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December 4th, 2013 14:00

Is "Bridged" mode supported for WAN COM?


​I've been going through VPLEX training and also reviewing the Excel document "IPComConfigWorksheet" to better understand how IP based WAN COM works/is supported.​

​In this Excel spreadsheet, I see that both "Bridged" (Layer 2) and "Routed" (Layer 3) scenarios are included. The spreadsheet frequently refers to "Bridged" mode as used for Proof of Concept and Test deployments, which I completely understand. However, my question is: ​​does EMC fully support VPLEX WAN COM connectivity across Bridged connections in ​​Production​​ deployments​​? For example, the customer gets a couple of Layer 2 WAN circuits, where each ISP supplies a switch at each site, and the Layer 2 VLANs are "stretched" across sites for each of the WAN COM port groups. Fully supported? Or must customer introduce Layer 3 routing between sites?​



12 Posts

December 5th, 2013 19:00

Bridged mode across two independent layer 2 connections is supported.

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