtime in the global location [C:\Program Files\dotnet] or use the DOTNET_ROOT environment variable to specify the runtime location or register the runtime location in [HKLM\SOFTWARE\dotnet\Setup\InstalledVersions\x64\InstallLocation]. The .NET runtime can be found at: - ​​ ​

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​It can't run because we've removed the .net 5 runtime, and we have no choice in that matter.​

​I've contacted Dell support several times and I must say they've been completely useless as usual, and all I wanted to do was inform them of the issue and ask if there was a newer, compatible version of this that could be installed instead.​

​Has anyone else come across this or could advise me on how to proceed.​

​If we can't update this then all the Dells that have this issue are going to be pulled from service as we can't have non compliant devices in use by our staff. ​

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16.8K Posts

March 24th, 2023 07:00


To receive assistance from Dell support, they need to verify the warranty status and ownership. Click the "Get help now" icon on the right to start a live chat session. Provide to them the private Service Tag and all of your troubleshooting.

March 24th, 2023 07:00


Yes done all that at least 4 times unfortunately.

2 of the agents cut me off themselves, one was actually trying to help but we got disconnected on the chat, and I've given up with DELL now. 

This type of rubbish support has been going on since we bought Dells for the organisation a few years ago and nothing has changed.

The query is simple:

Some of the Dell software on some Dell workstations uses .net 5.  This is now completely out of support with Microsoft and doesn't receive security updates.

Firstly, I wanted to inform Dell about this because none of the agents were actually aware of the issue.

Secondly all I wanted was to know which software I needed to download if there was a more recent version.

However it would seem that those in Dell support don't understand the concept of security, vulnerabilities and out of support software and would rather just disconnect the chat rather than dealing with anything that doesn't involve turning the computer off and on again.

I've now through a lot of internet search think I've found the correct download. 

There is absolutely no way I'm every going to be buying Dell again for the company or renewing any support contract with them to receive (not receive) this level of service.  This isn't a one off experience of bad support but over a year or two.  They really need to get their act together. They've gone from a premium brand 4-5 years ago to something no IT professional that has had experience with their workstations will now touch.


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