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This post is more than 5 years old


September 2nd, 2008 17:00

2408WFP Continued

The thread "2408WFP rev A01 is out, but what are the changes?" has gotten too long to manage. I am locking that thread and any new comments should posted here.




A new firmware version of the 2408 was released. As the monitors work their way through the supply chain it will become more and more likely that you will receive a version A01 monitor when you order new.


For those getting replacements, all refurbished monitors in service stock should have the new firmware. If you get a new exchange there is still a chance it will be A00 but that should diminish over time.


The new firmware addresses:


  1. Input lag.
  2. Not coming out of standby with some video cards.
  3. Changes the Sharpness settings to increments of 10 rather then 25.


Thank you for your patients through all of this, believe me it's been as frustrating for me as it has been for many of you.

8 Posts

September 8th, 2008 21:00

@cawang wrote:

I recently upgraded my video card to an ATI one and bingo, my nice 2408WFP (I bought on the day 1 it was released -- how stupid I was) now has problem on power save mode recovery! I contacted Dell support, the first guy told me I would get an A01 one and my problem would be solved. As of today, I got the replacement shipment. It is still A00, and as everyone could guess, THE PROBLEM IS STILL THERE.


I contacted Dell support again. This time the guy stated that THERE IS NO PROBLEM AT ALL with A00. 


I was forced to wait for the second replacement as that's the only thing the guy could do. As I can imagaine, I would still get an A00 and the power save mode recovery problem will be still there. I have to spend all my time waiting for the endless shipments until I luckily got an A01 revision. (probably after the warranty expires?) Isn't there any better way that Dell can do to help us who got the problematic 2408WFP A00? If not, the current Vostro 400 is my 7th Dell system (desktop/laptop) and will be the last one."

@cawang - I feel your pain! Sorry to hear you're having problems too, here's a few things you might try:


Assuming you don't have HDMI output on your graphics card, you might have some luck with this cable eBuyer:130514


I have a graphics card with HDMI output, so I can run an HDMI->HDMI cable to the Dell, and it doesn't have the same problem as if I use HDMI->DVI on the monitor! Not sure if the problem resides at the graphics card or monitor side (we on the forum suspect the monitor), so with any luck going from your graphics card's DVI port to the Dell's HDMI might bypass the problem. Be warned, my 2408 (A00) does occasionally go into power save even on HDMI, but turning it off and on rectifies it (so far) unlike when using the DVI ports.


Am still undecided what to do about my A00, it's within the 30 days currently, but I just know returning it's absolutely no use; you just get another one from the same batch at the moment.


Falling back to VGA is probably not idea, for numerous reasons. I assume you have tried both DVI ports, and done the "Factory Reset" in the menus?


Good Luck!

14 Posts

September 8th, 2008 21:00

I recently upgraded my video card to an ATI one and bingo, my nice 2408WFP (I bought on the day 1 it was released -- how stupid I was) now has problem on power save mode recovery! I contacted Dell support, the first guy told me I would get an A01 one and my problem would be solved. As of today, I got the replacement shipment. It is still A00, and as everyone could guess, THE PROBLEM IS STILL THERE.


I contacted Dell support again. This time the guy stated that THERE IS NO PROBLEM AT ALL with A00. 


I was forced to wait for the second replacement as that's the only thing the guy could do. As I can imagaine, I would still get an A00 and the power save mode recovery problem will be still there. I have to spend all my time waiting for the endless shipments until I luckily got an A01 revision. (probably after the warranty expires?) Isn't there any better way that Dell can do to help us who got the problematic 2408WFP A00? If not, the current Vostro 400 is my 7th Dell system (desktop/laptop) and will be the last one."

23 Posts

September 9th, 2008 00:00

How do I get to the menu where I can see usage time?

14 Posts

September 9th, 2008 00:00



Thanks for your reply.


I do have the DVI-HDMI cable you mentioned, and I've tested it with 2408WFP A00 already. It's all the same -- the monitor won't wake up after entering into power save mode. I even tested the replacement one I received today -- still no go!


The funny thing is a Dell staff Jimmy-P already stated that power save mode recovery problem has been improved in A01 but regular Dell technical support still DO believe an A00 will solve the problem even if I have tested two A00 monitors. Now the third one is coming tomorrow... they are wasting my time and wasting the fuel cost of shipping as well.


4 Posts

September 9th, 2008 02:00

I'm just wondering what exactly the nature of this power save mode recovery problem is, as I bought myself a new ATI card a week ago (coming from nvidia). When Resuming from standby the monitor flashes 3 or 4 times, before it stabilizes, I was already wondering if this was normal, I also noticed that this stresses my pc, flac/wavpack playback (winamp) gets interrupted for example. Any thoughts on this?

14 Posts

September 9th, 2008 03:00

The power save mode recovery problem is that when the monitor enters into power save mode (for a certain time of inactivity) it can never be waked up again. You have to force the computer to turn off and reboot again.


This is a problem special to 2408WFP A00 with certain graphics cards. For my case, the same card however does not have the same problem with many other monitors.


I have already tested two 2408WFP A00 monitors, both are problematic. The same desktop works perfectly with Dell E193FP (vga) and Dell E228WFP (DVI).

September 9th, 2008 03:00


when the monitor is off, press the menu and + buttons simulatenously. then press the on button, then press the - button ..

31 Posts

September 10th, 2008 00:00

My monitor has just turned up.


Its the A01 and its great.


