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March 13th, 2012 18:00

R710 Error message when loading System Services

Hi there,

When booting up into System Services, before it loads the Unified Server Configurator I get the following messages:

Message PR1: Replaced part detected for device: DDR3 DIMM(Socket A3)

Message PR1: Replaced part detected for device: DDR3 DIMM(Socket A6)

Message PR1: Replaced part detected for device: DDR3 DIMM(Socket B3)

I get that message every time I boot into USC.  Has anyone come across that before?

As well as that, when I try to perform an update, it tries contacting the dell ftp site, hangs for a while when grabbing the catalogue, then errors out with this message:

A system restart is required.

!!!! X64 Exception Type - 00000000000000D !!!!

RIP etc etc etc

Then on top of that, when I try to go to the site (through Filezilla) to download the SUU (Server Update Utilities) ISOs, it downloads to about 500MB then freezes!

This is my first time trying to update the firmware on a Dell server.  Do people often run into such problems?

Thanks in advance for any reply!


March 14th, 2012 17:00

Yeah so I also still had success with trying to download the SUU ISOs (even from home).  It must be an issue with

I did however get around the issue of downloading the firmware by using this guys technique:

Still had a few issues but ultimately I installed the Dell Repository Manager and followed the steps outlined in that blog.

I downloaded the packages for Linux only, then created a boot disc ISO when exporting the bundle.  Burnt the ISO to disc, and booted the server into the disc.  It then updated all of my firmware include, iDRAC, and BIOS.

I found that after these updates I could not boot into System Services.  But I repaired that by updating the Dell Lifecycle Controller Repair Package through iDRAC.  Below is the link to download the Dell Lifecycle Controller Repair Package.

I logged into the iDRAC, went to Remote Access (or iDRAC Settings) on the left, then the update tab and uploaded the .usc file to the server.

After that completed i rebooted the server and could then access System Services, from in there I could see that all the firmware had been updated successfully.

I must say I've spent 2 days at work just trying to update the firmware on this one Dell server, its been very painful!  If the ftp server had have been working properly it would have taken me a couple hours.. anyway....

Hope that helps someone having the same issues!

March 13th, 2012 18:00

Sorry I must have cut off some of the error when formatting the font, the second error says the following

This system detected a fatal error and has halted.

A system restart is required.

!!!! X64 Exception Type - 00000000000000D !!!!

RIP etc etc etc

I found the following thread ( and followed the instructions to repair USC with the Lifecycle Controller Repair Package in iDRAC.  I was able to update USC successfully however still get the error when trying to update.



166 Posts

March 13th, 2012 22:00

Hi Luke

These errors most probably referring to the memories. Are you still getting these errors when booting into System Services?

Message PR1: Replaced part detected for device: DDR3 DIMM(Socket A3)

Message PR1: Replaced part detected for device: DDR3 DIMM(Socket A6)

Message PR1: Replaced part detected for device: DDR3 DIMM(Socket B3)

Are you still getting the fatal error?

This system detected a fatal error and has halted.

If yes, please perform a power cycle:-

1. shutdown server, unplug the power cord(s)

2. press and hold the power button for 30seconds

3. reseat the power cord(s)

Power up the server again and see how it goes.

By the way, are you getting any error code or message from the front LCD panel?

Let us know how it goes.

March 13th, 2012 23:00

Hi guys

thanks for your replies!

OK I realised the errors were likely reporting some errors with the RAM chips, so last night I used the hardware diagnostic utility in the USC and performed all the tests.  There were no errors reported so I'm assuming the hardware is in relatively good shape.  But those notifications do still appear yes.  They're an odd message as they aren't really worded as an error, however still show me every time I boot into the System Services.

I'll try the power cycle you mentioned (removing the power and flushing the machine with the power button) - thanks, I'll let you know how that goes.

I've spent most of yesterday and today trying to download the SUU ISO's from the Dell FTP site with no luck at all.  No matter what method I use to download the files they always drop out at around 500MB.  I've tried Filezilla, FTP command line, wget, through Firefox etc.  I'll try again from home tonight however there appears to be something up with the site (at our office anyway).

I'm currently trying to use the Dell Repository Manager to download the updates and export to a bootable ISO.  So fingers crossed that works!



March 14th, 2012 01:00

I had the same issue and none of tips worked for me.

March 14th, 2012 01:00

I had the same issue and  none of tips worked for me.

web design miami

March 14th, 2012 17:00

Still had NO success is what i meant in my first sentence :)

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