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This post is more than 5 years old



February 17th, 2005 16:00

Port Com is not Accessible

​ ​​I am receiving the same Code 85 telling me that my Com Port is not Accessible and therefore I cannot get my AOL to work. I have tried calling Dell Support twice, but have spent a lot of time on hold and never got a complete answer to my problem. Please help me to fix the problem. I certainly am no computer whiz and need how to fix this problem in layman terms. I have had this problem since last May. Please help me fix the problem. Thanks.​​ ​

1.3K Posts

February 18th, 2005 11:00

Thanks for using the Dell Community Forum.
It's AOL's software that is having the problems finding the open port.  I would ask that you call them and see what they can say.  If they ask you to contact us again, please try to get specific information as to what needs to be changed on the Dell system so we can assist you better.
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