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July 4th, 2019 00:00

Dell Display Manager, Easy Arrange doesn't work on Visual Studio windows

Hello, The monitor is U3419W. Easy Arrange is not working, when I move MS Visual Studio 2017 windows. It doesn't display red and yellow UI frames and does not resize them. Is there anything I can configure manually?

425 Posts

July 5th, 2019 08:00

One thing to check: if you are running VS with admin privileges and DDM as a standard user (the default), DDM won't be able to touch VS. If that's the case, try either (a) running VS as a standard user or (b) running DDM with admin privileges - so that they both have the same rights.

Community Manager


54.4K Posts

July 5th, 2019 06:00

* DDM was never tested from within the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 software. Does DDM Easy Arrange function with just the Microsoft Windows operating system?
* See page 4. Try changing all Preset Mode to Standard and retest. Then test all with other Preset Mode available
* Perhaps the 4/30/19 DDM is not compatible with the 2017 Microsoft Visual Studio? Can you right click the Microsoft Visual Studio icon and look for options like =
Compatibility, override high DPI scaling behavior

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