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This post is more than 5 years old



February 28th, 2010 20:00

Dell certified drives only with PERC H700?

I have been reading and seen mentions of the PERC H700 only accepting Dell certified SATA drives. Is this the case? I have a PE1900 I am trying to replace with 6x SATA drives in there and would hate to buy new ones...just because....

Thanks for any info!

9 Legend


16.3K Posts

November 15th, 2011 14:00

I realize that post is directed at Dell, but just let me clarify that "we" are not Dell. Dev Mgr and myself do not work for Dell.  As users like you, we simply have been through much of this before and are here to help ... where possible ... if possible.

Take care!

12 Posts

November 15th, 2011 15:00

I do beg your pardon and my humblest apologies, read your title as Development Manager. Thanks for listening.. It's 1am in the morning so I wish you a good night.

18 Posts

November 15th, 2011 16:00

As an aside regarding the drive firmware revisions, I'm using non-certified drives in three Dell servers, and the server update DVD happily recognized and updated the firmware (various manufacturers) on all of the drives, certified or not. It sure seems like the non-certified drives are remarkably similar.

My PE2900 has been running for 2 years 24/7 and I ordered it with 2x250 SATAs for a RAID 1 (certified), and then added 6 (gasp) non-certified WD drives that I ordered online from (insert your favorite online computer retail store here).com. at less than 1/2 the price.

Guess which one failed first? Yep, the certified drive.

12 Posts

November 16th, 2011 08:00

Have ordered the "certified drives" from Dell :-)  the last thing I suppose is to offer the drives I purchased to whoever wants them at a good price. So have 12 ST3600057SS 15.7 k SAS drives and 6 ST 34500057SS  15.7 SAS drives. Drives are brand new and never used.  Will put them on Ebay, see you guys and thanks for the journey.

Have a beautiful day.




6.2K Posts

January 5th, 2012 17:00

Let me clear up any confusion that may have been caused by this old thread coming back to life.

When the H700 was intially released it would not allow the use of non-Dell drives.  Non-Dell drives would be listed as unsupported and put into a non-usable state by the controller.  The first firmware update after RTS for the H700 removed this functionality.  Any H700 purchased at this time should not report drives in an unsupported state because of the vendor.

If you have drives reported as unsupported by the H700 then update the firmware on the H700.  If the drive continues to be listed as unsupported then there may be a communication failure between the drive and controller, or the drive may be faulty.  Please contact support to troubleshoot the issue if the problem persists.


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