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June 29th, 2022 03:00

Dell Support Assist and Dell Update failed - Inspiron 3881 desktop with Win 11-21H2

Dear all:

After the previous Dell Update problem I had with Win 11-22H2 build, when I rolled back the Win 11 build to 21H2, all works again.

Just today, SA popped a note to upgrade to latest version. I'm currently on v3.10.4.18. So I did, then things just fell apart. Not only the update failed (unable to complete update, please reboot your PC) -- but now Dell Update also failed (Dell Command Update UWA v4.4.0).

Searched and tried all leads, none works. Even uninstalled My Dell v2.0.30.0 and reinstalled it. All but the Support Assist link works.

For SA problem (failed update, then failed to run, failed to reinstall), I tried as much as ensuring no system files are corrupted (SFC, DISM, chkdsk /f), and ensuring I tried all suggested fix on the Dell Support Video (Support Assist fail to install) - none helps.

For Dell Command Update UWA v4.4.0, reinstalling clean also failed (after clearing all related registry entries and related folders/files). I viewed the log, and it listed a long string of numbers (like 10-12 digits) as return error code - exactly the same as I had before, when having problem installing it under Win 11- 22H2 build. Best to say it is inexplicable error code.

I even tried to log in Windows with a backup admin account, and try to reinstall SA and Dell Command Update UWA. Same results, didn't work.

Any ideas? 

55 Posts

September 1st, 2022 09:00

Bro, care to elaborate?

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