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This post is more than 5 years old


March 27th, 2014 04:00

Windows Server 2012 and WinXP remote desktop problem

I am having this problem for a month now, and i am stumped with trying to find an answer . I have talked with several network admins in my area and with no luck i have not found a solution. I have a windows server 2012 placed with 5 pcs that are connected on a local network , those 5 pc's connect to the server via remote desktop. List of pc's:

1x Windows 7

4x Windows XP SP3

All have the latests network drivers, all have the latest version of remote desktop installed. All have been scanned for viruses. All have antivirus software.

Problem is the 4 XP machines lose connection on when connected via remote desktop. If one starts losing connection the other 3 start to lose the connection aswell. The windows 7 machine is not affected by this it works fine.

What have I tried:

Scanning for viruses.

Disabling Firewall and antivirus software.

Updating all drivers.

Did many changes to group policy like keepalives etc.

Turning off SMBv2 SMBv3.

Turning off network adapter Offload settings.

Changed some registry settings like keepalive, smb etc.

Updating every pc and server with all windows updates.

Changed the router and switch.

Port forwarded needed ports like 3389.

Updating remote desktop version to 7.0.

I might be forgetting some stuff i will add as i remember anything.

So the thing is this. I use a Windows XP machine from my office I remotely connect to the server via the Internet and I DO NOT experience any connection loss. BUT the XP machines on the local network constantly experience connection loss via remote desktop. I pinged every Machine from the server via CMD command PING. So when they lose connection the Packets get time outs . Packets get dropped between 1-10 packets when a connection is lost. This packet drop does not occur when using the internet or anything else. ONLY when connected to the server via remote desktop. The packets get dropped at random intervals.

Problem is I use an XP machine and I am not experiencing any loss of connection , while the XP machines on the local network experience it , but not the windows 7 machine.

Router is ASUS RT-N53 , and switch is Dlink DES-1008D. Server is a Dell PowerEdge T110 II.

Can someone please tell me what can i do to solve this problem?

10 Posts

March 31st, 2014 06:00

So today got some word from their office. They were using RDP from 8AM until 12PM all was working fine. Then got back after lunch about 1PM and got a few connection lost errors when they tried using RDP again. Its weird since they didn't have disconnects in the morning, and started having them after lunch.

4 Operator


1.8K Posts

March 31st, 2014 10:00

Have you tested the cabling, one bad wire is all it takes, and I have seen it affect specific machines/OSs. Same for NICs gone south, but bad NICs are extremely rare.

By chance do you have a managed switch?


10 Posts

April 1st, 2014 02:00

did a wireshark test today, got some duplicate ack's and tcp retransmissions.

Posting links to wireshark screens:

Nope switch is unmanaged D-link Des1008 , i dont have the means of testing the cabling , as some go through wall jacks, i dont really know what kind of testing equipment i would need for that.

10 Posts

April 9th, 2014 00:00

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