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This post is more than 5 years old


January 20th, 2010 19:00

I can't change my Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-Card mac address - not the regular "How do I change my MAC address?"

Hi all!


I want to change my wireless mac addres, but i can't.

I tried from the device managger on the usuall way, i tried from regedit and i also tried with mac changer programms.

In the regedit, the Network address changed, but when i type the "ipconfig /all" commant to the cmd it show me my default mac address.

I also tried to connect to the network witch use mac filter (that's, why i want to change my mac) , but i can't.

What should i do? Please help me.


Bye, Ghingis

ps: sorry for my bad english

edit: probably it helps, i use win7

1 Message

June 20th, 2012 16:00

I have the same card and the same, apparently old, problem.  SMAC by KLC Consulting doesn't do anything when I try it, period.  Technitium at least gives me the error message: "Failed to change MAC address.  For wireless network connections, set the first octet of MAC address as '02' and try again."  This totally defeats the purpose if the first octet of the MAC address I want to clone is 00.

1 Message

April 25th, 2013 19:00

Thank you Creeras !

That worked for me.

 But, this will only help people who want to change their mac to the 0a-0a... format. It still does not help people who want to change their mac to something else.


1 Message

October 12th, 2014 00:00

Sorry, but it doesn't!!! I too have been having the same problem. Tried SMAC 2.0, Technitium, changing it in the Device Manager and in the registry - all to no avail. I have a Dell Inspiron 1545 with the 1397 mini card that performs all other tasks wonderfully..... except this.

I want to change my address to work around certain unrealistic time and usage restrictions at my school. The HP netbook I am posting on accepted the change on first try. This must be some sort of driver issue, Is there no one out there with any answers, even if it's NOT the one I want to hear? Would really just like to know why this issue exists.


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