I cannot find a single fault, no lag, no left side brightness, no halo around text, nothing!!! It worked fine straight out of the box and no colour/contrast/brightness changes were needed. 


I havent done any formal lag tests, if there is any, you really cant tell. 


All i can say its hats of to Dell, because my experience has been very good, no complaints. The monitor arrived 5 days early aswell. 



31 Posts

September 10th, 2008 01:00



Ive tried Call of Duty 4 and Frontlines, I really found no problems with it. 


My previous monitor was a 19 inch TN panel.


As i said, if there is lag, its so minimal i cant even tell. I might add however, Im not a serious gamer. 


Its one of those things really, had i not known about the lag issue prior to buying, i would have said it didnt have any lag issues. 


Man, it looks brilliant though. 

September 10th, 2008 01:00

@Crimchaser wrote:

My monitor has just turned up.


Its the A01 and its great.


I cannot find a single fault, no lag, no left side brightness, no halo around text, nothing!!! It worked fine straight out of the box and no colour/contrast/brightness changes were needed. 


I havent done any formal lag tests, if there is any, you really cant tell. 


All i can say its hats of to Dell, because my experience has been very good, no complaints. The monitor arrived 5 days early aswell. 




Just out of curiosity, are you gaming with this display?  What was your previous monitor and how does it compare for lag.


Still my biggest concern is input lag for a serious gaming display.



1 Message

September 10th, 2008 11:00

Hello, I'm getting ready to order a new 2408WFP and wanted to know if I had a good chance at getting the A01 version.  I don't know if there are still any A00 still floating around, but I'd hate to spend the $$$ and not get the latest version or maybe I should wait a few more weeks?  I live in the United States.



31 Posts

September 11th, 2008 07:00



After having my monitor now for 24 hours, allow me to give a definative review in respect to all known problems (that im aware off).


For info, I am an Australian customer who has recieved the Rev A01- made in china.




On a dark screen, and after looking very closely for a while, i have deducted that there is a small increase in brightness covering about 1/10 of the screen on the left. I dont consider this a problem given it is so minor, you really cant notice it.




After numerous game/video tests i only noticed a small amount of lag, primarily during some video tests where the audio was slightly out of sync. Again, it really is minor. Of note, the sync problems didnt always occur, so other factors may be a play that dont relate to the monitor.The sync problems occured while running quicktime movies so i may have problems with that application. 

As for the most serious of gamers, i cant imagine that the small amount of lag would be of any real consequence, it certainly didnt make me any worse of a player, but as ive previously mentioned, im only a casual gamer (Im more interested in Hi Def stuff). I really dont know what to tell you gamers about this, perhaps a more serious gamer with an A01 can advise you better re this issue.




Im running through DVI -HDMI, no powersave problems at all. 




Ive noticed a small amount of problems with reds and green, but im not sure problem is the right word. It appears as though these colours are a little more vibrant than others. In some instances it can make things look wierd, but other times, it enhances an image making it look awesome, so it abit of a catch 22. 

Overall i think the colours are great. Its the first thing i noticed about the monitor is the digital vibrancy of the images which look great. 




No dead or fixed pixels noted. No flashing of pixels during certain colour being dispayed. 




Some people have reported seeing text on the screen which has a kind of pink banding, especially during net sessions.  Ive noticed nothing of the sort. 


I have no text issues at all!!




Have increments of 10. Enough said. Its worth mentioning thatmy monitor required no adjustments. Factory settings were fine.




No problems with Dell. I asked for the A01, and i recieved. Delivery was prompt also. 

Its also worth noting that this forum is also very liberal which enables clear and unbiased discussion, which really is a great help. I cant fault Dell.




I love this product.  I love the images, i love the look and the hi def at 1900x1200 is fantastic. 

I thought the games looked great and played fine.  

If your like me, that is, use the net alot, play a few games, watch alot of movies, then this is the monitor for you. Im sure there are some monitors that could blow this away, but for the price, you cant beat this.


Credit where credit is due, the A01 is a great product, its unfortunate that so many are discouraged from buying it given the original problems. 


Message Edited by Crimchaser on 09-11-2008 03:16 AM

September 11th, 2008 10:00

^ What a great review Crimchaser.  I can't tell you how useful those kind of reviews are in my decision making process.


Sounds like a great monitor and I am almost ready.


BUT I would still like to hear from some serious gamers on input lag for fast twitch games


Thanks again for taking the time to do the review.  Greatly appreciated.



5 Posts

September 12th, 2008 02:00

Crimchaser: Lucky you!


I ordered a 2408WFP last week like you, and after chasing the courier it arrived yesterday. Unfortunately it was labelled A00 and has the OLD F/W. I'm very disappointed that after waiting so many months, and after seeing many people in Australia with the new F/W I ended up with such an old one. I can't be bothered with Dell's latest panel lottery, and I think I will just get my money back and buy a Samsung or something.


It was manufactured in JUNE 2008, when was yours made?


Perhaps what one gets has something to do with location. I'm in Sydney metro. Model number is 0G291H which I think is related to the region of the world, and doesn't have much bearing on anything else IMO. Other people in Australia have the same model number, but NEW F/W here.


You say that you "asked" for an A01 - how did you do this, if in your original post you say that you didn't ask for one, and that you weren't sure what you'd get? 




Message Edited by Ross_V on 09-12-2008 01:25 PM

3 Posts

September 12th, 2008 04:00

Mine shipped yesterday!


USA -> Toronto -> Montreal


I should be getting it today or tomorow :)

Ahh then anticipation. A01. Fingers Crossed.

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