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This post is more than 5 years old



April 30th, 2005 00:00

Need help accessing net through adapter...

​ Hey everyone- ​
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​ So I'm setting up a new computer with a NetGear ethernet card. I've got Verizon DSL, and I'm trying to set up my connection to my liking. Right now, I've got a network connection, but it's through the WAN Miniport (which I understand is a virtual adapter). Under network connections, I have a "Broadband" connection that seems okay, but the LAN connection through my NetGear card (which my DSL modem is hooked up to) has a yellow exclamation point and no connectivity. I can't for the life of me figure out how to set up my DSL connection through the LAN and not a virtual adapter. Also, I would really like for Windows to open the connection to the net automatically when I log on, but I can't figure out how to get it to do that either... ​
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​ Thanks in advance for your help, ​
​ ​
​ Nathan ​
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