11 Posts
DELL EMC RP4VMs Communication Error between Plugin Server and vRPA Cluster
Hi DELL EMC Community,
I have a challenge, i have deployed Recover point for Virtual machines successfully but when i browse HTML5 plugin server, i get error "All of your vRPA clusters are unreachable. some information maybe missing" i browsed Dell website [https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000180047/recoverpoint-for-virtual-machines-plugin-server-data-not-present], i did what DELL EMC advised to do but error is still there, its really giving me sleepless nights as project is failing to start off,
Any who has gone through this same experience please, kindly help me how you got solution to this because its really tight on my side and i urgently need some solution,
11 Posts
November 12th, 2021 00:00
Hello DELL EMC Community,
Any one who faced such issue or is facing such issue, i found a solution,
Solution is, just ensure that the Network LAN connectivity is fine and the vRPA Cluster IP address is free and communicating well on the LAN, issue we had was LAN communication so we changed the vRPA Cluster IP to another working IP ADDRESS during vRPA Cluster installation and configuration, the vRPA Cluster was able to communicate fine with vCenter Server and the PLUGIN SERVER was able to see and communicate with the VRPA Cluster,
so issue was NETWORK COMMUNICATION ERROR, so incase any one experiences the same issue, check your NETWORK CONFIGURATION especially the VRPA Cluster IP ADDRESS,
11 Posts
October 11th, 2021 02:00
Hey Dell Community,
you mean no one has experienced the above issue in Recover point for Virtual machines,