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3 Posts


March 2nd, 2020 12:00

idrac 9 error message


i have blade server dell and i'm trying to open idrac web page but show this message :

RAC0508: An unexpected error accoured. Wait a few minutes and refresh teh page.If the problem persists, contact the service proivder

WhatsApp Image 2020-02-27 at 11.18.53 AM.jpeg

How can solve this issue ??

3 Apprentice


900 Posts

March 2nd, 2020 17:00

The easiest thing to try first is to SSH to the idrac IP, log in, then run this command to reboot the idrac:
racadm racreset 

The system will not reboot, but the idrac will reboot and you will lose connection to the idrac for about 3-5 mins. Then you can log in again and try to open the gui again. I also suggest clearing the browser cache while the idrac reboots. 


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